COVID 19 Vaccines

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Issues mentioned
-Lack of informed consent
-Science does not know the long-term effects of a certain substance
-Some Covid-19 vaccines developed using cell lines derived from the organs of aborted children (Included vaccines financed by US Government)
-Sanofi Pasteur has committed to develop a Covid-19 vaccine that does not make use of cell lines derived from abortions

The Catholic Church is not anti vaccine but does mention it’s important to ask for ethically produced vaccines.
I’m not an antivaxxer, but I have no intentions of being an unpaid guinea pig for some pharmaceutical company.
I’m not an anti-vaxxer either. I’m simply for choice. And I choose no.
I’m not an antivaxxer, but I have no intentions of being an unpaid guinea pig for some pharmaceutical company.
Human trials are already being conducted and will give some reassurance of safety before the vaccine is released to the public.

I suppose you could wait until a few million people have got the COVID jab before you reconsider. I mean, what’s the hurry? Be on the lookout, however, for fake news on supposed side effects. They’ll be trying to pin just about anything on it. 💉 :crazy_face:
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Some Covid-19 vaccines developed using cell lines derived from the organs of aborted children
Not anti-vaxxer either, but cure from aborted children reminds me of these 2 verses:
For whoever wishes to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake will find it.
Mat 16:25
It forced all the people, small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to be given a stamped image on their right hands or their foreheads, so that no one could buy or sell except one who had the stamped image of the beast’s name or the number that stood for its name.
Rev 13:16-17

I have survived so far just by washing my hands and being careful, and that works!
But I’m afraid of sinning or being forced to do so in grave danger 😬
I have survived so far just by washing my hands and being careful, and that works!
Hopefully others will be equally as careful, but if they’re not, the adverse consequence may impact you and yours!
But I’m afraid of sinning or being forced to do so in grave danger 😬
What sin do you fear committing?
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When it’s been out on the market for five years I’ll revisit my decision 🙂
What sin do you fear committing?
taking vaccine that is made of aborted children.
For example you either take it or die, or being accused for spreading illness harming you socially.

I’m pretty much sure a lot of Christians would choose the vaccine, missing the “narrow door”.
What sin do you fear committing?
taking vaccine that is made of aborted children.
The Church takes the position that that is not sinful.
The Church takes the position that that is not sinful.
I don’t think the Church would consider such vaccines as not sinful.
Can you please point me to some trustworthy site to see for my self please?
I don’t think the Church would consider such vaccines as not sinful.
A vaccine is a medicine - sinful is not a relevant description. You could say sin was involved in its manufacture - even if the sin (abortion) was long ago.

The act of accepting a vaccine is deemed remote from the abortion that may have contributed to the vaccine (not all vaccines rely on aborted fetal cell lines by the way).

Sorry I can’t point you to relevant material, though it has been posted previously. Perhaps USCCB site or similar will address the topic.
Do you choose no to all vaccines, or just some?
None of my three kids have ever been vaccinated for anything. My husband and I were both vaccinated as children but never as adults.
None of my three kids have ever been vaccinated for anything. My husband and I were both vaccinated as children but never as adults.
I’ve never had a vaccine as an adult.

I understand your focus on choice. Do you agree that if everyone made the same vaccination choices as you, childhood well-being would be quite adversely affected?
Do you agree that if everyone made the same vaccination choices as you, childhood well-being would be quite adversely affected?
I believe that if everyone made the same choices as me, childhood well being would be positively affected.
I don’t think the Church would consider such vaccines as not sinful.
The Church did in fact give guidance on this topic when asked by Children of God for Life about vaccines derived from aborted fetal tissue lines.
Can you please point me to some trustworthy site to see for my self please?

It’s frustrating how people will wave the Catholic banner on all manner of issues, and then act pharisaical when they disagree with the USCCB, or the Magisterium, as the case may be.
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