Connecticut school shooting: Lawmakers offer prayers amid calls for gun control

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Atheism is the problem? You can’t honestly be serious. That statement is about as asinine as the people yelling for gun control (because you know criminals follow the law). Secularism is not the problem and strict gun control is not the answer.
Atheism is the problem…

lack of morals for people who don’t believe in God and think they can do whatever they want. They hold nothing accountable for themselves because there is nothing for them to hold accountable. They don’t believe in the ten commandments. They don’t believe in a higher power who will judge their actions.

I bet money that most of these rampage shooters are not devote anything and would consider themselves atheist.
I hope they round up the guns and dump them into the ocean.

I don’t care what argument anyone uses or what anyone thinks of me. I hope they outlaw them, round them up, melt them down and make shopping carts out of them.

And that will do what? Do you honestly think the criminals are going to turn theirs in too? :rolleyes:
I don’t have a horse in the gun control debate, don’t use them.

But I think the moral fabric has deteriorated, with things like abortion, etc.
Sadly, where I grew up, some son killed his parents but that is different than this as in going after the poor kids, heart breaking.
That do what, exactly, to the people who ignore them anyway (as you just pointed out)?
Why have any laws at all if some people choose to ignore them? Why not legalize murder and dissolve our police forces? After all, someone, somewhere, will break the law anyway.
how in the world do you control the amount guns that are already in circulation?

10 million AR-15s already in circulation. Which are the scary looking things that are always confused by the media as “machine guns.”

How about the actual number of guns in circulation? I’d say that equals one for every citizen of the US.

The US military only number 2 million if you armed every one of us…and a huge majority of the military aren’t trained to handle weapons efficiently. I’m in the Air Force and I go to the range and fire 20 rounds once a year.
Question to the gun control supporting people:

Should there more controls on who can buy a baseball bat, the number 1 weapon used for violent crime, which you do not need a background check to buy?

Motor vehicles kill more children annually than war and guns, should there be more controls put in place as to who is allowed to buy a car or should cars be banned?
Why have any laws at all if some people choose to ignore them?
Laws prohibiting the behavior that is the problem are necessary. Laws that prohibit objects and place silly levels of bureaucratic red tape onto the folks who choose to follow them with the expectation that they will stop behavior are useless. People have been killing each other long before guns existed.
Perhaps, everyone that posted here will stop over in the prayer intentions section and post a prayer for the victims and their families. There is a thread already begun. Right now, that would be the thing to do.:gopray:
I don’t have a horse in the gun control debate, don’t use them.

But I think the moral fabric has deteriorated, with things like abortion, etc.
We are truly are a culture of death. The events of this day are beyond our comprehension, yet we are a nation that glorifies death. More than half of us fight to keep abortion legal, we desensitize our young through violent video games, we desensitize movie goers through an onslaught of violent movies. We glorify war, we have jet flyovers at football games and at baseball games. Place all of that against a background of a people who have stopped believing in God, and His laws, and you get a culture that looks pretty much like what we see.
Laws prohibiting the behavior that is the problem are necessary. Laws that prohibit objects and place silly levels of bureaucratic red tape onto the folks who choose to follow them with the expectation that they will stop behavior are useless. People have been killing each other long before guns existed.
Law is not a deterrent; it only exists to provide justice in the aftermath of a crime that has already occurred. We shouldn’t enable criminals by giving them guns on demand in the first place.
BTW…if you actually are able to, somehow, get rid of the weapons in the country…I give you exhibit A

All you need is scrap metal, a hacksaw, drill with a drill press and a file.

Two weeks and about $50 to make.

Scary? You betcha. But this is a guy showing this off based on a British guy who developed this design and weapons are banned completely there.
Perhaps, everyone that posted here will stop over in the prayer intentions section and post a prayer for the victims and their families. jThere is a thread already begun. Right now, that would be the thing to do.:gopray:
Of course, prayer is the best recourse.
Perhaps, everyone that posted here will stop over in the prayer intentions section and post a prayer for the victims and their families. jThere is a thread already begun. Right now, that would be the thing to do.:gopray:
How do you know we haven’t already?
Law is not a deterrent; it is a response to a behavior we already know will occur. Law only exists to provide justice in the aftermath of a crime that has already occurred. We shouldn’t enable criminals by giving them guns on demand.
Please explain to me how criminals are able to buy guns legally.
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