Curmudgeons Under Down

  • Thread starter Thread starter Muzhik
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Believe it or not, there is a Thai restaurant about 6 miles from here with that name.
Well the spiders were quite tasty. Reminiscent of Lobster. The Dino poop, on the other hand was just a bit too salty. Had to add a bit of garlic, and some lemongrass, and, oh yes, 3 of those nice thai peppers.
You’re close to it the Stepie, I have siblings who are allergic to shellfish,dust mite and spider juice (if ever you squish one and the juice gets in your eye)
Interconnected somehow.
Did you find golden plates from the angel Malcontent inscribed with, “Get thee off my lawn”? Golden plates which conveniently can no longer be located? Then, you’re off to a great start with your new religion 👍.
When I was researching my family tree I went to the Mormon temple here, with their family research center where they keep all sorts of records on microfilm, including old European Catholic baptism, marriage and death records. I guess they use them for their odd “baptism of the dead,” but I was able to find Church records for my great grandparents and family from Slovenia. Anyway, I felt sort of like a secret agent infiltrating enemy territory when I was there. Their missionary deployment center was there too, with all the young guys in their white shirts and ties ready for their evangelizing assignments.
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Hmmm. 7 wives? Since we collect clothes, shoes and things in volume, I think it goes up as the cube of number. So you need to be prepared for 7* 7 *7=343 times the wrath and grief. Just be advised.
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Too late. They already made a movie about you 😠
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I was actually kind of down thinking about Lent coming up since I’m so undisciplined and often give up on my Lenten resolutions 😫. I was not looking forward to taking on any sort of penance, and just now my dentist called saying he has to reschedule my appointment for Ash Wednesday. Perfect! I dread going to the dentist. Good God provides!

Then the Benedictine abbey to which I am loosely attached sent their Bona Opera form for me to fill out and send for the abbot’s approval, forcing me as it were to commit to some good works for Lent. Again, Good God provides! I will try this Lent to be more regular in praying Morning and Evening Prayer of the Liturgy of the Hours, which I have mostly abandoned as of late, and devote more time to spiritual reading and less to internet meandering. My Lenten book will be “Spirituality. An Art of Living; A Monk’s Alphabet of Spiritual Practices” by Benoit Standaert.
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Dentist appointment on Ash Wednesday? I would say your Lenten penance are off to a good start.
🤣 Christofirst ,you reminded me to check my appointment date just now,it’s the day before Ash Wednesday …a root canal filling that the usual dentist couldn’t do(calcified) Mine starts early 😡
I’ve been included on a departmental invitation to a luncheon to promote goodwill among the folks who mostly don’t see each other–and it’s free! Guess when the date is? Yup, Ash Wednesday. For them it’s a Valentine’s Day gesture of good will.There is no menu published; I suppose I could just go meet and greet, avoiding everything except maybe some veggies or salad. Why couldn’t they just ignore us part-time peons like they usually do? 😡😡
And Mormons believe in marriage “for Time and Eternity.” None of this “till death do us part” stuff. You and she are stuck with each other. Period.
Well, you’re lucky that I’m not at a Linotype setting the layout for printing tomorrow’s front page. Then I’d be …

(wait for it…)

… type-casting.
Like what? Dry land? :cowboy_hat_face: Yee haw partner 😒🚬

They have two weaknesses, rice and garlic.
I also love food. I find it hard to distinguish my love for food from gluttony. Thankfully, the Lord has me in good shape right now despite me drinking soda and kool-aid on the regular.
Thanks for the warning. I’m making a big sign right now that says, "This way to Fresno ➡️ " so I can stand outside the cathedral that day and direct those demons your way.

We actually have a very large Filipino community here in L.A., and they are some of the most devout Catholics I have seen. I’m not sure who will turn out for a pagan conference.
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