Covid Vaccine -aborted fetal cells

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The Australian Sydney Archbishop has become vocal about any potential Covid vaccines

"British drug company AstraZeneca. (the Oxford UK vaccine development) There is talk the vaccine, if and when ready to go , will be compulsory in some sectors here.

"The company is working with Oxford University on a promising coronavirus vaccine trial that could be rolled out early next year.

The immunisation has been developed from a kidney cell line known as HEK-293, which is taken from a human foetus.

“Whether this vaccine is successful or not, it is important that the Government does not create an ethical dilemma for people,” Fisher wrote on Facebook."
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It’s a good article on the subject.
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I am glad our Archbishop is speaking out and informing Catholics here of the constituents of the vaccine. Its time Catholics stood up and said not good enough, produce a vaccine not made from aborted babies.
I understand what the Vatican is saying about earlier vaccines and immunizations being developed from cells originally taken in the 1960s.

I do think the Archbishop has a huge moral point about making new vaccines right now, today, 60 years on, from those vaccines, out of aborted baby cells.

We can and should stand up and say making new vaccines from aborted babies is not acceptable, find another way.

We should never condone the use of these in new drug development in the 21st Century.
The more opportunity we have of standing against the abortion trade and abortion itself, we should.

(gets off soap box and stands with Sydney’s Archbishop.)
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We have knowledge now,years ago people may not have been aware how vaccines were made.
With knowledge comes responsibility to do what is morally and ethically right.We are accountable.
Thank God for our Archbishop standing firm 🙂🙏
What the Vatican said about earlier vaccines also applies to the current COVID Vaccine (thread title) as the link I posted also explains the morality of using such.

The Archbishop (as do we all, but more so the clergy as being our shepherds I would think) is doing as he should not only as a shepherd or even a priest but simply as a Catholic. We all should protest the use of cells taken from aborted babies now, as there isn’t any need.

Someone posted this link in another thread, but feel it is worth reposting as it lists Ethically Uncontroversial CoV-19 Vaccine Programs

The article doesn’t clarify…aren’t these kidney cell lines the ones from the aborted fetus from what, 60 years ago? The Vatican allowed the use of vaccines from this cell line for other vaccines that do not have an alternative process so if it’s the case that this vaccine is also from that cell line, it should be acceptable. I realize some Catholics may still find it personally unacceptable but I’m speaking in general and what the Vatican would permit.

If it is an effective vaccine, Catholics refusing in large numbers to take it could mean the Covid virus cycle will not be broken…at least amongst Catholics. I realize this is a very complex dilemma.

Is the cell line being used the same as other vaccines? Not from a newly aborted fetus?
aren’t these kidney cell lines the ones from the aborted fetus from what, 60 years ago?
Yes, that’s right.
The Vatican allowed the use of vaccines from this cell line for other vaccines that do not have an alternative process so if it’s the case that this vaccine is also from that cell line
Is the cell line being used the same as other vaccines? Not from a newly aborted fetus?
That’s my understanding from what I’ve read.

^^ from this article in the link above -

Therefore, doctors and fathers of families have a duty to take recourse to alternative vaccines13 (if they exist), putting pressure on the political authorities and health systems so that other vaccines without moral problems become available. They should take recourse, if necessary, to the use of conscientious objection14 with regard to the use of vaccines produced by means of cell lines of aborted human foetal origin. Equally, they should oppose by all means (in writing, through the various associations, mass media, etc.) the vaccines which do not yet have morally acceptable alternatives, creating pressure so that alternative vaccines are prepared, which are not connected with the abortion of a human foetus, and requesting rigorous legal control of the pharmaceutical industry producers.

In any case, there remains a moral duty to continue to fight and to employ every lawful means in order to make life difficult for the pharmaceutical industries which act unscrupulously and unethically. However, the burden of this important battle cannot and must not fall on innocent children and on the health situation of the population - especially with regard to pregnant women.

To summarize, it must be confirmed that-

there is a grave responsibility to use alternative vaccines and to make a conscientious objection with regard to those which have moral problems;

as regards the vaccines without an alternative, the need to contest so that others may be prepared must be reaffirmed, as should be the lawfulness of using the former in the meantime insomuch as is necessary in order to avoid a serious risk not only for one’s own children but also, and perhaps more specifically, for the health conditions of the population as a whole - especially for pregnant women;

So the good Archbishop IS doing as we are to as laid out ⬆️
I imagine there will be more about this in our press as the Archbishop has caused the conversation to be opened at the appropriate levels here. This is specifically discussing the vaccine being developed by Oxford uni in UK.

Catholic leaders from other countries are speaking up too.
Here is an article from Canada.

from the article The Vatican says
"In 2005 the Vatican’s Pontifical Academy for Life, with backing from the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, ruled Catholics, in the absence of other options, may use vaccines with a distant historical association with abortion for the grave reason of preserving life, but they should encourage the development of alternatives.

I think the really important take home here is

but they should encourage the development of alternatives.
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If it is an effective vaccine, Catholics refusing in large numbers to take it could mean the Covid virus cycle will not be broken…at least amongst Catholics. I realize this is a very complex dilemma.
My hope would be that refusing to take it in large numbers would encourage ethical research going forward.
While I agree with the sentiment, we also need this vaccine as soon as possible. I’m pretty sure the researchers are aware of the dilemma that Catholics face. They are also aware of the best possible ways to develop vaccines as rapidly as possible.

As I said, it’s complex. If they are using the cell lines from 50+ years ago that the Vatican has already stated can be used by Catholics and using these cell lines shortens the time frame of development, they have to do what is ethical and best for all Americans.

If we get several vaccines in rapid session and one of them didn’t use these cell lines, you’ll have an option. If all of them use the cell lines, it will have to be a personal decision to get vaccinated.

I’m concerned about all the people that will refuse any vaccine even after it has been in the general public for a while. Everyone wants to get back to normal but few seem to want to take the vaccine when it’s finally available.
Everyone wants to get back to normal but few seem to want to take the vaccine when it’s finally available.
The speed of development is probably going to be a significant factor in that regard.
The Vatican allowed the use of vaccines from this cell line for other vaccines that do not have an alternative process so if it’s the case that this vaccine is also from that cell line, it should be acceptable.
It’s not so much about an alternative process as an alternative product.

As one vaccine manufacturer has recently proven, the use of aborted fetal cell lines is not a requirement in making vaccines. Vaccine manufacturer abandons use of fetal cells
I understand what the Vatican is saying about earlier vaccines and immunizations being developed from cells originally taken in the 1960s.

I do think the Archbishop has a huge moral point about making new vaccines right now, today, 60 years on, from those vaccines, out of aborted baby cells.
But as I understand it, the new vaccine is made out of those exact same cell lines from the 1960s as the past ones that the Vatican commented on. Whatever applies to those vaccines should apply to any new ones utilizing the cell lines.
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