Some are billions of years old. That seems rather durable to me. They change over time, but some of them always seem to survive.Well, for one, genes die out, and deteriorate.
You’ve been misled about that. Evolutionary theory makes no such claims.They don’t somehow appear out of nowhere, as macro-evolution suggests.
It’s been directly observed to happen. Would you like some examples?And for another thing, every know mutation has been a bad thing! It doesn’t make anything better… heavens, no.
Platypus. Mammalian fur, mostly mammalian skeleton, but has reptilian shoulder bones, a cloaca instead of the mammalian urogenital system, and lays reptillian eggs. (the “beak” isn’t birdlike at all, but somewhat resembles that of hadrosaurs) It has a halfway mammalian temperature regulation system, but not quite as mammalian as ours. Pretty close to perfectly intermediate.And, like I said before, why are there no half-and-half animals today?
Lungfish. They are fishlike, but have leglike fins, internal nares, lungs, and are genetically closer to us than to other fish.
Many other examples exist.
Millions of those in the fossil record. One interesting one recently found in amber was the fossil of a transitional between ants and other hymenopterans. An entire group of transitionals between whales and ungulates has been found. Transitionals between birds and dinosaurs are abundant now. Transitionals between canids and felids are known, as are transitionals between dogs and bears. Even transitionals between horses and rhinos.Why aren’t there any in the fossil record?
Many more exist. Would you like to learn about some of them?
Not according to astronomy and physics. If physics has it right (and all the evidence says it does) the sun is about halfway through its life as a main sequence star, with about 4-5 billion years to go before it begins an expansion to a red giant. Right now, it fluctuates a bit from time to time, getting larger or smaller by a tiny amount, but its going to be pretty stable for a long, long time.And most evidence points to the earth being younger that evolutionist say, like the fact that the sun would have expanded and consumed our earth by now if the solar system is as old as the evolutionists say.
As someone else showed you, the bombardier beetle story has been repeatedly debunked. Even the ICR now admits that they were hornswoggled by misunderstanding an account of the chemical reactions. Even the most evolved of bombardier beetles don’t have a system that “blows up.”
And they exist in all stages of evolution of this system. If you like,we can discuss that group, and how they are at different stages.
BTW, I won’t insult you by calling you a fundamentalist, but I can understand why some might make that error, if you persistantly use fundamentalist claims against evolution. They are, as you see, consistently wrong. There are yet unresolved issues in evolution (as there are in chemistry, physics, and all sciences) but the fundamentalists seem completely clueless about what they are.