Contradictory Religions Can’t All Be True

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We created ourselves by our actions in our previous lives. Some humans were humans in their previous life, some were gods, some were animals or in one of the hells. Where you are born/hatched/etc depends on your actions to date. Further actions are up to you. Actions have consequences; better by far to know the consequences before you act.
Who created your first life, regardless of whatever form it took.
  1. Jesus is God.
  2. Jesus died on the cross.
Seems obvious that the Christian God can die.
On me has to understand who Jesus is. The whole point of the Incarnation was for God to take on a human nature for the sake of man. As man he could suffer and take on all the penalties of sin. In His human nature he was like all men except in sin. The doctrine of the Hypostatic Union teaches that Jesus is fully God and Fully Man. It was The Second Person of the Holy Trinity who took a human nature. As God He could not die; as man He could. Thus He suffered and died on the cross. As God he showed He had authority over death, and conquered death in behalf of all men. Thus those who believe, follow And obey Christ shall too be raised from the dead and live in eternal union with God.
AIUI, Christianity says that He is both: “Jesus is God” and “Jesus is man”.
Yes, but “Jesus is man” does not even imply that “Jesus isn’t God”. There is difference between contradictory and opposite statements.
Hence why Jews aren’t Christians. The idea of a perfect deity incarnating into an imperfect world is nonsense.

Like fish that bark and trees that meow.
Like fish that bark
I present you ( drum roll please)
the humble piranha, not only will it act like a rabid min pin, with needlesharp teeth, it barks.
I will admit to not getting close enough to it to personally confirm this. Piranha fanciers would though, and maybe Bond, James Bond in that piranha scene.
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Lol, and a tree that meows?

Point still stands that by their view a perfect thing cannot exist in an imperfect state.
Lol, and a tree that meows?

Point still stands that by their view a perfect thing cannot exist in an imperfect state.
Still googling that one. I found some trees with amazing bark 😂👍
If your religious views require hard evidence then you’d be a soft atheist.

No one can provide any. So don’t demand a standard you yourself cannot meet.
Nonsense. Reason remands the existence of a creator, much like how my reason alone can prove that you are a thinking human being even though I don’t see you and have never met you.
As for atheists, atheism is a psychological state of mind, it is not founded on reason.
As for Christianity this is founded on reason and divine revelation. It doesn’t take faith to believe in the existence of God, it takes reason. Faith in Jesus Christ means we trust in Him after He fulfilled hundreds of prophecies, performed miracles witnessed by thousands, showed authority over nature and life itself, and conquered death.

As for Buddhism, one has to understand that it is more of a philosophy than a religion; the problem with Buddhism is that it I s built upon the assumption that Hinduism is true, thus Buddhism attempts to escape the trappings of Hinduism and endless reincarnations, such as you as a human being dying and reincarnating as a different creature, such as a cockroach or something lower or higher. The problem with Hinduism is that it is based on myth and superstition, not reason or divine revelation.
Nonsense. Reason remands the existence of a creator,
Reason demands that effects have causes.

I came from my parents who came from theirs all the way back to an extinct ape, all the way back to a rat-like critter, all the way back to a reptile, all the way back to a fish, all the way back to a protist, all the way back to the first life, all the way back to the origin of the Earth and solar system, all the way back to the Big Bang.

As to what caused that? Anyone’s guess.
As for atheists, atheism is a psychological state of mind, it is not founded on reason.
No. It’s literally the state of not being convinced that there’s a god or gods. That’s it. 100%.
Faith in Jesus Christ means we trust in Him after He fulfilled hundreds of prophecies, performed miracles witnessed by thousands, showed authority over nature and life itself, and conquered death.
And I have terrific stories of other similar characters doing very similar works. Shall we call Baha’u’llah or Attis or Horus “messiah” as well? How about Muhammad climbing a ladder all the way to heaven. Amazing, right?
the problem with Buddhism is that it I s built upon the assumption that Hinduism is true,
Sure, like Christianity is built upon the idea that Judaism was true.
Who created your first life, regardless of whatever form it took.
At Savatthi. There the Blessed One said: "From an inconstruable beginning comes transmigration. A beginning point is not evident, though beings hindered by ignorance and fettered by craving are transmigrating and wandering on.

Assu sutta, Samyutta Nikaya 15.3
The Buddhist universe contains both material and spiritual parts. Some spiritual part is always present. The material part may not always be present. Life has always been present in the Buddhist universe, just as it has always been present in the Christian universe.
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There has to be a first, no previous actions, no previous life, I am curious to know how buddhism explains its original creation story.
Buddhism is not an Abrahamic religion; it approaches things differently. The point is not to look back into the past, but to escape suffering here and now:
[The Buddha said:] “The religious life, Malunkyaputta, does not depend on the dogma that the universe is eternal, nor does it depend on the dogma that the universe is not eternal etc. [many dogmas omitted here] Whatever dogma obtains there is still birth, old age, death, sorrow, lamentation, misery, grief and despair, of which I declare the extinction in the present life.”

– Cula-Malunkyovada sutta, Majjhima Nikaya 63
With the Buddhist universe being eternal, there is no requirement for creation. The question is irrelevant.
all the way back to a fish
You may believe that your ancestors were fish, but there’s certainly no hard proof evidence for this
As to what caused that? Anyone’s guess.
Scientists explain that Time and Matter came into existence with the Big Bang; thus the Cause of the Big Bang is outside of time and matter itself; this with the fact that the cosmos is comprehensible through the logical language of mathematics is basic proof that the Cause of the universe is an Eternal Rational Being.
No. It’s literally the state of not being convinced that there’s a god or gods. That’s it. 100%.
Again, atheism is a psychological state of mind founded in emotion, not reason. I recommend the book The Psychology of Atheism, by Dr. Paul Vitz.
And I have terrific stories of
Again, every culture since the dawn of humanity has reasoned a creator; this is simply because reason demands it. Thus reason alone can determine certain truths about God through studying nature I.e., But man is finite and God is infinite, thus man has formulated all kinds of Ideas about God based on legends, myths and superstition about who and what God is. Thus in order for Man to truly know God, It is God Himself who reaches down to reveal Himself to Man; this is known as Divine Revelation, which is recorded beginning in the Old Testament and culminating with the incarnation of Jesus Christ, a historical man who fulfilled hundreds of prophecies, performed miracles witnessed by thousands and showed authority over life and death and to teach us the good news of the gospels and the purpose of your existence.
Christianity is built upon the idea that Judaism was true.
Yes, Judaism was confirmed to be true by Jesus Christ, a historical person who fulfilled the hundreds of prophecies, performed miracles and rose from the dead, with witnesses to buttress everything. His impact on history was to split it in two. thus the supernatural events recorded in the Old Testament continued in the New Testament even into our days. Check out the Shroud of Turin, or read about the Miracle or the Sun at Fatima Portugal in 1917 witnessed by 70,000 people, or the countless other supernatural events that permeate Catholicism.
You may believe that your ancestors were fish, but there’s certainly no hard proof evidence for this
We have so much evidence for the theories of evolution that it’s not credibly considered in doubt anymore.
Scientists explain that Time and Matter came into existence with the Big Bang; thus the Cause of the Big Bang is outside of time and matter itself; this with the fact that the cosmos is comprehensible through the logical language of mathematics is basic proof that the Cause of the universe is an Eternal Rational Being.
You only hope.

Literally the only thing we reasonably surmise is that the universe had a discrete beginning.

As to the cause of that beginning? Yahweh or Ammon-Ra might be answers. But so can literally anything else we can imagine. Like another universe, for example.

We don’t know. It’s beyond the observable horizon. The main difference between me and you on the issue is that you see this as another opportunity to wedge a God of the Gaps into that knowledge gap.

The 20th century has beaten the tar out of that poor Guy, so I wouldn’t get your hopes up.
Again, atheism is a psychological state of mind founded in emotion, not reason. I recommend the book The Psychology of Atheism, by Dr. Paul Vitz.
From Oxford: “lack of belief in the existence of God or gods”

That’s it.
Again, every culture since the dawn of humanity has reasoned a creator;
You’re quite right. Atheism is not aboriginal to humanity.

Neither is Yahweh, for that matter. He came along as part of the polytheistic pantheon of the ancient Levant and eventually that religion dropped it’s other gods and only he remained - ushering in the age of Abrahamic monotheism (which, interestingly, wasn’t strictly monotheistic yet in the time Abraham was supposed to live).
…thus man has formulated all kinds of Ideas about God based on legends, myths and superstition about who and what God is.
Check out the Shroud of Turin,
Demonstrated as a medieval forgery over and over again…
or read about the Miracle or the Sun at Fatima Portugal in 1917 witnessed by 70,000 people,
And recorded virtually no where else.

70,000 devout Catholics saw what they wanted to see, exaggerating a local weather phenomenon like a parhelion or a dust cloud.

If a god exists and is solely Christian, makes me wonder about the miracles performed by non-Christians like Hindu guru Sathya Sai Baba, who performed many of the same “miracles” performed by Jesus of Nazareth, complete with witnesses - who have the distinct advantage of still being alive to testify to his supposed divine power.

Be sure - to an atheist, you’re not competing solely against the idea of there probably not being a god. You’re also competing with every other religious claimant out there.

Good luck.
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…The problem with Hinduism is that it is based on myth and superstition, not reason or divine revelation.
Sure there is divine revelation in Hinduism. The whole Bhagavat Gita is basically a treatise on life given by Krishna to Arjuna. We consider Krishna to be a divine incarnation like Jesus.

BTW, here is comparison between Hinduism and Christianity if you are interested:
Judaism was confirmed to be true by Jesus Christ, a historical person who fulfilled the hundreds of prophecies, performed miracles and rose from the dead, with witnesses to buttress everything.
The problem here is that the Jews of today do not accept this.
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