Noticed that too?So now you’ve jumped from “stronger response to illegal gun ownership and sales, charges of domestic terrorism…” to “ban all guns”.
Pretty easy jump, isn’t it?

Noticed that too?So now you’ve jumped from “stronger response to illegal gun ownership and sales, charges of domestic terrorism…” to “ban all guns”.
Pretty easy jump, isn’t it?
Yup. The end does not justify the means. Abolishing freedom in the name of safety is simply evil.We gave away some of our freedoms with the Patriot Act and all the laws that followed (now the government can have a “file” on each American without a warrant and without just cause). Sorry, tragedies and sin suck and hurt, but we should never surrender our freedoms for the false sense of security. It always bites humans in the end when they do.
BTW…if you actually are able to, somehow, get rid of the weapons in the country…I give you exhibit Ayouve got to be kidding, guns should be banned period. public safety is more important than being able to shoot beer cans in your backyard.
That would only take care of the legelly owned guns, what would you do about the illegelly owned guns?I hope they round up the guns and dump them into the ocean.
I don’t care what argument anyone uses or what anyone thinks of me. I hope they outlaw them, round them up, melt them down and make shopping carts out of them.
Maybe not banned, but there should be serious gun control. Look at gun control in every developed nation and they all have less gun homicidesyouve got to be kidding, guns should be banned period. public safety is more important than being able to shoot beer cans in your backyard.
I certainly hope nothing is done.Maybe not banned, but there should be serious gun control. Look at gun control in every developed nation and they all have less gun homicides
Source: Stats Canada
In reality, nothing will be done. Nothing was done after Virginia Tech, the Tuscan shooting, the Sikh Temple shooting, or the Aurora shooting.
Especially when you don’t even get the safety.Yup. The end does not justify the means. Abolishing freedom in the name of safety is simply evil.
Your proof of this is? Violence has been around since the beginning of mankindGuns are not the problem.
Secularism, entitlement, atheism, materialism and other such words are the main issues with this country and it’s violence.
Bush didn’t end anything. Fast and Furious was a continuation of gun walking operations under Project Gunrunner that began under the Bush Administration and was put to an end under the Obama Administration.Actually Bush ended his operation when he was president. Fast and Furious was all Obama and Holder. But don’t let anything like the facts disway you.
I don’t have any objections to using the Patriot Act to send the National Guard into the inner cities of this country to put an end to gang related drug and gun trafficking. They’re domestic terrorists and should be treated as such.The question was “THOSE” kinds of laws, as in the laws that they have in Mexico. In order to affect gun laws that are on par with those of Mexico, it would require door to door raids and the threatened imprisonment of tens of millions of people in this country.
I didn’t make that leap. I agreed that the right to life trumps the right to shoot beer cans.So now you’ve jumped from “stronger response to illegal gun ownership and sales, charges of domestic terrorism…” to “ban all guns”. Pretty easy jump, isn’t it?
why cant you libertarians make a distinction between corrupt government and good government? government restrictions are not bad in themselves, they are only bad depending what is being restricted. remember, it was the republicans who introduced the patriot act.We gave away some of our freedoms with the Patriot Act and all the laws that followed (now the government can have a “file” on each American without a warrant and without just cause). Sorry, tragedies and sin suck and hurt, but we should never surrender our freedoms for the false sense of security. It always bites humans in the end when they do.
why cant you libertarians make a distinction between corrupt government and good government? government restrictions are not bad in themselves, they are only bad depending what is being restricted. remember, it was the republicans who introduced the patriot act.
true freedom is impossible. our faiith is submission to God, so you should kiss the idea of 'freedom" goodbye. true freedom is not even desirable, its much better to live in a morally responsible society than an anarcho-libertarian mad max style society.
Laws prohibiting the behavior that is the problem are necessary. Laws that prohibit objects and place silly levels of bureaucratic red tape onto the folks who choose to follow them with the expectation that they will stop behavior are useless. People have been killing each other long before guns existed.
None of those other countries have a Constitution which guarantees a right to own guns. Strict gun laws would never last without a Constitutional change and that will never happen.Maybe not banned, but there should be serious gun control. Look at gun control in every developed nation and they all have less gun homicides
Source: Stats Canada
In reality, nothing will be done. Nothing was done after Virginia Tech, the Tuscan shooting, the Sikh Temple shooting, or the Aurora shooting.
If you go down that route how you can disagree that baseball buts, the number 1 weapon used for violent crime should be banned in the name of public safety or motor vehicles which kill more annually than guns?youve got to be kidding, guns should be banned period. public safety is more important than being able to shoot beer cans in your backyard.
Then there will just be more shootings. The gun culture has brought more violence, not safety. Where’s the massive shootings in Australia, or England, or Canada? Nothing like what has transpired in the United States happens in these countries. Look at the source I providedI certainly hope nothing is done.
Violence has been around since people began disobeying God, remember Cain and Able? Did he have a license for that rock?Your proof of this is? Violence has been around since the beginning of mankind
No but they do have gun controls at airports, they even stepped that up since 9/11 and not too many complained about that.Do you hope they do the same for cars when there is vehicular homicide?
False. More people own guns than ever before and the overall crime rate has gone down.Then there will just be more shootings. The gun culture has brought more violence, not safety. Where’s the massive shootings in Australia, or England, or Canada? Nothing like what has transpired in the United States happens in these countries. Look at the source I provided
Your Constitution says well regulated militia. Gun control can exist and it works. That’s a proven factNone of those other countries have a Constitution which guarantees a right to own guns. Strict gun laws would never last without a Constitutional change and that will never happen.![]()