I’m sorry, you choose to ignore the fact immoral sexual activity leads to disease (aids, HIV). That those diseases effect Homosexual men and other immoral people more then other population groups because God is punishing that sin. That those diseases effect people outside of the group of homosexual men, even though they committed no sin. You choose to ignore the facts, which makes you wrong, not me. Billions of dollars spent fighting an epidemic spread primarily by immoral activity. Maybe if you keep saying I hurts no one, you will start to believe it, but when you stand before God you won’t be saying it. Nature says its wrong and the Church says its wrong and God says it wrong.
You have a few problems here.
Firstly, you seem to think that sin is just about sex. I say that because it it mentioned in every one of your posts. It isn’t, but you seem fixated on it.
Secondly, you seem to think immoral sex concerns homosexuality. It doesn’t. Yet you refer to it constantly.
Thirdly, you seem to think that homosexual sex only involves men. It doesn’t. You always mention male sex but never female. Isn’t that a little sexist?
Fourth, you have absolutely no idea what I do in the privacy of my home. And I mean absolutely none. You are making assumptions and all of them are wrong. I mean literally all of them. I guess you could ask me, but you don’t have that right.
Fifth, you seem to believe that immoral sex spreads disease. It doesn’t. Sex with multiple partners is likely to do that, at least on the assumption that one partner has a communicative disease.
So you are not doing too well at the moment. The examples that you have given for potential harm are not applicable to me in any way, shape for form. They are wrong. So I will ask you again, so you can have another attempt:
If I do something immoral, in private, with my partner, what harm is going to come of it? You’ll have to give different reasons that your failed attempt earlier because, as I said, they were all wrong.
And secondly, assuming that you consider what I do to be your business, how does that manifest itself? What are you going to do about it?
And how are we going setting up your wife with access to the forum? I’d hate to think you were being less than honest earlier.