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First of all, unions don’t have the ability to not allow anything. They can only bargain with management.

Secondly, you are full of horse hockey. I worked 20 years as a lady member of the Steelworkers Union (while raising my kids – successfully-- including one son a priest).

You also don’t know diddly about Southwest Airlines.
I see those 20 years taught you some quality manners.

Certainly not very good insight - you could double-check your data about my Southwest knowledge with my MBA prof that gave me an “A” in the project - oh, by the way, it was night school while I worked a full time job and supported a family.

Please stop your condescending dribble and your assumption that you are the only one that knows of work ethic and ethics in general. It is very un-becoming of a lady (steelworker/mother of a priest or not).
Teachers unions routinely oppose merit increases.
I love it when I agree with Zoot. It’s like opposite worlds coming together in harmony.
Did journeymen steelworkers have merit pay? How did it work?

When there was more work than the union could handle, did they open their doors to new members, or did they call in travellers?
You need to study up on the difference between a craft union and an industrial union.
You need to study up on the difference between a craft union and an industrial union.
Did the steelworkers have merit pay? How did it work?

When there is more work than a craft union can handle, do they open their doors to new members, or do they call in travellers?

Do craft union locals support or oppose non-union workers doing the same craft work in their area? Is this in keeping with Church teaching?

Do steelworkers locals support or oppose the employment of non-union workers by the company? Is this in keeping with Church teaching?

Does the Church teach that a worker has an obligation to join a union?
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