i didnt cherry pick a definition, they all say essentially the same thing, if you want to know why i didnt use the legal definition, is because this isnt court. though it doesnt change the gist, and yes its ealsily provable beyongd a reasonable doubt, but you just dodged yet again below.Ignoring any incontrovertible evidence is nuts. But as I have pointed out, the level of evidence that you are offering is insufficient. Your reliance on the dictionary definition is laughable – as I have pointed out, that definition would not be sufficient in court. And incidentally, you have cherry-picked your definition. Why should we not use the OE’s definition: “Facts or testimony in support of a conclusion, statement, or belief?” Evidence should prove beyond reasonable doubt. Yours doesn’t.
i never asserted a conspiracy theory you did, then you need to provide some evidence. but you dont have any so now your dodging again.How can I **assert **that something **could **be? There is no burden of proof on me, just because I point out a potential flaw in your assertions.
because there were other qualiifiers, but i clarified and now you dodge again.No, I don’t have a list, despite your obvious desire to slur my character. But depending on your meaning of ‘apostles,’ different arguments could be used to rebut your ‘evidence.’ There’s nothing unusual about this – how can I rebut your argument without knowing what it is?
hardly, im not the one wildly dodging, just like this statement another dodge. facts are…You’re hanging on to this for dear life, aren’t you! The word “facts” **is **in the dictionary definition, and for something to be considered a “fact” the supporting case should be beyond reasonable doubt. Your ‘evidence’ does **not **meet that criterion.
Main Entry: fact
Pronunciation: \ˈfakt
Function: noun
Etymology: Latin factum, from neuter of factus, past participle of facere
Date: 15th century
1 : a thing done: as a obsolete : feat b : crime c archaic : action
2 archaic : performance, doing
3 : the quality of being actual : actuality
4 a : something that has actual existence b : an actual occurrence
5 : a piece of information presented as having objective reality
how does this not fit the definition of fact? or are ypou again going to justify the hypocritaical position of demanding evidence which you dont apply to yourself?
just another dodge, the evidenffce is fine its your non-standard definition that is the problem, as to the accepted standard of reasonable doubt, that too is subjevtive, i contend that it is all above reasonable doubt, and you cant say otherwise because you refuse to actually adress any evidence. the only way you can seems to be to disnmiss it under your personal definitions of evidence that you dont follow yourself.I’ve addressed the integrity of your ‘evidence’ on several occasions now. You can accuse me of dodging if you like, but it’s starting to sound like a desperate last resort as you have realised that your ‘evidence’ doesn’t make the grade. This is not me dodging, this is you failing to provide evidence to the accepted (not personal) standard of “beyond reasonable doubt.”
dodge, dodge, dodge, now you imply that the bible is one book, there are dozens of books in the compilation called the Bible, the New Testament is full of different books written by different people. do you want a book that wasnt included in the Bible? who was supposed to write one? the Jews of the Sanhedrin? thats laughable, we all know the victors write the history, it was several centuries persecution and relentless pograms before we prevailed. we are lucky anything survived at all.Not conclusive – no proof that the prophecies were specific enough, or that they were not fulfilled merely in writing rather than reality. As above.As above.As above.Look, none of these have any weight unless it can be proved beyond doubt that they were actually fulfilled. Having it come true in the Bible is not evidence.