Abraham had 12 sons. Is the Church competent in mathematics? Did he actually have 11 or 13 or some other number?
Is this some sort of post-modern exegesis? Anyway, it’s too clever for me.
Genesis says Abraham had one son (his
only begotten son Isaac), or perhaps two sons if you count Ishmael (but then his mother Hagar was not Abraham’s wife even though Abraham was consorting with her at the insistence of his wife Sarah, so perhaps Ishmael doesn’t count; or perhaps he does), or maybe eight if you count the six sons of Keturah (Zimran, Jokshan, Medan, Midian, Ishbak, and Shuah), and why wouldn’t you? Keturah was a concubine but she was taken as his wife so why can’t her sons be counted? Anyway the answer is one or two or eight, but not 11, 12 or 13 if we are going to stick to Genesis.
Or wait, just had an idea: perhaps you are not working in base 10? So 11 in base 7, or 12 in base 6, or 13 in base 5 would be 8 sons in base 10. Or maybe you just confused the product of Abraham’s loins with that of Jacob? It’s a good thing that professing the number of Abraham’s sons correctly is not a matter of faith and morals and a requirement for salvation otherwise you’d be in trouble right there. Look, I’m just teasing you a bit - anyone can type x when they really mean to type y, and I’m sure you meant to write Jacob - I do it all the time.
Is the Church competent in mathematics? Well this matter of Abraham’s sons isn’t a matter of mathematics but of biblical knowledge, but to answer the question directly, I’d have to say no. The Church has no competence (or desire so far as I can see) to pronounce on mathematical propositions. No opinion from the Church on the proposition: “every simply connected, closed 3-manifold is homeomorphic to the 3-sphere”. As for the bible, it is practically devoid of maths apart from the approximation of pi to 3
Anyway, it seems to me that all these matters, the numbers of Abraham’s sons, the value of pi, the Poincare Conjecture, the position of earth in the cosmos, are not things that are necessary for salvation, nor are they things in which the Church is competent.
And who ever said the Church is restricted to faith and morals?
In dogma and doctrine? The Church?