Just because there are theists who have supported or due support the Theory of Evolution, does not diminish my point.
To the extent that you’ve claimed that atheism is the motivating factor in one’s affirmation of evolution, the fact that the overwhelming majority of working
theistic scientists affirm evolution directly diminishes your point.
“Here we have a beautiful explanation for how life comes about… and then Francis Collins and others want to smuggle God back in and say, ‘Oh, well, natural selection was God’s way of doing it.’ He chose the method that made him superfluous. Why bother to postulate him at all, in that case?” - Richard Dawkins
Dawkins is a writer of popular-level books on evolutionary science who happens to be an outspoken atheist. This no more makes evolution guilty by association than does the fact that some physicists are atheists negate the atomic theory as “an atheistic ideology.” Certainly, Dawkins is more prone than most to mix theological statements with those of science, thereby straying outside the proper bounds of science, as the above quotation demonstrates. Dawkins believes that evolution disproves the existence of God. However, this is not a scientific opinion, but a
theological (or philosophical) one that is not itself a necessary part of the concept of organic evolution. So, strictly speaking, Dawkins should not here be making a theological statement in the name of science. This is an error that so-called “scientific creationists” should avoid as well.
Evolution is the warm blanket atheists tuck themselves into bed at night with.
Again, this is simply a “guilt by association” argument that doesn’t necessarily apply in all ( or even most) cases. The fact that some atheists attempt to use evolution to support their theological opinions doesn’t thereby render evolution
itself false as a scientific theory.
It was interesting that you took the time to read my entire post yet didn’t actually respond to anything in it other than one sentence I could have, admittedly, worded better. I would like to hear your response to the rest of it.
A casual reading of your post (#23) reveals at least ten errors of fact, each of which has been addressed
ad infinitum in popular scientific literature. This being the case, I didn’t see the point of rehashing all of this readily-available information here. If I were to respond to each point of contention, it would take several posts, and more time than I can spare, to adequately reply to each claim. Perhaps you could choose one or two points that you consider most central to your overall position, and I could respond to those?
Why fight so hard to make such and unstable theory a part of Christian, or even scientific, thinking?
This is an example of the point made above: In this one sentence, there are at least two errors. First, from a purely scientific standpoint, the concept of evolution is anything but “unstable,” but is rather one of the most strongly-attested theories in all of the sciences. Second, in no way do I wish to make evolution a part of my “Christian thinking.” Evolution is a
scientific conclusion, not a
theological conviction, and the two should be carefully distinguished.
There are many scientific thinking Christians who look at the impossibilities of evolution to point out that God is still needed…
The statement that “God is needed” is a
theological conviction, not a
scientific conclusion, and it simply cannot be considered a valid part of any scientific theory. Of course, Dawkins’ claim that “God is
not needed” is likewise an essentially theological statement that has no place in a properly scientific model of the natural world.
In addition, even if the Christian thinkers you mention
could prove that evolution (a scientific conclusion) were somehow “impossible,” it would certainly not thereby demonstrate that the creationist position (a theological conviction) is true.