Connecticut school shooting: Lawmakers offer prayers amid calls for gun control

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I didn’t say you haven’t. Why is everyone so defensive? 🤷
Because your post sounded like you are the only one who would think of praying. You made a broad statement that included every poster here.

No offense intended.
Law is not a deterrent; it only exists to provide justice in the aftermath of a crime that has already occurred. We shouldn’t enable criminals by giving them guns on demand in the first place.
Who is giving criminals guns on demand? (outside of the Obama admin in the cases of Syria and Fast + Furious, of course)

80 Million other gun owners didn’t commit a crime in the US today.
How would you take action to enforce those kind of laws here?
All of the things I’ve already mentioned, a stronger response to illegal gun ownership and sales, charges of domestic terrorism instead of murder when such crimes occur etc.
We are truly are a culture of death. The events of this day are beyond our comprehension, yet we are a nation that glorifies death. More than half of us fight to keep abortion legal, we desensitize our young through violent video games, we desensitize movie goers through an onslaught of violent movies. We glorify war, we have jet flyovers at football games and at baseball games. Place all of that against a background of a people who have stopped believing in God, and His laws, and you get a culture that looks pretty much like what we see.
Guns are not the problem.

Secularism, entitlement, atheism, materialism and other such words are the main issues with this country and it’s violence.

The vast majority of legally bought weapons are owned by responsible gun owners. My husband and I included.

I’ve said this so many times…law abiding citizens will never benefit from more gun control. Bad guys will be bad guys and will find a way to break the law.
youve got to be kidding, guns should be banned period. public safety is more important than being able to shoot beer cans in your backyard.
All of the things I’ve already mentioned, a stronger response to illegal gun ownership and sales, charges of domestic terrorism instead of murder when such crimes occur etc.
I don’t think anyone has an issue with that. The problem the usual response is “more laws” and for some reason only the law abiding citizens are affected.
youve got to be kidding, guns should be banned period. public safety is more important than being able to shoot beer cans in your backyard.
We gave away some of our freedoms with the Patriot Act and all the laws that followed (now the government can have a “file” on each American without a warrant and without just cause). Sorry, tragedies and sin suck and hurt, but we should never surrender our freedoms for the false sense of security. It always bites humans in the end when they do.
All of the things I’ve already mentioned, a stronger response to illegal gun ownership and sales, charges of domestic terrorism instead of murder when such crimes occur etc.
The question was “THOSE” kinds of laws, as in the laws that they have in Mexico. In order to affect gun laws that are on par with those of Mexico, it would require door to door raids and the threatened imprisonment of tens of millions of people in this country.

This would be a logistical impossibility considering the numbers we are dealing with.
So now you’ve jumped from “stronger response to illegal gun ownership and sales, charges of domestic terrorism…” to “ban all guns”.

Pretty easy jump, isn’t it?

I disagree. Only a slave can’t take up arms.
youve got to be kidding, guns should be banned period. public safety is more important than being able to shoot beer cans in your backyard.
Because gun ownership is more than shooting beer cans in the backyard. :rolleyes:

Just like freedom of speech means more than talking in your home behind a locked door.
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