Contradictory Religions Can’t All Be True

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the Mi’raj - the hadith on the second ascent to heaven - the word “ladder” is used.
Thank you. All I need now is for you to reference the ḥādīth, so that I may read it for myself. I have the major collections, o finding it should not be difficult.
Yes, I am aware of this. What puzzled me was your use of the word ‘ladder’. I’ve not come across that before.
Sure. It seems the underlying issue is that the Quran is your sole source of information on Islam.

The best one, for sure! But not the only one…


That’s not exactly an improvement in the minds of the empirically minded. Not at all.
What does it mean to be empirically minded? Is reality limited to your ability to empirically verify? Or will you trust others who empirically verify?
What about love? Can you empirically verify that for us?
the Mi’raj - the hadith on the second ascent to heaven - the word “ladder” is used.
Thank you. All I need now is for you to reference the ḥādīth, so that I may read it for myself. I have the major collections, o finding it should not be difficult.
Is this reference good enough:’raj
Sure. It seems the underlying issue is that the Quran is your sole source of information on Islam.

The best one, for sure! But not the only one…
The Qur’an is certainly not my sole source of information on Islam. Trouble is, none of my sources state that the Prophet (sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam) used a ladder to ascend to Heaven. I am bereft of such a source…please help me out 🙂
Thank you. God willing, I’ll read these more fully tomorrow, and come back to you. On first reading, I see no mention of climbing a ladder, but…my old eyes might well be deceiving me.
Thank you. God willing, I’ll read these more fully tomorrow, and come back to you. On first reading, I see no mention of climbing a ladder, but…my old eyes might well be deceiving me.
No ladder, but there is mention of some kind of steed (and saddle).
We have so much evidence for the theories of evolution that it’s not credibly considered in doubt anymore.
Yes, theories. And realize the theory of Evolution simply describes a process, it does not explain the origin of life or the cosmo. The theory of evolution is like describing a computer program and theorizing how the program works based on Speculation. As for God, there are plenty of intellectual proofs for God’s existence.

What’s pathetic is how atheists lower the bar to treat speculation as proof, yet raise the bar to infinity for all the obvious proof for God’s existence and go around making silly statements like Saying “there is no evidence for God“
As to the cause of that beginning?
Scientists will tell you that time and matter came into existence with the Big Bang. Logically the cause then is outside of time itself and outside of matter itself; this alone is evidence that the Cause is eternal (outside of time) and spiritual (outside of matter); Spiritual meaning rational as evidenced by the cosmos and all of the laws which govern it, which are comprehensible through the logical language of mathematics.

Interestingly, the man who proposed the Big Bang theory was a physicist who happened to be a Catholic priest. Also interesting is that the man who spearheaded the Human Genome Project which deciphered the logic behind the DNA Code was a former atheist named Dr Francis Collins; now a Christian, he wrote the book The Language of God about the his research in the genetic code of DNA.
God died in the cross.
I thought that God was an eternal living Being. Do you now say that God was dead?
i thought that this was the slogan of the atheists: God is dead.
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Thank you. God willing, I’ll read these more fully tomorrow, and come back to you. On first reading, I see no mention of climbing a ladder, but…my old eyes might well be deceiving me.
No ladder, but there is mention of some kind of steed (and saddle).
There must be some sort of literacy issue here… seriously.

If you want to say it’s figurative, cool. Religious texts are usually whatever we want them to be.

The hadith is called Mi’raj. That’s literally “ladder”.

Literally. 🤔
Yes, theories.
Evolution is a theory, just as the theory of gravity is a theory. In science, theory is as good as it gets. The next level down is hypothesis and below that is speculation.

“Theory” is one of those words where the technical meaning in science differs from the common meaning. The common meaning is more like “hypothesis”.
With the Buddhist universe being eternal, there is no requirement for creation. The question is irrelevant
Even in a Buddhist universe material must have a beginning, where did matter originate , how did your scientifically proven chemical elements come about. Don’t duck and weave this question, your dismissal of it as ‘ irrelevant ‘ is yet another straw man by you.

Again where did matter originate in your Buddhist universe. Every society and religion has a creation story, regardless of their place in space as an Abrahamic religion. What is the creation story for matter in yours
Like the Big Bang 😄
Sure, like the big bang. In Hinduism ( I am not so sure about Buddhism), the Universe is cyclical. The Universe periodically gets created and then destroyed and this continues endlessly. So the big bang was just the last beginning. There is no Single creation.
There must be a beginning point in every religion or culture before the recycling starts. Something comes from nothing, = starting point. What causes the something from nothing. That is physics , matter cannot be destroyed, even in a black hole.

A singularity, what is yours?
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