You are getting horribly mixed up here. Creationism is a metaphysical explanation of an event, the creation of the universe. It’s only evidence is a few bible verses. It stands or falls on that and that alone. It is a hypothesis, with no ability to be tested and which can predict absolutely nothing.Your observation of science. We can’t keep saying this, as boths sides claim it. Both Creationism and Evolution are both still theories. Scientists can err. Therefore, what has been considered “proven” is not necessarily over-and-done with. Both Creationist Theory and Evolutionist Theory are both theories. Both are still opened to be questioned, as to their truthfulness.
Someone else could just as well say,
Evolution theory is a time tested explanation of how life evolved on this planet. It started with a hypothesis, which was testable and which has been tested. It explains the evidence of the natural world in a way that so far has held up. It does not mean a theory in the commonly held definition. A scientific theory is more akin and for all intents and purposes in the lay world means fact. Science however never concludes that anything is proven absolutely. You must go the the 1999 NAS report on science and religion wherein they will explain to you what a theory is.
It is not a matter of truthfulness. No one is lying about evolution. There is ongoing research as there is in every single area of science. Thousands of people still study and research and test Einstein’s theories of relativity while dozens of disciplines use his principles every day. We are all the beneficiaries of many advances already gleaned from Einstein, yet the research goes on. Someday his theories may be replaced by others that more perfectly explain physics. The same may be said of Evolution. Yet we use it until something comes alone which is better if that ever happens.
If Creationism offered a better means to explain the facts of nature science would drop evolution in a split second and adopt creationism. That however is not gonna happen since creationism is not a scientific theory…
I sure hope this clears things up a bit for you. I have a good list of science sites all linked directly to evolution, and big bang, and earth age. You should know that a catholic priest is the author of the big bang theory, the one that would be discarded if we were to drop science in favor of a simple religious explanation for how the universe and we came to be.