Actually, there is no way the state cannot encourage (though not force) virtue and does just that with many of its laws prohibiting vice. Many of our older citizens can remember in their youth when certain things were prohibited by the state that are now actually aided and abetted by the state. Whereas pornography used to be rare because it was prohibited, it now floods our culture because the state has made it legal. Whereas marijuana used to be rare because it was prohibited, it is now commonly used because the state has made it legal. Whereas divorce used to be difficult because the state made it difficult, it is now more common than marriage because the state has made it legal, and with its legalization all kinds of unanticipated consequences have created moral and educational and financial havoc in our society. Whereas abortion used to be rare because the state prohibited it, it is now not only common but supported by taxpayer contributions to Planned Parenthood which is a homicidal criminal syndicate butchering babies for their body parts.Hi meltzerboyAnyway, Christians should work to convert hearts, and then virtue will follow. The Law of the state forcing virtue doesn’t lead to virtue: just unhappy people.
Christi pax,