Amen to all of that. I hope all those people who disagree with the Catholic Church over contraception will take this opportunity to read John Paul II’s works on why the use of artificial contraception is gravely sinful.The church’s position on contraception is correct! As for condoms and AIDs or other STDs, this has nothing to do with the Church’s position. Yes, AIDs is terrible but if people were not having sex outside the sacrament of marriage STDs would not be a problem. If people were (and they are) having sex outside of marriage, why would they be concerned about the issue of contraception. The Church and the original and more orthadox forms of non-Catholic Christianity and Judaism also oppose contraception and sex outside of marriage, so why go half way in what God has ordered you to do! People since the fall of Adam want what is easy and what feels good even though they are turning their backs on God! So why would they be worried about what offends God on one issue and not other issues! People should submit to God’s will and follow his rules.