Connecticut school shooting: Lawmakers offer prayers amid calls for gun control

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Maybe not banned, but there should be serious gun control. Look at gun control in every developed nation and they all have less gun homicides

Source: Stats Canada

In reality, nothing will be done. Nothing was done after Virginia Tech, the Tuscan shooting, the Sikh Temple shooting, or the Aurora shooting.
Lower gun crime in some other countries may not be due not that there is more gun control but that there is better enforcement from the police, people intelligence, and increased conviction rates

No evidence gun control works in America
In 2004, the National Academy of Sciences reviewed 253 journal articles, 99 books and 43 government publications evaluating 80 gun-control measures. Researchers could not identify a single regulation that reduced violent crime, suicide or accidents. A year earlier, the Centers for Disease Control reported on ammunition bans, restrictions on acquisition, waiting periods, registration, licensing, child access prevention and zero tolerance laws. CDC’s conclusion: There was no conclusive evidence that the laws reduced gun violence
No but they do have gun controls at airports, they even stepped that up since 9/11 and not too many complained about that.
Thats right I forgot about all those guns the terrorists used on 9/11…wait a minute…?
Then there will just be more shootings. The gun culture has brought more violence, not safety. Where’s the massive shootings in Australia, or England, or Canada? Nothing like what has transpired in the United States happens in these countries. Look at the source I provided
Would you prefer bombings instead?
False. More people own guns than ever before and the overall crime rate has gone down.
I didn’t say anything about crime, I’m referring to gun violence, which is massive in the United States compared to other developed countries
why cant you libertarians make a distinction between corrupt government and good government? government restrictions are not bad in themselves, they are only bad depending what is being restricted. remember, it was the republicans who introduced the patriot act.

true freedom is impossible. our faiith is submission to God, so you should kiss the idea of 'freedom" goodbye. true freedom is not even desirable, its much better to live in a morally responsible society than an anarcho-libertarian mad max style society.
Not a libertarian, usually vote Republican, but at the local level usually vote Constitution Party. I did not agree with the Republicans on the Patriot Act but since I worked for the Senate at the time, could not voice my opinion to my senators and representatives. But way to go on assuming there. Life will never be perfect because man is fallen. Our faith teaches us that. However, history teaches us that many, many, many atrocities happen under governments that take away freedoms from their citizens.
Bush didn’t end anything. Fast and Furious was a continuation of gun walking operations under Project Gunrunner that began under the Bush Administration and was put to an end under the Obama Administration.
Who approved Fast and Furious?
I don’t have any objections to using the Patriot Act to send the National Guard into the inner cities of this country to put an end to gang related drug and gun trafficking. They’re domestic terrorists and should be treated as such. 😉
Agreed. The few times it’s happened they don’t allow the National Guard to go fully armed.
I didn’t make that leap. I agreed that the right to life trumps the right to shoot beer cans. 😉
The democrats disagree with you. Believing in the right to life will actually get you listed as a potential terrorist by the Obama Department of Homeland Security.
Guns aren’t the problem but lax gun control laws are. Allowing any yahoo who happens to walk in the door to buy a gun is insane.
Right, because gun control laws stopped that terrorist attack in Norway a year and a half ago that killed more than 100 people…

Its not guns that are the problem, anyone who’s crazy enough to take another life won’t stop to think “maybe this is a bad idea” when illegally purchasing a firearm.

My thoughts and prayers go out to those effected, and I pray that no one from either side will try to politicize it.
BTW…if you actually are able to, somehow, get rid of the weapons in the country…I give you exhibit A

All you need is scrap metal, a hacksaw, drill with a drill press and a file.

Two weeks and about $50 to make.

Scary? You betcha. But this is a guy showing this off based on a British guy who developed this design and weapons are banned completely there
that is pretty scary. but it would still save a lot of lives. it would at least reduce the amount of homocides and gang violence. lol imagine the bloods and the crips having to go through all the trouble of making homemade weapons like that. do not tell that that would at least not HINDER crime. and let me ask you this, guns are legal now, yet how did it help those children this morning?
Lower gun crime in some other countries may not be due not that there is more gun control but that there is better enforcement from the police, people intelligence, and increased conviction rates

No evidence gun control works in America
False, Abyssinia. The stronger the control, the less the gun violence in developed nations. It’s a fact
that is pretty scary. but it would still save a lot of lives. it would at least reduce the amount of homocides and gang violence. lol imagine the bloods and the crips having to go through all the trouble of making homemade weapons like that. do not tell that that would at least not HINDER crime. and let me ask you this, guns are legal now, yet how did it help those children this morning?
How did all the pointless gun control policies in NJ and CT (the strictest in the nation) help them?

It certainly prevented any teachers from returning fire.
I didn’t say anything about crime, I’m referring to gun violence, which is massive in the United States compared to other developed countries
There were 300 gun control laws as of 1999. If gun control laws worked, there would be evidence that they worked but there is none

Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention on kids and gun said in 2000 than non gun homocide rate for children in America is more than twice as high than in other western countries
It doesn’t say a well regulated right to bear arms, so that’s irrelevant.
You didn’t adress how we get 80 million people to surrender their arms, to a police force nationally only numbering 700,000 and a military numbering 2 million. We couldn’t even disarm Baghdad and had to resort to letting every Iraqi household only having 1 fully auto matic AK-47, not the look alike semi auto ak-47s we have in this country
that is pretty scary. but it would still save a lot of lives. it would at least reduce the amount of homocides and gang violence. lol imagine the bloods and the crips having to go through all the trouble of making homemade weapons like that. do not tell that that would at least not HINDER crime. and let me ask you this, guns are legal now, yet how did it help those children this morning?
Actually imagine the money that will be made on the black market with a few guys in a garage that could make 20 + a day and sell them for 400 +
Bush didn’t end anything. Fast and Furious was a continuation of gun walking operations under Project Gunrunner that began under the Bush Administration and was put to an end under the Obama Administration.
Operation Wide Receiver ended in 2007, after they found the guns couldn’t be tracked well enough. Also, the 450 guns in Wide Reciever were (at least attempted to be) tracked, while the 2,020 guns involved in F+F weren’t even attempted.
I didn’t make that leap. I agreed that the right to life trumps the right to shoot beer cans. 😉
Oh, well why didn’t you say so? :rolleyes:
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