Most of the anger I’ve seen here has occurred because the Pope said something supporting evolution. I don’t know of anyone here who objects when the Pope says that any theory that denies divine providence is objectionable. Scientists say the same thing, noting that science can’t decide things like that.
Ed, all your difficulties would be over, if you just accepted what he says about evolution.
Indeed. Why don’t you?
Evolution is not about the creation of life, Ed. God says that the earth and waters brought forth life, as He commanded. That is abiogenesis, not evolution.
Ed, God has a direct, intimate involvement with everything in nature. It would not exist, but for that involvement.
Then why am I advocating Scripture, and you are denying it?
Since the Pope has called common descent of all living things, “virtually certain,” it seems that he thinks evolution is consistent with our faith. He’s not the first Pope to say so, you know.
Creationism is not Christianity, Ed. And as the Pope observed, admitting the way God created things, is not atheism. Let it go, and let God be God.