Contradictory Religions Can’t All Be True

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Before the fluctuation there is nothing
So the quantum fluctuation came from nothing and had no cause and no catalyst?
BTW, is the philosophy of quantum field theory well understood and is there general agreement on its foundations and philosophical implications?
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Jesus the incarnation of the second person of the trinity who became a human being without ceasing to be gully God. when Jesus experienced death on the cross God did experience death but did not cease to live fully everywhere in the universe at the same time.
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Realize that theories include speculation
No. Hypotheses contain speculation. Only when there is sufficient supporting evidence does a scientific hypothesis get to the status of a scientific theory.
Even in a Buddhist universe material must have a beginning, where did matter originate , how did your scientifically proven chemical elements come about. Don’t duck and weave this question, your dismissal of it as ‘ irrelevant ‘ is yet another straw man by you.
In Buddhism such questions are indeed irrelevant. There are a huge number of such irrelevant questions in all religions. For example: “What, if anything, did Jesus have for breakfast 137 days after His 23rd birthday?”

The Buddha did not answer all possible questions, and he told us why:
At one time the Blessed One was staying at Kosambi in the Simsapa Grove. Then the Blessed One, taking a few Simsapa leaves in his hand, said to the monks: “What do you think, monks? Which are the more numerous, the few leaves I have here in my hand, or those up in the trees of the grove?”

“Lord, the Blessed One is holding only a few leaves: those up in the trees are far more numerous.”

"In the same way, monks, there are many more things that I have found out, but not revealed to you. What I have revealed to you is only a little. And why, monks, have I not revealed it?

"Because, monks, it is not related to the goal, it is not fundamental to the holy life, does not conduce to disenchantment, dispassion, cessation, tranquility, higher knowledge, enlightenment or Nibbana. That is why I have not revealed it. And what, monks, have I revealed?

"What I have revealed is: ‘This is Suffering, this is the Arising of Suffering, this is the Cessation of Suffering, and this is the Path that leads to the Cessation of Suffering.’ And why, monks, have I revealed it?

"Because this is related to the goal, fundamental to the holy life, conduces to disenchantment, dispassion, cessation, tranquility, higher knowledge, enlightenment and Nibbana, therefore I have revealed it.

“Therefore, monks, your task is to learn: ‘This is Suffering, this is the Arising of Suffering, this is the Cessation of Suffering, this is the Path that leads to the Cessation of Suffering.’ That is your task.”

– Simsapa sutta, Samyutta Nikaya 56.31
If you want to know the origin of the material universe then ask a cosmologist. She will explain in great detail the various hypotheses currently under consideration. Though I should warn you that you will need a lot of advanced mathematics to understand it. How good is your tensor algebra?
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even krauss admitted his nothing is something.
When did he admit that? Can you give a link?
so how did the first cycle start? or is inanimate-matter all eternal? that takes faith
There was no first cycle. The cycle is eternal.

Matter is not eternal. Only brahman is eternal - this is the impersonal consciousness of all existence.

That’s not exactly an improvement in the minds of the empirically minded. Not at all.
What does it mean to be empirically minded? Is reality limited to your ability to empirically verify? Or will you trust others who empirically verify?
What about love? Can you empirically verify that for us?
Challenge accepted!

Objective claims require objective proof.

Non-negotiable. Else you have exactly zero ability to know that reality is reality.

Love? Subjective construct. As a discrete, “in and of itself” object, it does not exist. You can’t fill a beaker with it. Put in on a scale. So on.
Yes, theories. And realize the theory of Evolution simply describes a process, it does not explain the origin of life or the cosmo.
It’s not meant to. The theory describes what it describes and nothing else.

On life’s origin, we’re getting very close. I’m confident I’ll live to see laboratory abiogenesis with organisms that many will have no choice but to deny as qualifying as organisms. Something that will look very similar to a perpetual organic chemical reaction, so long as the necessary (name removed by moderator)uts remain available.

On the universe? Who know. We can explain to the big bang and beyond that? My favorite theory is an alien with red hair and three butt-cheeks.
What’s pathetic is how atheists lower the bar to treat speculation as proof, yet raise the bar to infinity for all the obvious proof for God’s existence and go around making silly statements like Saying “there is no evidence for God“
What’s pathetic is what some theists claim as “evidence” for a god. “Look at the sunrise!”
“Look at how complex my eye is!” Vague things like that.
Interestingly, the man who proposed the Big Bang theory was a physicist who happened to be a Catholic priest.
Sure. The father of genetics was Mendel. Your point?
The Language of God about the his research in the genetic code of DNA.
The biological “language of God” on Earth is RNA. Just fyi. Preceded DNA.
Again, theories include speculation, and they try to explain something based on assumptions. From the assumptions follows a number of possible hypotheses. Also realize that there have been plenty of scientific theories in the past that were superseded and replaced by others.
In this Krauss basically admitted that when there is nothing, laws of quantum mechanics or some laws of physics do exist. This is not a material ‘something’ but the laws of physics.
do you mean Brahmā, the creator god in the Hindu Trinity? didn’t he start the cycle?
Actually I don’t mean Brahma. Brahma is a personal God. He is said to create the ‘physical world’ for a specific cycle of the universe. But even before Brahma and the other personal Gods, there is brahman which is an impersonal, infinite consciousness that remains even after the entire universe is destroyed (Brahma and the other Gods also disappear in the dissolution of the universe). brahman does not create the universe, the universe just appears out of him/it (very much like a quantum fluctuation) - so there is no intent or action.

BTW I am not an atheist.
My favorite theory is an alien with red hair and three butt-cheeks.
Why is it important that the alien had three butt cheeks? And what were the consequences of the appearance of this alien?
How can consciousness be impersonal. Does not the conscious state involve a person?
brahman is said to be totally beyond human comprehension - nobody can describe it. So Hinduism says it is impossible to give him/it any qualities, you can only say what he/it is not.

So he/it is neither a person nor a non-person, he/it neither One nor Many, he/it is even beyond good or evil.

Finally Hinduism states you can say only three things about brahman - it exists, it has consciousness and it is bliss.
What’s pathetic is what some theists claim as “evidence” for a god. “Look at the sunrise!”
“Look at how complex my eye is!” Vague things like that.
Again, the evidence for God’s existence permeates the cosmos itself. As for the complexity of the eye, that itself points to the necessity of a rational source, being that anything that has purposeful functionality has necessitates a rational foundation. The complexity of your shoe requires a rational source simply because it has purpose and functionality. Shoes, just like televisions and telephones and cars all evolve, but the key ingredient for that evolution is a rational source, in this case, the human mind.

But the fact that the cosmos is comprehensible through the logical language of mathematics is proof that the Cause of the universe is a Rational Source. Thus evidence of God permeates everything. The real issue is that for some, the word “God” triggers a psychological complex known as atheism. I suggest that for now, you replace the word “God” with “Rational Source” in order to make progress understanding the necessity for an Eternal Rational Being for you and I and existence itself to exist.
The biological “language of God” on Earth is RNA. Just fyi. Preceded DNA.
Yes; simply more evidence for the Eternal Rational Source.The com¡somos is made up of systems governed by laws; even you are made up of systems, both physical and spiritual, which are governed by laws.
If you want to know the origin of the material universe then ask a cosmologist. She will explain in great detail the various hypotheses currently under consideration. Though I should warn you that you will need a lot of advanced mathematics to understand it. How good is your tensor algebra?
Please stop being condescending and attempting to duck and weave out of the question by your last two sentences. Yet another strawman.

Again I am going to ask you, what is the buddhist explanation for how the first element in the periodic table came about, hydrogen.

We can fit second generation stars like our sun into the buddhist hypothesis
But how does buddhism, explain hydrogen, the very first element?
In Buddhism such questions are indeed irrelevant. There are a huge number of such irrelevant questions in all religions. For example: “What, if anything, did Jesus have for breakfast 137 days after His 23rd birthday?”
Yet another strawman, your example here is not going to answer the question.

So again, how does buddhism explain the first element , because, as we both know, matter can never be destroyed.

Copious quoting is meaningless if the quote cannot be discussed and is off topic to the question being asked. In your own words please.
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