Fr. Robinson says:
What Catholics are held to believe from Genesis 1-3
What Catholics are held to believe from Genesis 1-3
- There is one God, outside of the universe, who created that universe from nothing, such that it had a beginning in time.
- God created man directly and Eve was formed from Adam.
- Monogenism – the entire human race has a single set of first parents.
- Our first parents were created in a state of original justice, with gifts of integrity and immortality.
- They fell from that state by sin and the wound of their sin was communicated to the entire human race.
A few good books on this topic I would recommend are the following:
A Compendium of the Doctrines of Genesis - Br. Charles Madden, OFM. - See:
A Compendium of the Doctrines of Genesis 1-11
In his foreword to Fr. Victor Warkulwiz's work, The Doctrines of Genesis 1-11, Bishop Robert A. Vasa wrote: Today the Catholic Church has well-developed theologies of redemption and sanctification but no well-developed theology of creation. That is because so many of her influential thinkers...books.google.com.au
The Realist Guide to Religion and Science - By Fr. Paul Robinson, - See:
The Realist Guide to Religion and Science
When peoples and civilizations, like our own, become irrational, it is usually religion or science that are at fault.therealistguide.com
That Catholics are to hold that God created man directly and Eve was formed from Adam. This isn’t true, as we are allowed to believe humans evolved or not believe it.A few good books on this topic I would recommend are the following:
A Compendium of the Doctrines of Genesis - Br. Charles Madden, OFM. - See:
A Compendium of the Doctrines of Genesis 1-11 - Charles Madden - Google Books
The Realist Guide to Religion and Science - By Fr. Paul Robinson, - See: