Connecticut school shooting: Lawmakers offer prayers amid calls for gun control

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%40 of gun sales occur with no criminal background check.

I, and many have no problem with gun ownership, but there should be no problems with sensible regulations.

Law abiding folks should be able to obtain the guns they desire, but there is not problem with waiting period, limits of number of guns for a given period, and, certainly for universal criminal background checks.
Where are you getting that stat from?

My son just got his first shotgun this summer and had to have a background check. No waiting period though.
No, but thats no reason to just throw your hands up and sell to anyone. Mandatory criminal background checks, psychological evaluations as part of the permit process, and legal liability for the vendors would go a long way. If a gun vendor knew he could go to jail for selling to a suspicious person then he’d think twice before selling his wares to the shifty-eyed guy in a trench coat.
There are mandatory background checks and it is illegal to sell to a prohibited person.
No, but thats no reason to just throw your hands up and sell to anyone. Violent crime will always happen but that doesn’t mean we should enable it through negligence. Mandatory criminal background checks, psychological evaluations as part of the permit process, and legal liability for the vendors would go a long way. If a gun vendor knew he could go to jail for selling to a suspicious person then he’d think twice before selling his wares to the shifty-eyed guy in a trench coat.
I agree.
Atheism is the problem? You can’t honestly be serious. That statement is about as asinine as the people yelling for gun control (because you know criminals follow the law). Secularism is not the problem and strict gun control is not the answer.
No it’s true, they talked about it on the news, when the country had more faith, we didn’t have as many of these kinds of incidences. The country needs to turn to God, Our Lord Jesus Christ.
According to historical statitics, 140 years ago there were more guns in the hands of more people…with less tragic occurances as we saw today.
That’s right. Despite how popular culture has portrayed the American frontier, it was not nearly as violent as they imply.
And guess what? It was also quite common for children in rural areas of the country at that time to have at least one in thier group (usually the oldest boy) who would carry a firearm when they walked to school. The old “Little House on the Prarie” used to crack me up when they showed little girls walking through the woods to thier one room schoolhouse…with NO GUN. I guess if they saw a hungry bear they were outta luck.:rolleyes:
In fact, one common sight in frontier one room schoolhouses was a box by the door where the students would leave their firearms when they entered the school.

Now, I say all this to illustrate that we are now living in a different world.
That generation is long gone, and so are their values. To expect the same kind of reasoning in today’s world, is simply lacking in historical understanding.
Our Constitution, with its second Amendment, was written for a moral people.
It was NOT written for a barbaric people. For a barbaric people would simply abuse it and ignore it…sound familiar?
We will see tougher gun laws whether we like it or not.
Does it bother me? Make me sad? Yeah.
Surprise me? No, not really.
I hope they round up the guns and dump them into the ocean.

I don’t care what argument anyone uses or what anyone thinks of me. I hope they outlaw them, round them up, melt them down and make shopping carts out of them.

I hope they round up the guns and dump them into the ocean.

I don’t care what argument anyone uses or what anyone thinks of me. I hope they outlaw them, round them up, melt them down and make shopping carts out of them.

Do you hope they do the same for cars when there is vehicular homicide?
Atheism is the problem? You can’t honestly be serious. That statement is about as asinine as the people yelling for gun control (because you know criminals follow the law). Secularism is not the problem and strict gun control is not the answer.
We have become a Godless people…I would say that is a huge problem.
I hope they round up the guns and dump them into the ocean.

I don’t care what argument anyone uses or what anyone thinks of me. I hope they outlaw them, round them up, melt them down and make shopping carts out of them.

And put the 10 commandments in every classroom and above the doorways of any school too!
I hope they round up the guns and dump them into the ocean.

I don’t care what argument anyone uses or what anyone thinks of me. I hope they outlaw them, round them up, melt them down and make shopping carts out of them.

And then?
Your’e the second to bring up Mexico. Why? Their laws in general are hardly enforced. What the US needs is much stronger enforcement of existing gun control laws and additional laws establishing screening methods and legal liability for selling guns to suspicious persons.

And many more who have died because anyone can get a gun.
Hyperbole. Any person wishing to purchase a firearm must submit to an instant computerized bacground check for criminal behavior or reported mental/emotional problems.
The shooter in Oregon was 23, this one was 20 or 24, whichever brother it is. That’s interesting. The shooter in Colorado? Again, similar age. Loughner in Az who shot Giffords and the rest of the poor victims?? It is interesting. One could also point to other things, male, some were white, the Oregon fellow may have some Polynesian/Asian. etc.
Why is the study primarily on gun control? We need same studies on how much violent TV, violent video games these people are exposed too. In matters of government protecting citizens, we need to examine what social influences lead to these violent acts.

My religious nut in me is telling me that God must be sending another child of importance that the evil one is trying to eliminate (like Moses & Jesus).
Guns aren’t the problem but lax gun control laws are. Allowing any yahoo who happens to walk in the door to buy a gun is insane.
It is difficult to discuss it after such a heartbreaking event but you are quite mistaken. Please define “yahoo”. Do you mean someone with a felony record, a record of domestic violence or a person who has been adjucated as insane? These are prohibited from buying guns. Also prohibited guns are teachers and other staff who are left helpless at the hands of monsters.
%40 of gun sales occur with no criminal background check.

I, and many have no problem with gun ownership, but there should be no problems with sensible regulations.

Law abiding folks should be able to obtain the guns they desire, but there is not problem with waiting period, limits of number of guns for a given period, and, certainly for universal criminal background checks.
UK has tight gun control laws, a taxi driver, Derrick Bird killed 12 people with a gun and injured 11 others. Bird’s certificate for his gun had been renewed multiple times

Anders Breivik in Norway killed 69 with an illegal gun

A person who wants to commit a crime with a gun may not be stopped by a background check as they might have a previous clean record or a fake ID or they could steal someone else’s gun

Required background checks before buying a gun has nearly doubled in last 10 years
Guns are not the problem.

Secularism, entitlement, atheism, materialism and other such words are the main issues with this country and it’s violence.

The vast majority of legally bought weapons are owned by responsible gun owners. My husband and I included.

I’ve said this so many times…law abiding citizens will never benefit from more gun control. Bad guys will be bad guys and will find a way to break the law.
I totally agree with this… guns are not the problem… a few years ago in Belast N Ireland and man made a home made flamethrower and took it into a primary school… It was horrific… In Scotland another person took a machete into a school… If i am remembering right this was the Dunblane Massacar… its not guns… its people… In the wrong hands a stick is a weapon… Something is very very wrong and evill in society, If there were no guns the same person would find another way to do what he done…

I pray for the dead and their families… and I pray that God will have mercy on the person who did this… And I pray that the gov will look into the real reasons for this sort of thing and not just look at gun laws… Our society is disintegrating … Materialism … atheism… and secularism are the true evils in our society…
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