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The church’s position on contraception is correct! As for condoms and AIDs or other STDs, this has nothing to do with the Church’s position. Yes, AIDs is terrible but if people were not having sex outside the sacrament of marriage STDs would not be a problem. If people were (and they are) having sex outside of marriage, why would they be concerned about the issue of contraception. The Church and the original and more orthadox forms of non-Catholic Christianity and Judaism also oppose contraception and sex outside of marriage, so why go half way in what God has ordered you to do! People since the fall of Adam want what is easy and what feels good even though they are turning their backs on God! So why would they be worried about what offends God on one issue and not other issues! People should submit to God’s will and follow his rules.
Amen to all of that. I hope all those people who disagree with the Catholic Church over contraception will take this opportunity to read John Paul II’s works on why the use of artificial contraception is gravely sinful.
Do you take medicine? How do you know that your illness is not God’s will, and that by taking medication, you’re thwarting God’s will?

THAT"S MAD… remember illness is the result of original sin…God did not create us with susceptibility to disease, so curing yourself is not opposed to God’s will

Contraception is saying NO to God’s will…it is denying Him the opportunity to create life if he wants…taking medicine doesn’t deny God’s will
I am married with three children. I had my tubes tied after the last one was born cesarean. However, that was before I became a Catholic. I’ve regretted the decision since the day I had it done, and wish everyday that I had the money to go back and reverse the process. I know God has forgiven me, but I still wish I could undo it. I always feel like I’ve cheated myself out of a blessing from God. I sometimes think about studying NFP and following it as penance, but I’m not sure how well that would work.

Scout :tiphat:
Not enough answers. I used contraception early in my marraige but now that I am much better educated on it, I wish I didn’t and if I had to chose again, I wouldn’t.
Ok, I am not married, but I plan to use NFP definately! Why talk away the gift He has given a man and wife??? stupid people who don’t get this! It is another form of abortion and killing… duh
The best way to prevent a pregnancy is abstinence. Ever since contraception has been used the divorce rate has gone up. Out of marriage, it’s a way from covering up the sin that you’re committing.

I can see if a lady has a cycle problem where she would need to use it for better control; but to use it to prevent a pregnancy shouldn’t be allowable. A couple put themselves into God’s hands when they commit into that act of self giving; they shouldn’t exclude God out (or play God) by using contraception.
I’m married. We started off with me on the pill, and then I went off it about a year ago so we could start trying for a baby. Even though we have yet to be successful with that, we have no regrets about stopping the contraception. I’ve informed my husband that we are not using anything but natural methods from now on and he fully agrees- aside from knowing we’re doing the right thing, sex is more fun this way, and I’m a lot healthier. I didn’t realize how much the pill had altered my body chemistry until I wasn’t taking it anymore. Scary.
That’s me! I took the pill for a couple of years, but stopped about a year and a half ago. Looking back now, I wouldn’t do it again, and we won’t ever do that again!

I didn’t vote b/c there wasn’t an option for “used to, but regret it.”
When you ask “what about…” What are you asking?

Are you asking if the Catholic Church bans condom use in Africa? 1ke is correct–it’s not a ban–it is a question as to what is morally correct, and the Church teaches the truth.

Or, are you asking if condom use in an attempt to prevent the spead of AIDS is also intrinsincally evil. The answer is still yes. If one accepts that the use of birth control is an act that says MY will be done, NOT YOUR will, God, and that it comprimises the gift of whole self giving, then any kind of BC for any reason is against God and makes us slaves to our own desires. That is dis-ordered. How utterly self centered to risk the very LIFE of your beloved to satisfy your sexual urge–and to double the insult with “against-life” contraception! God wants that???

As for Asia and Africa…What does being poor have to do with right and wrong? Are those poor people less able to control their sexual desires because of their economic situation? Are Asians or Africans less able to control themselves? To claim “cultural differences” make it necessary is, at its root, bigoted. God calls all to live according to His truth.

Abstinence, Self-control, and Fidelity in marriage is the way to overcome AIDS in Asia, Africa, and everywhere else. You want the cure for AIDS? Have people get tested before marriage and have a few generations live according to Catholic Teaching.
Well said, Felicity!
Ok, I am not married, but I plan to use NFP definately! Why talk away the gift He has given a man and wife??? stupid people who don’t get this! It is another form of abortion and killing… duh
This is shown in America. When the Anglicans gave in to modern “wisdom” about contraception in 1930, it wasn’t long until Protestants started accepting contraception and advocating it. Then, bam! In 1973, the Supreme Court undid several states’ prolife laws…Lord, have mercy on us!!
Here is my view on contraception…

Catholic teaching states abortion is a grave sin since it is the destruction of human life. You are right there are many Catholics who are wrongly practicing contraception. Catholics who pick and choose the elements of the church which they feel they want are called “Cafeteria Catholics”. These are not “Practicing Catholics”. Catholic teaching states Contraception is wrong but Natural Family Planning (NFP) is OK since God is still in control of the decision making process.

I look at human sexuality as having 2 variables. There is “gratification” & “openess to new life”. With contraception you want the “gratification” without being “open to new life”. I think if God wanted us to have one of these variables without the other, God would have created another action. God’s Natural Law has both “gratification” & “openess to new life” as ONE ACTION. Who are we to tell the Creator this was a mistake?

Those who feel contraception is morally OK must defend other sexual acts which takes the “gratification” but leaves the “openess to new life” behind like homosexuality (man & man), pedifilia (man & boy) & beastiality (man & animal) all of which are comdemned in the Bible. This is just the way I look at it.
Janet Smith: Contraception - Why Not? (Click on Life on the Rock#401 to Listen)

Life on the Rock #401.
**Fr. Francis Mary w/ Dr. Janet Smith. **
Originally aired: 3/3/2005
Theme: “The Moral Life Matters: The Contraception Trap”.

Contraception - Why Not? (by Janet Smith)

Contraception - Why Not? (The CD)

Sin of Onan: Genesis 38 (8-10)


3 Then Judah said to Onan, “Unite with your brother’s widow, in fulfillment of your duty as brother-in-law, and thus preserve your brother’s line.”


Onan, however, knew that the descendants would not be counted as his; so whenever he had relations with his brother’s widow, he wasted his seed on the ground, to avoid contributing offspring for his brother.


What he did greatly offended the LORD, and the LORD took his life too.

Birth Control Overview

Contraception & Sterilization Overview
**Some Forms of Birth Control Can Abort! ** (click on letter “C”, then click on “Contraceptives”.

CONTRACEPTION: It facilitates the kind of relationships and even the kind of attitudes and moral character that are likely to lead to abortion. The contraceptive mentality treats sexual intercourse as though it had little natural connection with babies; it thinks of babies as an “accident” of intercourse, as an unwelcome intrusion into a sexual relationship, as a burden. [Janet Smith, Ph.D.]

THE ABORTION CONNECTION: Birth control is a pro-life concern—for a variety of reasons.

THE PILL: Backers say the pill “prevents” abortion. But read the medical literature carefully—that isn’t true.

EMERGENCY CONTRACEPTION: The morning after pill, contrary to what you may have heard, does cause abortions.

DEPO-PROVERA: This injectible birth control chemical has side effects—and it can cause abortion.

NORPLANT: This birth control implant is the target of class-action lawsuits because of its reported side effects.

RU-486: Don’t believe those who say this is “birth control.” It’s a high-risk chemical form of abortion.

ANTI-FERTILITY VACCINES: Follow the logic: If a vaccine prevents a disease, fertility (a normal function), therefore, is a disease.

THE IUD: These devices irritate the uterine lining—leading to abortion.

SPERMICIDES: These chemicals are advertised as “safe.” False advertising?

SEASONALE: Promoters tout “only four periods a year.” But it can cause abortion.

THE CONDOM: Safe-sex promoters claim it is the best way to avoid pregnancy and disease. Not exactly.

Face it, Contraception is like a Bulimic! With *Contraception *people want the “gratification” but are not “open to life” which is contrary to God’s Natural Plan.

A Bulimic is similar since they want the “gratification” from food but then stick their finger down their throat because they do not want the “weight” which comes with it!!
There’s a major hypocrecy going on among us Catholics when some are against abortion but for contraception. Reality is that life begins in conception (even though some pills in the market are able to prevent this miracle, it’s still wrong)****, another fact is that sex is the beatiful act with two purposes: pleasure and pro-creation. People shouldn’t pick one, but take the whole package.
**If you believe in the magic of pills and support it, then you’re nothing but a selfish, self-centered person who is looking for your own satisfaction! **
after 36 years of marriage, having practiced various forms of ABC during that time, I can attest, as can every honest member of my generation (the fem-lib, boomer, sex revolution pioneers) that contraception is the hugest lie and deception ever foisted on the human race by the Deceiver and his minions. It is a sure prescription for family destruction, fractured marriages, and a simmering rage in menopausal women who know they have been used as sex objects for most of their adult lives. It destroys marital intimacy, and is the source of profound loneliness and isolation being experienced by many of those in my generation, including those of us who are still married. It is responsible for the high divorce rate, for the death-promoting ideology behind legalized abortion, and the cultural attitude that regards children as burdens rather than gifts. If you would like to torpedo your marriage before it begins, I suggest premarital sex and contraception.
Wow, truly brainwashed…

What do you say to the masses of teens who WILL have sex before marrige, no matter what you do. This statistic is not looking to change. 48% of Teenage boys are sexuality active. The statistic is only on the increase. Do you tell these massive numbers of children to not use Contraceptives? Is the alternative, parentless babies, better…At least it wouldnt defy the holy laws of your great bible

Family values is not the governments role in today’s society. Founded by non christians, it is not our job to tell parents how to bring up children. However, we can provide steps to prevent so many pregancies. Studies in Canada and Germany have shown, areas with condoms readily availible in schools, have dropped teen pregnancy down from around 35 percent to 24 in under one year of placement.

It is close minded and naive to dismiss something only because a a doctrine written thousands of years ago, proven outdated in thousands of sections, tells you a specific prohibition.
Wow, truly brainwashed…

What do you say to the masses of teens who WILL have sex before marrige, no matter what you do. This statistic is not looking to change. 48% of Teenage boys are sexuality active.
What do we say to those masses of teens? We say, exactly what puzzleannie said, which you quoted. And we say they are having sex in such high numbers due to the contraception movement. Down from 35 to 24%? Wow 11 whole percentage points. Those 24% are still people too. And they are making more little people. Condoms didn’t stop them. Condoms just made them take more chances.

I bought into your tired old story for many years. Guess what? Your way doesn’t work! So who’s brainwashed?
I’m not a Catholic but I’m married and I use NFP. I think if you look back at the history of how contraception became so popular, you can see satan’s handiwork in play big time. ABC has done so much to further the culture of death - even Planned Parenthood started out as a birth control only clinic.
I agree with it. I’m not married. I plan on using natural family planning for only grave reasons when I am married.
If one is in a valid Catholic marriage one does not have to worry of such things. If one is engaging in pre-marital relations and or is promiscuous the issue is not really whether or not you should use contraception…you obviously have other issues. And just because you are in a Catholic Marriage does not mean you have to have twelve kids…I have been married for twelve years and have three kids and one on the way…planned I might add. It’s all about responsibility.
Well I have seen these stats on Contraception a few times. Here are the studys …
  1. Married Catholics who Contracept have the same DIVORCE RATE as the general population at 50%.
Married Catholics who use Natural Family Planning have a DIVORCE RATE of 5%. This study may have an error rate of plus or minus 3%.

Anotherwords, Married Catholics who use Natural Family Planning are almost GAURANTEED TO BE DIVORCE FREE!!


Let’s talk about Sex Before Marriage…
  1. At a time when the current DIVORCE RATE is at 50% for the general population…
Those couples who Abstain From Sex Before Marriage have a 2% Divorce Rate.

Those couple who had sex before marriage but then later Abstained From Sex for 2 Years Before Marriage have a 5% Divorce Rate.

Therefore for successful Marriages we should be teaching our kids to Abstain From Sex Until Marriage.

These stats also show we need to follow our Cathechism & God does give us second chances.

For more information on Contraception please but Dr. Janet Smith’s CD named “Contraception: Why Not” at One More Soul .com.
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