- Nor, to my knowledge, is a member of any other religion. Nor are they required to believe in gravity nor the heliocentric solar system. None of those are matters of religion. What is your point?
You’re trying to prove that evolution is true by referring to science curricula in Catholic schools.
For the record, I completed 14 years of Catholic education. I had several teachers who taught that evolutionary theory was false.
Fr. Kenneth Baker, well-known Jesuit teacher, editor of one of the most prominent Catholic magazines in the country, stated that Darwinian theory was a “fraud”.
If the Catholic Church condemned belief in evolution under pain of excommunication, it would be no less factual.
I’d be interested in seeing your proof that evolution is “factual”.
That some commentators might use that fact as a basis for philosophical discussion has nothing to do with the laws of nature themselves. How can my church require me to ‘reject and oppose’ opinions with which I disagree on religious grounds?
I’d be interested in hearing about your version of evolution that is “only science” and does not contain a philosophical component. I’ve been waiting to hear about your belief on how, precisely, God has influenced the development of human life. You’ve stated that human life came into existence through “natural selection”. What role did God have in this process?
Why not call a few and inquire. You might start with St.Louis University, University of Detroit, Marquette, any of the Loyolas, Fordham U. Ask to talk to the head of the biology department and inquire about their teachings regarding evolution.
I really don’t need to do that because I know enough prominent Catholics who are creationists or supporters of Intelligent Design theory. I know of many scientists who are the same. The fact that these Catholic schools you mention have Darwinists on their scientific staff doesn’t surprise me. How many professors in those schools have signed the Oath of Fidelity as required by Pope John Paul II? How many of them have met the Canon Law requirements for the mandatum as specified by Ex Corde Ecclesiae?
You mention Marquette as a “Catholic” university. Perhaps you think that their most prominent theologian is an orthodox Catholic. The U.S. bishops wouldn’t agree with that.
The US bishops have announced that two pamphlets circulated by a Marquette University theologian represent “false teaching” which cannot be reconciled with Catholic doctrine.
In a statement released on March 22, and approved by the administratative board of the US Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB), the bishops’ doctrinal committee said that the works by Daniel Maguire “do not present Catholic teaching.”
The doctrinal committee, chaired by Bishop William Lori of Bridgeport, Connecticut, addressed two pamphlets circulated last year by Maguire, covering the issues of contraception, abortion, and same-sex marriage. The USCCB concluded that Maguire’s views on those topics, and his understanding of Church teaching authority, “cross the legitimate lines of theological reflection and simply enter into the area of false teaching.”
That is preposterous. What is your support for such a statement?
Where do you think I got that information?
The link tells me nothing. It seems to be two brief reviews of a religious book. So what?
I don’t know. You claimed that no Catholic schools reject Darwinism. I just posted a long statement from a Catholic bishop in Oregon giving his complete endorsement of an anti-Darwinist text. Apparently, this means nothing to you.
the least substantiation of any of your ridiculous claims.
Before going further, I’d like to hear what my “ridiculous claims” have been. Please quote my words from prior posts. I will then be able to give “the least substantiation” for them, and probably a lot more than that. Apparently, you think that I have “done absolutely nothing” in all of the posts I’ve provided – where I posted several links to original sources.
At the risk of repeating myself, people who claim that all of science is a sham,
Again, I’d like to see where I said that. Please provide the quoted text. It should be a lot easier than your request to me that I call Catholic universities and ask to speak with professors. All you have to do is go back in this thread and quote where I have said that “all of science is a sham”.
and that only they have the real truth
It seems fairly clear to me that you do not have the truth. But I’m willing to change that opinion – I would like to see your proofs for your scientific theories as well evidence to support your religious beliefs.
for which they can provide no evidence or substantiation whatever - not a SHRED - are cranks, purely and simply.
I posted a peer-reviewed paper that you were not capable of understanding (by your own admission). You couldn’t even read the substantiation I provided. But you claim that “not a shred” was provided to you.
Attempting to use the Catholic Church, whose educational system in the physical sciences is second to none, to somehow support such crankmanship is really quite outrageous and downright insulting to Catholicism in general, and especially to the dedicated science teachers, religious and lay, in Catholic schools, colleges and universities.
Please indicate where there were “attempts to use the Catholic Church to support ‘cranksmanship’”
What cranksmanship, precisely, are you referring to? Where was the Catholic Church used to support whatever it is you’re talking about?