Could God eliminate all pain and suffering? why didn't he?

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If God doesn’t exist, his nature is irrelevant. Your inferral of my meaning of the word “nature” may be at issue here. You are the one who started talking about the “If God is good…” argument.
Anyone who says that suffering is an argument for the nonexistence of *x *is committed to some beliefs about the nature of x. Perhaps I am mistaken, and you weren’t implying that argument at all. If so, my apologies.
Quelle suprise - a theist demanding that an atheist prove a negative.:rolleyes: Of course it can’t be proven, but the absence of evidence of a higher purpose to the universe is good enough, for the same reason as the absence of evidence for unicorns is considered adequate reason for not believing in them.
Your statement was, ‘There doesn’t have to be a “why” to everything.’ I do not claim that there does have to be a why to everything. I am making no positive claims in this matter, because I don’t know. I am not trying to prove to you that God exists. I don’t care to prove that God exists. If you have truly availed yourself of God’s presence, and humbled yourself before Him, and He has not given you any assurance or knowledge of Him, and He continues to play possum in the future, then this would be an excellent argument for His nonexistence. But I cannot know that you are open to such an experience; I only know my own experiences.

All I’m saying is this: you say that there doesn’t have to be a why to everything. Many people think you are wrong; this is called the “principle of sufficient reason.” I don’t know if you are wrong. I am asking *why *you believe it. If you have no logical reason, I will consider it a dogma.
you can try tp put restrictions on the evidence all you want. but that wont make it go away or be easily dismissable.
How else can it be considered a prophecy? It’s like me saying, “One day, a woman called Betty will give birth to a son name Fred - he shall have red hair and an undershot jaw.” It’s not a prophecy, it’s an inevitability. Now, if a prophecy were made with sufficient accuracy, you would then need to prove that the ‘fulfillment’ wasn’t written by someone who decided to fabricate that fulfillment. On these basic premises, none of your prophecies can be held to have been fulfilled.
i can give you more sources on the mathematics of it, if you need them.
I’ve read quite enough, thank you.
yes, the Jews, the dead sea scrolls, and others, the website comments on the normal skeptical objections.
Okey-doke. My comments above hold true.
its not subjective, it refers to the minimal cause necessary to cause an event. thats just a plain out dodge. :rolleyes:
Ah, now we see where your interpretation of the PSR is influenced by your belief. You are interpreting “sufficient” as meaning “the faintest possibility.” I, however, take it at face value, and my meaning of “sufficient” veers more towards the sufficiency of evidence required in a court of law. It should mean, “beyond reasonable doubt.” This is what “sufficient” means when talking about the provenance of a particular assertion. I most definitely do not subscribe to your version of the PSR! (and very few people do, if you read up on it)
and the universe does necessitate G-d, id be interested in any explanation you have for our existence that doesnt necessitate a nessecary being.
Well yes, for us to exist it is necessary that beings exist. However there is no evidence, either empirical or logical, that God must exist. That’s sufficient explanation - we exist, but there’s no evidence that God does.
youve been given evidence, adress it. i expect you to actually know the arguments.
I’ve answered this in another thread. You are stating conjecture as evidence. It does not stand up to scrutiny as it boils down to baseless assertion. The fact that you believe it does not make it true.
years spent as an atheist had me sure religion must be full of it, when i realized, as have a great many atheists, that there was a G-d even if i didnt like it, rationalism is destroyed as a method to explore G-d. i lived by the sword of rationalism, i died by the sword of rationalism. it falls away where one begins trying to have a relationship with G-d. its just not much use there. one realizes the smallness of their intellect in the face of G-d.
Er, okay, whatever you say…:confused:
this is the beginning of the end for your atheism, as it was for mine, youll fight for a few more years, maybe decades, i did for about 10 years myself. it will eat at you though, that cause will forever pester you in the still of the night.
:rotfl:Your smug self-righteousness is hilarious. What on earth makes you think your vacuous arguments have changed my mind in the slightest? I am a rational being and I believe in what I can observe. If you want me to believe in something else, show me evidence for its existence. Despite what you may think, you have failed to do this.
now we just need to decide what that cause is. for that i think you may be best served by the various arguments from contingency.
An arbitrary assertion of what is contingent on what, is not a good starting point for any kind of conversion. I fully believe that all this is perfectly clear in your own mind, unfortunately from an independent and objective pov, there is nothing to substantiate your claims.
indeed not. if you have several dozen witness statements describing essentially the same series of events, then you have a very strong case. Scripture is little more than witness statements.
“He said that she said,” witness statements at best. Are they signed? Have the statements themselves been witnessed? Are any of the witnesses alive for cross-examination? No? Then it is not proof of any kind. If I turned up at a murder trial with a statement like, “The Janitor’s wife saw the car salesman kill the victim,” do you think the judge would wrap up and order the jury to convict the car salesman? No? Then why should your ‘evidence’ be any more privileged?
though i suggest that the universe itself is plenty of evidence for the existence of G-d.
Yes, you have suggested that. Unfortunately for you, suggestion is not evidence.
Explain how.
Prodigal Son was talking about “how come” our experience of certain things is the way it is. The question of “why” something it the way it is has connotations of intent, of higher purpose.

I’m just clarifying as I’m not sure Prodigal answered the question that was posed. I might be wrong, the question-poser would have to chip in here.
You assume the absence of God. I think it was quite reasonable for people to believe or infer the existence of atoms before they were discovered by science, even though they did not have the exact details. Of course, until they had empirical evidence they could not confirm their existence or their exact nature; but reasonable belief is not confined to the empirical method alone. God cannot be proven or disproved by the scientific method. However somethings, so long as they follow inferentially, necessarily or logically, are reasonable to believe without consideration to the empirical method. That other people have minds, is a reasonable belief. Such a belief might be wrong, but that doesn’t mean that its unreasonable to believe it. That physical reality cannot in principle account for its own existence including the laws of nature, is reason enough to believe that the explanation exists outside of physics. There is no good reason not to believe this. The only thing getting in your way is not rationality, but prejudice against a belief that does not suit your agenda.
Sorry, I got a bit lost in there - did you actually post a refutation of my statement?
Anyone who says that suffering is an argument for the nonexistence of *x *is committed to some beliefs about the nature of x. Perhaps I am mistaken, and you weren’t implying that argument at all. If so, my apologies.
You are mistaken, but no harm no foul. My point was that x doesn’t exist, so whether he caused suffering or not becomes a non-question.
Your statement was, ‘There doesn’t have to be a “why” to everything.’ I do not claim that there does have to be a why to everything. I am making no positive claims in this matter, because I don’t know. I am not trying to prove to you that God exists. I don’t care to prove that God exists. If you have truly availed yourself of God’s presence, and humbled yourself before Him, and He has not given you any assurance or knowledge of Him, and He continues to play possum in the future, then this would be an excellent argument for His nonexistence. But I cannot know that you are open to such an experience; I only know my own experiences.
And herein lies the problem - how could I do those things without a belief in God? And I can’t - I just can’t -believe in God without any evidence. If evidence were found - and I mean real evidence - you would see in me a very humble, contrite and apologetic man. A man who would be hoping that God would overlook my lack of blind faith due to my independence of thought and where it has led me.
But there is no evidence, so I’m not likely to change my mind, and any “availing myself of God’s presence” etc. would be hypocrisy of the highest order.
Purgatory here I come!!!😉
All I’m saying is this: you say that there doesn’t have to be a why to everything. Many people think you are wrong; this is called the “principle of sufficient reason.”
I think that you are using one of the strongest versions of the PSR, which doesn’t stand up to scrutiny. See my recent reply to warpspeedpetey in this thread - he has the same view on the PSR. The key word is “sufficient” and is clearly demonstrated within this thread to be extremely subjective. A further error that I think both you and WSP make is to interpret “Reason” as “Intent” rather than “Cause.” Or possibly it’s just that the word “why” is so ambiguous. Such are the vagaries of the English language, I guess.
I don’t know if you are wrong. I am asking *why *you believe it. If you have no logical reason, I will consider it a dogma.
I believe that God doesn’t exist, because I see no evidence for his existence, nor any logical necessity.
I believe that God doesn’t exist, because I see no evidence for his existence, nor any logical necessity.
I was asking why you believe that ‘There doesn’t have to be a “why” to everything.’ I repeat, I have no opinion on the matter. I do not hold to the principle of sufficient reason, neither do I discard it. Why do you discard it?

(If you say, “For no reason at all (not even a physical one),” perhaps you have demonstrated your own belief). 😉
I was asking why you believe that ‘There doesn’t have to be a “why” to everything.’ I repeat, I have no opinion on the matter. I do not hold to the principle of sufficient reason, neither do I discard it. Why do you discard it?
I don’t discard it at face value. I discard the version that effectively replaces “sufficient” with “any remote.” I like my “sufficient” reasons to be sufficient!
I don’t discard it at face value. I discard the version that effectively replaces “sufficient” with “any remote.” I like my “sufficient” reasons to be sufficient!
Fair enough. It’s laughable to me to think of God as remote, but I can’t change your worldview. (That should be an oil-change ad – “We don’t change your worldview, just your oil!”)
And herein lies the problem - how could I do those things without a belief in God? And I can’t - I just can’t -believe in God without any evidence. If evidence were found - and I mean real evidence - you would see in me a very humble, contrite and apologetic man. A man who would be hoping that God would overlook my lack of blind faith due to my independence of thought and where it has led me.
I can feel a definite level of sincerity here. I imagine you sense – although you need not admit to me (of all people!) if you sense it – that the existence of God would be a ground to your existence that you dare not even hope for.

This morning, before breakfast, I was feeling down. I am an existential person, and I just didn’t feel meaning in my life, and I didn’t feel the love of God. Like many Christians, the thought occurred to me: What if God doesn’t exist? I was, in short, afraid.

When I sat down to breakfast, I opened my Bible and saw the following words:
The fool says in his heart,
“There is no God.”
They are corrupt, and their ways are vile;
there is no one who does good.
God looks down from heaven
on the sons of men
to see if there are any who understand,
any who seek God.
Why did I flip open randomly to that passage? This is the type of evidence I have for God.

Please don’t think that I mention this as a criticism. I do not think that you are a fool ;), because you are saying with your *mind *there is no God. The passage says, “the fool says in his heart”. I believe that there are deep waters in each of us, and these deep waters are more important to listen to than the judgment of our senses.

“The heart has its reasons, which the reason knows nothing of.” - Blaise Pascal
                                                                  Originally Posted by **tonyrey**                     [](                 
             *Do you regret the fact that you were born?*
Would you agree that your reply implies you believe your life is valuable … and that other lives are valuable? If so, do you believe your judgment is arbitrary or rational?
It is not a question of failing to satisfy my belief but of failing to account for the facts. The belief that God doesn’t exist accounts for precisely nothing.
Nor should it. The absence of something should not, by definition, account for anything!
The absence of a Creator is not the absence of “something”. Belief in the absence of a Creator does not explain anything: it replaces an explanation of the universe with a void. Unless it is supported by an alternative explanation it is worthless.
Your inability to refute the fact that One Being unifies the diverse aspects of reality leads you to change the subject.
I really don’t understand your logic in presenting conjecture as fact. It is not fact - or at least it’s not proof - until you can show it to be true using empirical evidence.
There are diverse aspects of reality like persons, consciousness, creativity, free will, morality, the laws of nature, development and purposeful activity which are unified by the concept of a Creator. This is not a conjecture but fact. Without the concept of a Creator those aspects of reality are not unified.
No, you introduced the irrelevance when you asserted that God unifies the diverse aspects of reality. This is irrelevant because you have no evidence that he exists, let alone unifies anything.
The evidence is the orderliness of nature and creative, rational, purposeful activity for which no other explanation has been given.
And God explains nothing, because there is no explanation for God, nor evidence for his existence.
An infinite regress is less satisfactory than an Ultimate Reality which explains the universe in terms of its highest aspects than its lowest, i.e. persons rather than particles.
What is your alternative explanation? Do you regard the universe and its contents as self-explanatory?
I’m pointing out that claiming that the existence of logic does NOT presuppose a rational ultimate being, which is what you were implying.
If logic presupposes rationality and there is no alternative explanation of rationality it is follows that rationality presupposes a Rational Being.
It is not the logical position but the metaphysical position of the absence of God that is under threat because it lacks an adequate source of rationality.
Only if that happens to be your belief structure. It is not logically contingent.
If that is the case what is your belief structure? Your source of rationality?
No, that’s just what you’re inferring. What I am stating is that the universe is more efficient without having to have an infinitely complex entity having designed and built it.
Your precise words: “He didn’t because he doesn’t exist, x just happens,” is by far the most efficient** answer**." How can “x just happens” be an efficient answer? How does it advance our knowledge? How does it explain rationality and purpose? What new information does it give us? What opportunity does it offer for research? How can it be verified or falsified?
What I am stating is that the universe is more efficient without having to have an infinitely complex entity having designed and built it.
How precisely is the universe more efficient without a Creator? Does being irrational and purposeless make it more efficient?
Your zeal for atheism is so strong that you are unable to cope with the elementary logic that "x just happens" is not a logical deduction from "he doesn’t exist".
And if you read my post more carefully you will see that I didn’t make such a deduction, I just made two statements. It is you who inferred a logical link, therefore it is your logic that is questionable.
Why did you juxtapose two statements in one sentence if they are unrelated? You obviously believe both statements are true. What precisely is the relation between them? How do you proceed from one to the other?
How else can it be considered a prophecy? It’s like me saying, “One day, a woman called Betty will give birth to a son name Fred - he shall have red hair and an undershot jaw.” It’s not a prophecy, it’s an inevitability.
and then meet dozens of other specifics? yeah that happened, person place, name heritage, future events, manner of death, manner of burial, and on and on. there are way too many to fight.
Now, if a prophecy were made with sufficient accuracy, you would then need to prove that the ‘fulfillment’ wasn’t written by someone who decided to fabricate that fulfillment. On these basic premises, none of your prophecies can be held to have been fulfilled.
i dont need to prove it wasnt a conspiracy, if that is your assertion the burden of evidence is on you, but i find it hard to believe that the apostles would make up stories and then suffer decades of deprivation, terror, and imprisonment, just for a good laugh. if your saying a third party did it, what evidence do you have for such a thing?
I’ve read quite enough, thank you.
no, you just dodged, and now that math is involved your going to dodge again.
Okey-doke. My comments above hold true.
yeah, you just refused too look at the evidence, you want to be an atheist, the math challenges that notion in an almost irrefutable manner. i bet you will find any excuse not to review the mathematical evidence, or the prophecies from which they are drawn.
Ah, now we see where your interpretation of the PSR is influenced by your belief. You are interpreting “sufficient” as meaning “the faintest possibility.” I, however, take it at face value, and my meaning of “sufficient” veers more towards the sufficiency of evidence required in a court of law. It should mean, “beyond reasonable doubt.” This is what “sufficient” means when talking about the provenance of a particular assertion. I most definitely do not subscribe to your version of the PSR! (and very few people do, if you read up on it)
ive read dissertations that attempt to soften or deny the PSR, funny almost all of them are written in view of atheism, though i think the attacks show atheisms desire instead of rational nature. however, the scientific method relies on it, so im not impressed by those who would deny it. if things happen for no reason, then where are all these miraculous events? oh wait, there is no suchh thing as miracles, but not everything needs a cause?. im being facetious, but the positions are contradictory. ill stick with the scientific method on this one. regardless of a few attempts to claim its not so, there is simply no empirical evidence against it. and stop implying some knowledge of the PSR, you didnt even know what it was the other day.
**Well yes, for us to exist **it is necessary that beings exist. However there is no evidence, either empirical or logical, that God must exist. That’s sufficient explanation - we exist, but there’s no evidence that God does.
this is where a little research on the contingency argument would help out. you just admitted G-d inadvertantly, who is the necessary being.😊

though its interesting that we exist is sufficient explanation, another violation of the PSR, and if it isnt please provide me the specific reason.
I’ve answered this in another thread. You are stating conjecture as evidence. It does not stand up to scrutiny as it boils down to baseless assertion. The fact that you believe it does not make it true.
and as i pointed out on that thread you dont know what evidence means, your personal definition of all evidence is empirical isnt the actual definition or how you actually operate oh believer of animal emotions and unevidenced scientific explanations for the creation of the universe.
Er, okay, whatever you say…:confused:
you asked.
:rotfl:Your smug self-righteousness is hilarious. What on earth makes you think your vacuous arguments have changed my mind in the slightest? I am a rational being and I believe in what I can observe. If you want me to believe in something else, show me evidence for its existence. Despite what you may think, you have failed to do this.
because i know where that path leads been there. as too evidence we have shown you , your personal definition dont mean jack, becuase you dont follow it either.
An arbitrary assertion of what is contingent on what, is not a good starting point for any kind of conversion. I fully believe that all this is perfectly clear in your own mind, unfortunately from an independent and objective pov, there is nothing to substantiate your claims.
again, you say assertion, but you refuse to reseacrch the argument, thats the wannabe aspect, you arent willing to do the work. i think you dont want to face the music, dodge, and dodge again.
“He said that she said,” witness statements at best.
ffthey generally agree, its not a he said she said situation at all.
Are they signed? Have the statements themselves been witnessed?
yes several are signed, all were witnessed by the Church and by Judaism for the OT
Are any of the witnesses alive for cross-examination? No?
unfortunately, no, but as they died for their beliefs one can make the dying declaration argument. especially as these testimonies all substantially agree
Then it is not proof of any kind. If I turned up at a murder trial with a statement like, “The Janitor’s wife saw the car salesman kill the victim,” do you think the judge would wrap up and order the jury to convict the car salesman? No? Then why should your ‘evidence’ be any more privileged?Have the statements themselves been witnessed?
no the statement would be, “i saw car salesman kill the victim” and it would be a bunch of statements.
Yes, you have suggested that. Unfortunately for you, suggestion is not evidence.
indeed the universe even fits your personal defintion of evidence it is after all empirical.
Well, I’m not sure whether you’re asking what is the reason for God, or whether you’re asking what is the cause of the Universe and letting your religion get in the way of asking the question you mean. If the former, there is no reason for God because there is no evidence for God; if the latter, I’m not disputing that there is a cause of the Universe, I’m just disputing that if there is one, it has to be God.
If there was a cause of the universe, how do you call it?
In more direct answer to your OP question, ref;

One Possible World
You must be a lot smarter than me because I have no idea how this relates to the OP.

In the URL you referenced, you say:
“If you accept that God actually must remain logical (and I assure you this is most certainly the case), then when God creates a universe, within that universe 2+2 must certainly equal 4, not 3, not 4.1, but exactly 100.00% 4 and nothing else – ever.”

It seems like the multiplication of the loaves refutes that argument.

Also there are many mysteries that cannot be arrived at logically. The Holy Trinity and the Eucharist to name a couple. So to say our God, our Creator is bound by logic, mathmatical rules, and scientific constants would put limits on HIm.

Man may be able to create life in a test-tube some day, but let him try to do it by starting with nothing. God created the universe out of nothing.

It’s a matter of faith. Again, I don’t know what this has to do with the OP on suffering.

John Marie Philomena
You must be a lot smarter than me because I have no idea how this relates to the OP.

In the URL you referenced, you say:
“If you accept that God actually must remain logical (and I assure you this is most certainly the case), then when God creates a universe, within that universe 2+2 must certainly equal 4, not 3, not 4.1, but exactly 100.00% 4 and nothing else – ever.”

It seems like the multiplication of the loaves refutes that argument.

Also there are many mysteries that cannot be arrived at logically. The Holy Trinity and the Eucharist to name a couple. So to say our God, our Creator is bound by logic, mathmatical rules, and scientific constants would put limits on HIm.

Man may be able to create life in a test-tube some day, but let him try to do it by starting with nothing. God created the universe out of nothing.

It’s a matter of faith. Again, I don’t know what this has to do with the OP on suffering.

John Marie Philomena
The events that you point out actually ARE logical. A mystery is merely something to investigate to find out how it was done. Faith is accepting that it really was done regardless of how illogical it seems.

I am one who finds nothing illogical in the Bible, nor particularly mysterious anymore, thus I can testify that it really is logical, and I am talking about very real and sound logic, not loose interpretations to fit the desire.

The OP asks about suffering and if God “COULD HAVE” stopped it. The real answer is “no”. The universe you have is the only one possible, even for God (and because of God. You should be thankful you have it).
The term “apologetic” comes from the Greek word apologia (απολογία), which means in defense of. Therefore, a person involved in Christian apologetics is a defender of Christianity or Christian apologist (apologete in older literature). This Classical Greek term appears in the Koine Greek (that is, common Greek) of the New Testament. The apostle Paul employed the term in his trial speech to Festus and Agrippa when he said, “I make my defense” (Acts 26:2).

robin hood
illinois insurance continuing education
I can feel a definite level of sincerity here. I imagine you sense – although you need not admit to me (of all people!) if you sense it – that the existence of God would be a ground to your existence that you dare not even hope for.
I can promise you that this is not the case! I get far more of a kick from seeing the world as the result of a set of natural laws and processes that have taken place over billions of years, than I would from believing that someone built it. I think the world is awesome, and I would hate to think that I was some kind of Truman Burbank, living in a world that was made for me.
This morning, before breakfast, I was feeling down. I am an existential person, and I just didn’t feel meaning in my life, and I didn’t feel the love of God. Like many Christians, the thought occurred to me: What if God doesn’t exist? I was, in short, afraid.
When I sat down to breakfast, I opened my Bible and saw the following words:
*The fool says in his heart,
“There is no God.”
They are corrupt, and their ways are vile;
there is no one who does good.
God looks down from heaven
on the sons of men
to see if there are any who understand,
any who seek God. *
Why did I flip open randomly to that passage? This is the type of evidence I have for God.
How many times have you flipped open your bible when you’ve felt down and not arrived at a page that seemed appropriate? Is there any page in the bible that doesn’t, in some way, offer something that could be seen as a panacea for doubt? Coincidences are more common than most people think!
Would you agree that your reply implies you believe your life is valuable … and that other lives are valuable? If so, do you believe your judgment is arbitrary or rational?
I think I can see where you’re going here - ultimately it will boil down to you asserting that if my life is rational, then that rationality must have come from an ultimate rational being, because it couldn’t have come from irrational particles and processes? Am I right? We’ve been there before Tony, and I get tired of pointing out that your conclusions are based on bare assertions and have no evidential justification.

But I might be wrong about your direction, in which case: “Yes” and, “Oooh, tricky one. It appears rational to me, as ultimately a product of my environment.”
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