Conservative Catholics Ready to Rumble with Dissenters over Homosexual Priest Ban

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The lines are being drawn:
Conservative Catholics Ready to Rumble with Dissenters over Homosexual Priest Ban
By John-Henry Westen

VATICAN, November 18, 2005 ( - Less than two weeks away from the widely rumoured November 29 publication date of a new Vatican document dealing with homosexuality and the priesthood, dissenters from the church’s stand against ordaining homosexuals - among them priests and bishops - have taken their claims public. As reported, Rochester, NY Bishop Matthew Clark, and a former international leader of the Dominican Order have publicly endorsed ordaining homosexuals despite long-standing Catholic discipline against the move. (see coverage: [](<a%20href=> )

Full Story
Dear WanderAimlessly,

Count me in as a Conservative Catholic ready to rumble! Thanks for bringing this article to my attention! 👍

~~ the phoenix

I got your back on this one…count me in on the fight.

Lets get it on! I hope the dissenters openly schism!

Raus! Raus!!!
Me too, any waffling on this issue, and the Catholic Church in America becomes irrelevant. This is the bellweather issue, so let’s pray that Pope Benedict issues this statement with clarity, conviction, and conciseness, no equivocation, no nuance, no ambiguity. I’m ready and willing to fight as a part of the Church Militant;however, I won’t be able to if the general gives fuzzy marching orders.
Let me get this straight (no pun intended!):

The dissenters in this case are those who don’t want homosexuals ordained as priests.

The conservatives are those who do want the priesthood to be open to the homosexually inclined.
Rumble…sashay…call it what you will.
If they are fast enough at rumbling and sashaying maybe the door will smack their a**** on the way through.
Folks are very tired of dissenters in the Church.
Let me get this straight (no pun intended!):

The dissenters in this case are those who don’t want homosexuals ordained as priests.

The conservatives are those who do want the priesthood to be open to the homosexually inclined.
Methinks you have it backwards my friend…

The dissenters want the Vatican to OK gay priests, and are willing to protest & out Gay Bishops.

The Conservatives DON’T want gay priests, and DO want the ones who have already slipped through to come out of the shadows. So we’re just fine with their protests and threats to reveal which Bishops are gay. Bring it!
Let me get this straight (no pun intended!):

The dissenters in this case are those who don’t want homosexuals ordained as priests.

The conservatives are those who do want the priesthood to be open to the homosexually inclined.
After reading the information contained in the origional post, my conclusion is that those that are liberal are saying they will protest the ban on “gay” priests. They want to allow them to serve as role models and leaders.

Conservatives will agree that homosexuals deserve to be treated with dignity, as does all humanity. But, not to be ordained as priests, nor should they be placed in places of responsibility inside the church. IMHO I think conservatives don’t want them as role models and leaders.

It is unfortunate that many of the American clergy (those from the 1960s) are trying to change Holy Mother Churches teaching on moral issues. But, it is a fact that the more traditional parishes are the ones forming the most potential priests for the future.
The Conservatives DON’T want gay priests, and DO want the ones who have already slipped through to come out of the shadows.
What about those who have been faithful to the Church- those who have defended the Faith? Those are going to be the ones they’ll run to the media about. One of the bishops in their younger days (could be 50 or more years ago) may have fallen away and joined the gay lifestyle for a time. Someone may remember (not likely, but they just might) them- and out them to the media- that is what we do NOT want? Why not? Because they have been faithful to the Church for many years, and everyone makes mistakes! There is no need to evoke shame in someone when they have reformed their life. The gay community does it out of hate- but we, as Catholics, certainly should not approve of that.
What about those who have been faithful to the Church- those who have defended the Faith? Those are going to be the ones they’ll run to the media about. One of the bishops in their younger days (could be 50 or more years ago) may have fallen away and joined the gay lifestyle for a time. Someone may remember (not likely, but they just might) them- and out them to the media- that is what we do NOT want? Why not? Because they have been faithful to the Church for many years, and everyone makes mistakes! There is no need to evoke shame in someone when they have reformed their life. The gay community does it out of hate- but we, as Catholics, certainly should not approve of that.
Frankly, I don’t want adulterous Priests, gay or not, to stay in the clergy. Yes we all make mistakes blah blah blah, but some types of mistakes, once made, are usually repeated. Besides, if a bishop is ‘formerly gay’ (whatever THAT means!) their sympathies will probably lie with the priests that are ‘struggling’ with the same problem they had. What we need now is tough love. Really tough. Things have gotten out of control. People have been too willing to be nice about it and let things slide. We need to cleanse the priesthood and the parishes of these dissenters.

Y’all that don’t favor a serious cleansing ought to read Peter Kreeft’s book “How to win the culture war”. He wrote about a conversation he had with a gay activist that really opened my eyes to this problem. You see, for gays, homosexuality is their religion. Bing gay is such a part of who they are that they will fight to the end to try to make it a valid ‘lifestyle choice’…
You see, for gays, homosexuality is their religion. Bing gay is such a part of who they are that they will fight to the end to try to make it a valid ‘lifestyle choice’…
Not for those who struggle with it, were once in the gay lifestyle, then saw how horrible it is and left it. They want to tell other people with their struggle how empty the gay lifestyle is- that through the Church they can find true happiness.

You say you do not want adulterous priests…

Fr. John Corapi has talked about the sinful life he lived quite a bit. King David had a guy murdered because he wanted his wife. So they messed up…yes it was wrong, but they repented.
Fr. John Corapi has talked about the sinful life he lived quite a bit. King David had a guy murdered because he wanted his wife. So they messed up…yes it was wrong, but they repented.
Yes. Father Corapi did some bad things- But he stopped, and doesn’t do them as a Priest. Priests need to be held to a higher standard. They are the best of us. Those who dedicate their lives to God. They need to be a shining example of what we sinners can be. I even believe that they shine all the more brightly as role models if they lived tarnished (former) lives.

The official Church position is against homosexuality. It always has been so. It always will be so. These men should not have slipped into the Priesthood in the first place…
If they are repentent and stop doing it that’s good. The Church is in business to forgive sins. If they don’t think it’s a sin (i.e. they reject the teaching of the Church) then they should not be priests. It seems that they are hell-bent on describing homosexuality as a condition. I think that it is a choice, and those who choose to do it become enslaved to a terible sin. They go to extreme measures to justify their sin and make people think it is normal, even good. We must fervently pray for deliverance from this destructive evil. People may say they’re pre-disposed to this activity but I would call it concupiscence and encourage them to seek the graces necessary to resist temptation. A lot of verbage has been passed around about this, but the Church simply cannot tolerate its clergy to promulgate that such an intrinsic evil can somehow be good.
If they are repentent and stop doing it that’s good. The Church is in business to forgive sins. If they don’t think it’s a sin (i.e. they reject the teaching of the Church) then they should not be priests. It seems that they are hell-bent on describing homosexuality as a condition. I think that it is a choice, and those who choose to do it become enslaved to a terible sin. They go to extreme measures to justify their sin and make people think it is normal, even good. We must fervently pray for deliverance from this destructive evil. People may say they’re pre-disposed to this activity but I would call it concupiscence and encourage them to seek the graces necessary to resist temptation. A lot of verbage has been passed around about this, but the Church simply cannot tolerate its clergy to promulgate that such an intrinsic evil can somehow be good.
It is not a choice- they cannot help which sex they are attracted to. Think about it, why would anyone choose to be attracted to people of the same sex when most people find it disgusting- and deviant or not, wouldn’t be able to stand having sex with someone of the same sex. Of course some probably just want to be deviant- but most just feel a certain way, they’re told it’s wrong, and no one tells them what to do about it- so they live in shame until they finally give in and follow whoever gives them some kind of an answer- whatever that may be (more often than not, it’s from the gay community- asking them to embrace the gay lifestyle). They can (and must, if they hope to be saved) help what they do about those feelings. Homosexual acts are mortal sins- I don’t think anyone here is disputing that (if they are, they shouldn’t bother doing it here- their efforts are in vain). With good catechesis- especially on the value of suffering and on the virtues of humility, chastity, and temperance, a good, strong prayer life, good, chaste friendships (of both sexes- learning how to relate to men is helpful to them- they cannot do so if they are only around women- and when you look at someone as a child of God who is working towards sanctity just as you are- it’s much harder to look at them through lustful eyes), good spiritual and emotional guidance, and the prayers of others, they can live a chaste life persuing holiness as we are all called to do. People who deny the teachings of the Church should not be priests- I don’t dispute that- I only consider those who do live up to the teachings of the Church- who simply have this particular cross to bear…and what a cross it must be.
It is not a choice- they cannot help which sex they are attracted to. .
Everyone is tempted to sin. Whether we acquiesce or not is our choice. Those who have been abused or whatever may have yielded to performing such acts without a fully informed conscience and become obsessed by it. People tell them *“that’s the way they are made”, *and"it’s ok", and they get really messed up with conflicting messages. The true message is that Christ offers forgiveness and through His Sacraments, grace to persevere in holiness. Those who, through difficulty, choose to reject this “lifestyle” (I think “deathstyle” is more apt) exhibit great courage that doesn’t get a lot of affirmation with all the “pro-gay” nonsense floating around.
I would think that a gay priest who managed to overcome temptation and remain chaste would be a good example to others with SSA.
I would think that a gay priest who managed to overcome temptation and remain chaste would be a good example to others with SSA.
It truly doesn’t matter what your opinion is. Rome has already spoken on this issue- the American Bishops, in all of their wisdom :rolleyes: , have decided to ignore it. :mad:

Religiosorum institutio
Instruction on the Careful Selection And Training Of Candidates For The
States Of Perfection And Sacred Orders
Sacred Congregation For Religious
February 2, 1961

*Religiosorum institutio [/quote said:

Advantage to religious vows and ordination should be barred to those who are afflicted with evil tendencies to homosexuality or pederasty, since for them the common life and the priestly ministry would constitute serious dangers.

and here’s the full document. Unchaste Priests (of any stripe!) need to be removed from the priesthood. Period. 👍
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