Conservatives Demand Kids of Gays be Expelled

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I am agreeing with you Jay and when I attended a Morals course for my diploma, the Holy Cross Father was bound and determined to say that there as many dysfunctional heterosexual marriages out there doing big time damage to the children that are born to them, the percentage would be the same coming from same-sex marriages. Couldn’t argue with him though…he was right and I was wrong…/QUOTE]

Nothing wrong with being wrong. I frequently am.

While I do think that homosexual marriage would inflict even more damage to the children, I do think the heterosexuals in our culture need to take responsibility for the damage they inflict on their marriage–and consequently their children.

In any case, the school should allow these students. Conservatives can be wrong, and in this case this is one conservative that believes that the conservatives doing this are wrong. The kids need the God-filled education even more.
They aren’t getting good parenting values from their “parents”, maybe religious leaders in the school can be a positive.
quick question though. why would they not be recieving good parenting just because their parents are gay. some friends of my husbands family are a gay male couple and they attended our wedding in a Catholic Church. a huge risk for them, but they had that kind of care and concern for my husband and myself to show up to a church that as a whole has made them feel unwelcomed. that shows care and concern and self sacrafice for those you love. these two men are some of the most dear people i have ever met. quite frankly im tired of being made to feel guilty as a Catholic woman with a less conservative view on homosexuality. i dont believe they should be allowed to marry, adoption im up and down on. i think there are millions of unwanted children out there who would be fortunate to go to a couple like my in laws friends. but i dont think they should have the door slammed on their face. i think even God would be disappointed with the way some people in our faith treat them.
It is not our fault they live a life that is an abomination and we should not alter our doctrine to adhere to their selfish and hedonistic views…it is not a sin to be attracted to members of the same sex…it is a sin to indulge on those desires.
quick question though. why would they not be recieving good parenting just because their parents are gay. some friends of my husbands family are a gay male couple and they attended our wedding in a Catholic Church. a huge risk for them, but they had that kind of care and concern for my husband and myself to show up to a church that as a whole has made them feel unwelcomed. that shows care and concern and self sacrafice for those you love. these two men are some of the most dear people i have ever met. quite frankly im tired of being made to feel guilty as a Catholic woman with a less conservative view on homosexuality. i dont believe they should be allowed to marry, adoption im up and down on. i think there are millions of unwanted children out there who would be fortunate to go to a couple like my in laws friends. but i dont think they should have the door slammed on their face. i think even God would be disappointed with the way some people in our faith treat them.
The kids should be allowed in the school. The school should not compromise on Church teaching. The latter may be the underlying concern of the parents - which, if it is, they shouldn’t send their kids there.
gays should not be allowed to adopt/acquire trophy children, it is tough enough being a kid at school especially if you are the new one, never mind the one with two dads, don’t these people think of the children before they get the new gay fashion statement, if they want kids they should live a more natural lifestyle and recieve children the natural way
I will pass your thoughts on to my neighbors, two guys that saved a child from the abortuary by adopting her.

Sheesh, just when I was begining to think that conservatives were better than I would have thought.
quick question though. why would they not be recieving good parenting just because their parents are gay. some friends of my husbands family are a gay male couple and they attended our wedding in a Catholic Church. a huge risk for them, but they had that kind of care and concern for my husband and myself to show up to a church that as a whole has made them feel unwelcomed. that shows care and concern and self sacrafice for those you love. these two men are some of the most dear people i have ever met. quite frankly im tired of being made to feel guilty as a Catholic woman with a less conservative view on homosexuality. i dont believe they should be allowed to marry, adoption im up and down on. i think there are millions of unwanted children out there who would be fortunate to go to a couple like my in laws friends. but i dont think they should have the door slammed on their face. i think even God would be disappointed with the way some people in our faith treat them.
I don’t doubt that a gay couple can provied a good father, and that a lesbian couple can provide a good mother. Of course they can love their children, protect them, and teach them well. What a gay couple can’t be is a good mother, and what a lesbian couple can’t be is a good father.

There are many reasons children are without a mother or without a father. Death, divorce, etc. Our acceptance of single motherhood by choice has left many kids fatherless. Our acceptance of gay marriage would make continue to make fatherlessness more common, and increase motherlessness–and it would do it by design.

So, to answer your question, it is not that they would not be receiving good parenting–it is that they would only be recieving good mothering, or only be receiving good fathering. The couldn’t be receiving both, in the same home, and that would be by design.
I will pass your thoughts on to my neighbors, two guys that saved a child from the abortuary by adopting her.

Sheesh, just when I was begining to think that conservatives were better than I would have thought.
I have a question. How do we know these parents are “conservatives”? Was every one of them polled to see how they voted or are we just assuming conservatives would do something unkind to kids? Seems like most “conservatives” disagree with these parents.
I have a question. How do we know these parents are “conservatives”? Was every one of them polled to see how they voted or are we just assuming conservatives would do something unkind to kids? Seems like most “conservatives” disagree with these parents.
I have the same feeling most of the time someone posts something about “liberals”.
So the child would have been aborted if the two gay guys would not have adopted her??? Unless their intent to adopt is the sole reason she is alive today, then your argument is null and void…the reason she is alive is the fact her mother valued her life and decided to deliver her and give her up for adoption…period. Unfortuneatly, the child was given to a gay couple instead of a straight couple.
I will pass your thoughts on to my neighbors, two guys that saved a child from the abortuary by adopting her.

Sheesh, just when I was begining to think that conservatives were better than I would have thought.
so can a child not be raised well by a widowed man or woman? my singlemother sister who got pregnant by her drug user/dealer abusive EX boyfriend whos now in prison not raiser her child better without this man in her life? im not trying to be confrontational im only curious as to your opinion or the Churchs. Thanks so much for your kind generous responses.
I have the same feeling most of the time someone posts something about “liberals”.
Yes - this is why I don’t like the labels either way.
so can a child not be raised well by a widowed man or woman? my singlemother sister who got pregnant by her drug user/dealer abusive EX boyfriend whos now in prison not raiser her child better without this man in her life? im not trying to be confrontational im only curious as to your opinion or the Churchs. Thanks so much for your kind generous responses.
You’re a kind person, I appreciate that.

Those situations are sad. However, they don’t deprive a child of a mother or father by design. Homosexual marriage does.

So the child would have been aborted if the two gay guys would not have adopted her??? Unless their intent to adopt is the sole reason she is alive today, then your argument is null and void…the reason she is alive is the fact her mother valued her life and decided to deliver her and give her up for adoption…period. Unfortuneatly, the child was given to a gay couple instead of a straight couple.
why is it unfortunate that an unwanted baby found a loving caring home?
Personally, I believe a single parent is a lot better than two gay parents…there are a lot of wonderful single parents out there…but that in no way is a subsitute for both a loving and Christian mother and father.
so can a child not be raised well by a widowed man or woman? my singlemother sister who got pregnant by her drug user/dealer abusive EX boyfriend whos now in prison not raiser her child better without this man in her life? im not trying to be confrontational im only curious as to your opinion or the Churchs. Thanks so much for your kind generous responses.
You missed the point of my statement…if there were other families…straight families wanting to adopt this child…then it was unfortunate that instead of a straight family…a gay family got the child.
why is it unfortunate that an unwanted baby found a loving caring home?
Well…in that case, God bless them…but that does not excuse their lifestyle and I will pray they will change it.
So the child would have been aborted if the two gay guys would not have adopted her??? Unless their intent to adopt is the sole reason she is alive today, then your argument is null and void…the reason she is alive is the fact her mother valued her life and decided to deliver her and give her up for adoption…period. Unfortuneatly, the child was given to a gay couple instead of a straight couple.
why is this unfortunate? an unwanted baby finding a loving caring home is unfortunate. its human urge to want to be a parent for most people not a fashion statement like someone mentioned before. the child was blessed not to live the next 18 and most crucial years of her life in a group home or being bounced from foster to foster. the worlds adoption programs are unfortunate. a baby being a black market trade is unfortunate. not this.
You’re a kind person, I appreciate that.

Those situations are sad. However, they don’t deprive a child of a mother or father by design. Homosexual marriage does.

understood. thanks Jay!
If these gay guys are really interested in giving “their kids” a Catholic education they wouldn’t have adopted them in the first place .

Seems more like a deliberate attempt to embarrass the Church.

**As none practicing Catholics, living in grievous sin, they should **agree to put them in a normal home.
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