Connecticut school shooting: Lawmakers offer prayers amid calls for gun control

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So, they both were pro choice and I didn’t vote for either. Did you vote for a pro choice person? Now, explain how that affects a gunman walking into a school and shooting 20 5 to 10 year old kids? Oh, I forgot, gun rights first!
So why wouldnt you shoot the guy shooting kids?

Do you believe a baby should feel safe in the womb of their mother??

Let’s be consistent then. I understand this is an emotional issue for you!

Though it is off topic, let’s not forget those who would like to be seen as standing up for life now, indeed did not seem to have such positions in the past.
Sir, what are insinuating with this post?
Is it that some of us posting this thread are not pro life in our political positions.?
If that is so you are way out of line. Peace, Carlan
So, they both were pro choice and I didn’t vote for either. Did you vote for a pro choice person?
Obama is surely grateful to you for that. I voted for Romney because Planned Parenthood said not to vote for him.
Now, explain how that affects a gunman walking into a school and shooting 20 5 to 10 year old kids? Oh, I forgot, gun rights first!
I wasn’t the one who brought up Romney and Obama. I was only responding to what you said about Romney.
Prodigal, what we would like to know is exactly WHAT gun control changes you are proposing.

Or are you seeking to change them simply to change them, with no thought as to what would be effective in combating the type of violence we saw today
We require drivers of vehicles to have licenses. Gun owner’s should be held to the same standard. They should prove an ability to use a gun safely, and register all guns. Then hold them accountable if their gun is used in a crime. If we can’t trust people to control their own guns, then let our law enforcement control them and we have to check them out to use them. Or, another poster mentioned controlling ammo. That might be a solution.

What effective combating took place in this instance? Any instance where the gunman kills himself after taking the lives of others? It appears whatever we’re depending on now is not working.
Obama is surely grateful to you for that. I voted for the one who Planned Parenthood said not to vote for. I wasn’t the one who brought up Romney and Obama. I was only responding to what you said about Romney.
Good for you. Now what is your stand on other life issues? And yet again, don’t even mention the passage you tried to pass off as ‘pro armed’ by Christ.:rolleyes:

This is why people don’t take ‘pro life’ people seriously. They say anti abortion and call for the death penalty, wars, and gun rights in the face of mass killings. Pro life? Really?
FWIW, in most of the U.K. police do not carry firearms.

Many believe it would engender public fear if they did so.
Also FWIW, the Vatican has one of the finest armed security forces in the world and the Swiss Guard carry Sig Sauer’s.
We require drivers of vehicles to have licenses. Gun owner’s should be held to the same standard. They should prove an ability to use a gun safely, and register all guns. Then hold them accountable if their gun is used in a crime. If we can’t trust people to control their own guns, then let our law enforcement control them and we have to check them out to use them. Or, another poster mentioned controlling ammo. That might be a solution.

What effective combating took place in this instance? Any instance where the gunman kills himself after taking the lives of others? It appears whatever we’re depending on now is not working.
Must be Saturday Night in Liberal Fantasyland


Then what is that acceptable number? What if your child was one of the count?
An acceptable number is one. The one who wishes to take innocent life. But that can only happen if someone is there to stop him and that someone needs more then words. That’s what I hear coming from most of your posts…words. Empty ones at that.
I would hope you would stand with me to prevent as many incidents like this from even happening.
Maybe you posted it, but I didn’t see it. What is your practical plan to prevent this from happening? And by the way, I believe the guy could have been possessed by a demon.
Or if your child was in danger, would you not want me, and my weapon there?
He already said that protecting kids with a gun would be eye for an eye…

and that is against Scripture, Besides under his plan - if danger comes your way,
you have to go to the Police and ask for your gun.



My stand on all life issues is exactly what it says in the Catechism of the Catholic Church, Evangelium Vitae, and Humanae Vitae.
Vote for the candidate that would lessen abortions, but don’t give up any gun rights that might lessen unnecessary killings?
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