COVID 19 Vaccines

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I understand the issue, as I have twin daughters.

I also, in the mid 1950’s, went with my parents to visit a teenager who had contracted polio and was in an Iron Lung. That visit has never left my memory, and my children were vaccinated as appropriate at the appropriate ages.

Everyone makes their choice.

In 2018, there were 371 confirmed cases in the US. World wide there were an estimated 10,000,000 cases and an estimated 142,300 deaths. Infants and children are the most at risk of fatal complications. Potential complications are pneumonia and encephalitis (swelling of the brain), with life-long complications: permanent brain damage, blindness, or hearing loss.

My choice was very simple: I would not knowingly submit my children to exposure of all the various diseases vaccines can prevent.
Please consult the following flowchart for guidance in Catholic moral theology regarding cooperation in evil. You will find that the USCCB has arrived at the proper conclusion regarding the morality of accepting such vaccines.

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I believe that if everyone made the same choices as me, childhood well being would be positively affected.
Are you able to back that up with real data…or why you feel that way as I don’t think the data exists for your position.

Here’s an easy to read chart of the benefits of vaccinations.
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My opinion and the opinion of medical science around the world.
And I’m exercising that right.
And I am not denying you that right but you expressly said…
I believe that if everyone made the same choices as me, childhood well being would be positively affected.
I’m interested in why you think that. Positively affected is a claim you made and I would like to know what you meant. That’s all.
I do work in health care and take the flu vaccine every year.
If I decline the flu vaccine I have to wear a mask during flu season.
If I have to, I’ll wear a mask because of Covid19.
If the bosses aren’t happy with me wearing a mask and try to force me to take the Covid19 vaccine, it will be a career ending event for me.
That’s a lovely thought.
That is disturbing.

I don’t like big pharma anymore then the next guy and I trust government less but this is one of those times where we are all in danger so shenanigans are unlikely.

Be vigilant if you must but don’t be obtuse.
Is there a name for the action of directly quoting what someone says and they deny they were quoted! 😂😂😂
Nowhere did I claim anything. I said I believed something. There’s a big difference. So don’t say that you quoted me when you did not.
Donald Trump?
Careful, Trump and Kavanaugh are our only hope to ban abortion. Even if they have molested, lied and outright fabricated the truth on camera they are our last and best hope.

Can’t mock these icons of … virtue that they may have an opportunity to vote on one issue.
Nowhere did I claim anything. I said I believed something. There’s a big difference. So don’t say that you quoted me when you did not.
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Looks quoted to me.
When you say I believe that means you think its a fact, therefor its a claim. Don’t be difficult.
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