Conservatives Demand Kids of Gays be Expelled

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COSTA MESA, Calif. – Some conservative Catholic parents and parishioners have accused the Roman Catholic diocese in Orange County of violating church doctrine by allowing a gay couple to
enroll their children in a church school.

The group demanded that St. John the Baptist School in
Costa Mesa accept only families that pledge to abide by
Catholic teachings, the Los Angeles Times reported in
Sunday’s editions. Church doctrine opposes gay
relationships and adoption by same-sex couples.

The teachings of the church seem to have been abandoned,'' John R. Nixon told the Times. We send our
children to a Catholic school because we expect and demand
that the teachings of our church will be adhered to.’’

Catholic school officials rejected the demand, and issued a new
policy stating that a family’s background ``does not
constitute an absolute obstacle to enrollment in the

The parents’ demand was to prevent two adopted
boys whose parents are both men from attending the school’s

The Rev. Gerald M. Horan, superintendent of diocese
schools, said that if Catholic beliefs were strictly
adhered to, then children whose parents divorced, used
birth control or married outside the church would also have
to be banned.

This is the quagmire that the parents' position represents,'' he said. It’s a slippery slope to go

The boys’ parents, who enrolled their children at the
beginning of the school year, declined to comment to the

Some conservatives have promised to ask the Vatican to intervene
and some have threatened to pull their children from the
school. Others are worried the boys’ attendance will set a
precedent, saying their presence is part of a larger effort
by the gay community to change the church.
January 4, 2005


Some parents at St. John the Baptist School in Costa Mesa, California are upset that the school has enrolled two boys in kindergarten whose parents are homosexual men; they want the school to expel the students.

Catholic League president William Donohue spoke to this issue today:

“There are two issues here—one is a matter of principal and the other is a matter of prudence. There is a moral principle, expressed in Judeo-Christian thought, that the innocent should not be punished for the transgressions of the guilty. To be more specific, the prophet Ezekiel taught that it was wrong for children to suffer for the sins of their father. Applied in this instance, we can amend that to ‘fathers.’

“On a prudential level, it makes no sense to single out kids for retribution whose parents are gay. What should be done about kids who were born out-of-wedlock? What about those kids who have a father or a mother who is the town philanderer? Should we expel kids whose parents are cohabiting? Or are known adulterers?

“There is no fundamental tension between opposing gay marriage as a matter of public policy and accepting the children of gay parents in a Catholic school. Unfortunately, there are some who are so exercised about the former that it has clouded their vision about the latter.

“While this issue may be new, the core of the matter is not: priests have often been asked by morally delinquent parents to baptize their children, and in most instances the priests have rightfully obliged. Now just as the priest is in no way condoning the moral delinquency of the parents, school officials at St. John the Baptist are in no way condoning the lifestyle of the gay parents. And in both cases, the spiritual well-being of the kids is, or should be, the paramount concern.”
Wow this isn’t all that easy. While certainly ‘the sins of the fathers’ is antiquated and cruel, I wonder though how the children of two openly gay males will explain to the other kids why they don’t have a mommy. No she didn’t die, daddy didn’t divorce her, I just don’t have a mommy. I have two daddies. I think it’s really going to be tough for the children.

Frankly I don’t like seeing gays acquiring children through any means. That’s one of my major beefs with the homosexual activists. It cannot be good to, by definition, require a child to be brought up without a mother or a father. We have enough of this by accident to want to build it into the situation.

Lisa N
Uh-oh. I find myself agreeing with Dr. Donohue. Wow.

The kids shouldn’t have a problem explaining their circumstance. It’s California (with all due respect to Golden Staters, including my sister)!!

I hope the boy doesn’t get kicked out. He may get his parents to take their faith more seriously.St.Monica prayed years and years for her son,now he is a Saint. I would be more paranoid if one of the parents were teaching at the school:eek: God bless
I don’t see why the children shouldn’t attend school.

I also see that the men should expect a Catholic religious cirruculum to be taught- including about the Church’s stance on the homosexual lifestyle. However, since teacher are people, too, and will doubtless know about the background of the boys, will this cause a watering-down of the Churches stance?

Does any of this matter since it is kindergarten; would it fall under “creating scandle?”

Interesting to think about. I feel sorry for those boys :(.
I don’t see why the children shouldn’t attend school.
Me either. The children will suffer enough from being raised by homosexuals. What with the deck already stacked against them, refusing admission to the school only seems that much more thoughtless.

– Mark L. Chance.
This will probably shock most of you libs out there that know me as a fire-breathing, war hawk, staunch conservative…but I don’t agree with kicking the kids out. I don’t believe in punishing the kids for the sins of the father(s)…now if this were a Catholic High School or College and a member of the student body was a homosexual…then that would be debateable…but this is just absurd. With that said, I do not believe the school should alter the teachings of the Church by attempting to not offend these children…Catholic Doctrine, Dogma, Tradition, etc. must be upheld and not deviated from. By receiving an Orthodox Catholic education, they will learn what their father(s) are doing is sinful and an abomination…maybe it will even have positive effects…perhaps through the example of the children, these two homosexuals will realize they are committing mortal sin and change their lifestyle.

Finally I must also agree with something someone said earlier…I dont’ believe homosexuals should be able to legally be a guardian of a child…children need role-models, not sin models.
As a conservative, I believe the children should be permitted to attend the school.

Here is a good related article. It isn’t about gays, it’s about a stripper. However, the concepts and strong rationale for allowing the children to stay in the school are demonstrated.

The stripper and the Christian school
by Dennis Prager
June 2, 2002

The Capital Christian School in Sacramento, Calif., is faced with a real dilemma: Should it expel a 5-year-old girl whose mother is a stripper, and therefore sinning against Christianity (and any religion)?

The school has told the mother that since her finances are a problem, it would help with the daughter’s tuition and try to find the mother other employment. The mother at first refused the offer, and then she agreed in order to allow her daughter to stay for kindergarten graduation. After receiving national publicity, however, she posed nude for Playboy on the Internet.
What should the school do?

Continued at:
Honestly the best thing to do in this situation is to not penalize the kids in anyway, but the school must be vigilant in not promoting the lifestyle.

They shouldn’t allow people to say force books on the appropriateness of gay lifestyles on the school library or setup PFLAG organizations within the school or other similar things. It is one thing to accept the students, it is a totally different thing to accept the lifestyle.

Problems may occur at functions where the parents attend but the school can request prudence from the parents. Just like they can request a stripper not to show up in sexually revealing clothes, they can request the two dads not to do anything against church teachings.
gays should not be allowed to adopt/acquire trophy children, it is tough enough being a kid at school especially if you are the new one, never mind the one with two dads, don’t these people think of the children before they get the new gay fashion statement, if they want kids they should live a more natural lifestyle and recieve children the natural way
I agree
gays should not be allowed to adopt/acquire trophy children, it is tough enough being a kid at school especially if you are the new one, never mind the one with two dads, don’t these people think of the children before they get the new gay fashion statement, if they want kids they should live a more natural lifestyle and recieve children the natural way
gays should not be allowed to adopt/acquire trophy children, it is tough enough being a kid at school especially if you are the new one, never mind the one with two dads, don’t these people think of the children before they get the new gay fashion statement, if they want kids they should live a more natural lifestyle and recieve children the natural way
This is precisely why homosexual “marriage” is a bad idea. Children need a mother and a father, and such marriages would deny them one of the two. We’ve already seen the disaster known as fatherlessness, and we’d have to be crazy to experiment with motherlessness (on top of more fatherlessness) too.

However, keeping with the original thread, I pray those children can attend religious schools. They aren’t getting good parenting values from their “parents”, maybe religious leaders in the school can be a positive.
gays should not be allowed to adopt/acquire trophy children, it is tough enough being a kid at school especially if you are the new one, never mind the one with two dads, don’t these people think of the children before they get the new gay fashion statement, if they want kids they should live a more natural lifestyle and recieve children the natural way
My sentiments exactly! Talk about complicating matters, not to mention forcing children from day one to live without the impact of either mother or father.

Lisa N
This is precisely why homosexual “marriage” is a bad idea. Children need a mother and a father, and such marriages would deny them one of the two. We’ve already seen the disaster known as fatherlessness, and we’d have to be crazy to experiment with motherlessness (on top of more fatherlessness) too.

I am agreeing with you Jay and when I attended a Morals course for my diploma, the Holy Cross Father was bound and determined to say that there as many dysfunctional heterosexual marriages out there doing big time damage to the children that are born to them, the percentage would be the same coming from same-sex marriages. Couldn’t argue with him though…he was right and I was wrong…:crying:

However, keeping with the original thread, I pray those children can attend religious schools. They aren’t getting good parenting values from their “parents”, maybe religious leaders in the school can be a positive.

This is also my prayer…:blessyou:
This will probably shock most of you libs out there that know me as a fire-breathing, war hawk, staunch conservative…but I don’t agree with kicking the kids out. I don’t believe in punishing the kids for the sins of the father(s)…now if this were a Catholic High School or College and a member of the student body was a homosexual…then that would be debateable…but this is just absurd. With that said, I do not believe the school should alter the teachings of the Church by attempting to not offend these children…Catholic Doctrine, Dogma, Tradition, etc. must be upheld and not deviated from. By receiving an Orthodox Catholic education, they will learn what their father(s) are doing is sinful and an abomination…maybe it will even have positive effects…perhaps through the example of the children, these two homosexuals will realize they are committing mortal sin and change their lifestyle.
Finally I must also agree with something someone said earlier…I dont’ believe homosexuals should be able to legally be a guardian of a child…children need role-models, not sin models.
Though I don’t consider myself a “lib”, by most definitions, yes, I am shocked that I totally agree with you, since I seldom do.
That said, this is just the perfect example of the type of complications that arise from discarding morality, i.e., “homosexual adoptions”. (bring it on , Rosie!!!) These disadvantaged children deserve the best and since they are already beginning life with the deck stacked against them, here is an opportunity to TEACH them right from wrong. No Catholic docrine should ever ever be watered down and this is an excellent example of why it should not be.

Me either. The children will suffer enough from being raised by homosexuals. What with the deck already stacked against them, refusing admission to the school only seems that much more thoughtless​

Exactly. It’s a shame these two “daddies” did not do the proper action in the first place. Seek counseling for their disorder and create children in a heterosexual marriage or adopt in a heterosexual marriage. OR if they felt their condition could not be cured remain celibate and adopt.
Instead they would rather make a political statement by adopting children as a homosexual couple.
As a conservative, I also do not think the kids of such families should be punished. I think the parents of the children who are causing a fuss are doing more harm to their own children by teaching them that those children are “fordbidden” by the Church. Like previous posters said, divorced parents, stripper parents, heck, not going to Mass is considered a grave sin, and how many of them do you think are not guilty of that one? They should be putting more energy into teaching their children to LOVE THEIR NEIGHBOR AS THYSELF, right from wrong, and never disallow a child to recieve a Catholic teaching, merely because the parent is a sinner. We all are.

COSTA MESA, Calif. – Some conservative Catholic parents and parishioners have accused the Roman Catholic diocese in Orange County of violating church doctrine by allowing a gay couple to
enroll their children in a church school.

The group demanded that St. John the Baptist School in
Costa Mesa accept only families that pledge to abide by
Catholic teachings, the Los Angeles Times reported in
Sunday’s editions. Church doctrine opposes gay
relationships and adoption by same-sex couples.

The teachings of the church seem to have been abandoned,'' John R. Nixon told the Times. We send our
children to a Catholic school because we expect and demand
that the teachings of our church will be adhered to.’’

Catholic school officials rejected the demand, and issued a new
policy stating that a family’s background ``does not
constitute an absolute obstacle to enrollment in the

The parents’ demand was to prevent two adopted
boys whose parents are both men from attending the school’s

The Rev. Gerald M. Horan, superintendent of diocese
schools, said that if Catholic beliefs were strictly
adhered to, then children whose parents divorced, used
birth control or married outside the church would also have
to be banned.

This is the quagmire that the parents' position represents,'' he said. It’s a slippery slope to go

The boys’ parents, who enrolled their children at the
beginning of the school year, declined to comment to the

Some conservatives have promised to ask the Vatican to intervene
and some have threatened to pull their children from the
school. Others are worried the boys’ attendance will set a
precedent, saying their presence is part of a larger effort
by the gay community to change the church.
RIGHT ON FOR THIS SCHOOL AND BOO TO THE PARENTS!! its about time children stop being punished for their parents mistakes!! some members of the church have lost it! like these parents. what a witch hunt! i will pray for these poor parents and their children and that the school and the church be strong for them. a few overly zelous parents should not be allowed to set the school policies. what does that say about the church if we start shutting children out?
Though I don’t consider myself a “lib”, by most definitions, yes, I am shocked that I totally agree with you, since I seldom do.
That said, this is just the perfect example of the type of complications that arise from discarding morality, i.e., “homosexual adoptions”. (bring it on , Rosie!!!) These disadvantaged children deserve the best and since they are already beginning life with the deck stacked against them, here is an opportunity to TEACH them right from wrong. No Catholic docrine should ever ever be watered down and this is an excellent example of why it should not be.
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