Contraceptives in place of NFP/withholding sex

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It’s not an offer to leave I’m just surprised that you’d complain about something that is within your power to change.
What you’re talking about is the Monopoly view of sex: a fun game for two or more people that usually ends with hurt feelings. (Monopoly is actually an awful board game but you get the point.) With that view it’s difficult to see what makes sex so unique that it should be limited to married people or even limited to two people in committed long-term relationships. There should be as many options as preference or taste will allow.
Sir if I might ask? What is your authority to judge? You seem to be quite sure of your position. Have you really examined the initial post I made? Do you even understand.a doctrine (which can be altered and even dismissed) versus a dogma which is infallible? Contraception comes under the former. Before giving advice to possibly find another church look at what your own church teaches vs what it declared as dogma. Therefore my initial post to possibly reconsider the issue is not as blasphemous as your replies seem to imply.
Okay I see the problem now. It’s similar to the question of capital punishment and women’s ordination… It comes from a reductive idea of the deposit of faith and the Church as teacher, as if only “dogma” were what is infallible in the Church’s body of teaching. There is a long list of other categories (two other kinds of “de fide” teaching, then “proxima fidei”, “theologically certain”, “probable,” etc.)

Anyway the category of “doctrine” strictly speaking (which the immorality of contraception would be in) is something belonging to the ordinary magisterial teaching of the Church. It’s infallible, and must be held as true. Same for the above mentioned issues (and others - like abortion being murder, or the invalidity of certain attempts at sacraments, etc.).

The time for the reconsideration of the question has come and gone. St. Paul VI was playing the role of St. Athanasius - nearly every bishop and theologian of the 1960’s thought it was time to “reconsider” - but a few bishops held out… among them, John Paul II, and Fulton Sheen.
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I didn’t get my cycles back until 7 months postpartum, but after that, I had a chance at getting pregnant nearly every single month because my body was ovulating.
You ovulated before your first post-partum menstruation. Observing for that first ovulation is what can be tricky without an instructor.
I should say I ovulated for the first time at 7 months pp, almost exactly. And I know that due to observing a temperature shift and my monitor reading an increase in hormones that cause ovulation. All while in close communication with my instructor. 🙂
If you are blessed with another pregnancy in the future, I recommend investigating “ecological breastfeeding.” Get any of the books on this subject by Sheila Kippley if you want to learn about it. I won’t go into details here, but it is a form of breastfeeding that sets aside modern notions such as pumping, schedules, bottle-feeding, or introducing solid foods early.

This is not medical advice, but proponents of ecological breastfeeding claim that (if done correctly, according to the guidelines), it induces a period of natural infertility that lasts from 6 months to 2 years after the birth of the baby. My wife used ecological breastfeeding with our four children, and she experienced natural infertility (i.e., no monthly menstrual cycle) for 13 to 15 months after the birth of each child. Not only that, but she had a wonderful experience of bonding and closeness with each baby. In our experience, ecological breastfeeding is nature’s way of spacing children, and we consider it to be part of our practice of NFP.
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