Curmudgeons Under Down

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Todays coffee:
Lenten Ashes
Funnel Web spiders
Funnel cakes
Hamster habitat
Moon rocks

My family is always wanting strong coffee I’m going to save some of this for Easter. It should have plenty of flavor by then and they can always skim off the mold if they prefer cream and sugar.
Yes. Fermented a few days should be perfect. I usually just stir in the mold, but skimming it should work for adding cream and sugar.
I actually ate porridge Before thinking about having coffee this morning…of late I have a cup then don’t feel hungry,then about 11 am starving.
I don’t think it’s helping that my metabolism is changing …that could be just my excuse though 🤔
Porridge? I’ve heard of it in nursery rhymes but didn’t know it was an actual thing.
I can tell right now that I’m not going to finish the book Silence before Easter. It involves way more thinking than I’d expected. Cardinal Sarah rocks.
My book for Lenten reading has been, “Spirituality, An Art of Living; A Monk’s Alphabet of Spiritual Practices.”

I’ve only made it to the letter “L,” about half-way through 😠, but now the second half will provide my Eastertide reading 😃.

A blessed and holy Good Friday, everyone.
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I’m somewhere around m or n in my Lenten reading as well. Good plan. Easter tide reading.

Since it’s Good Friday, coffee has only Lenten Ashes and for extra penance, 15 ghost peppers in it.
Yep. That’s similar to the penance I got last confession. I figure it’s fitting for all Curmudgeons.

Let me rethink that. If you read some of the forum threads, that’s probably an acceptable substitute.
I started to panic when I saw on the news today that the (name removed by moderator) underwent emergency open heart surgery! Then I calmed down when I realized it wasn’t our @(name removed by moderator) , but the other one, the muscular actor and former CA governor. What a relief! (I hear Arnie’s going to be okay too, thankfully).
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Hey, don’t panic us like that. Gov should be ok, and returning to us in a few daze, I mean days.
Todays coffee:
Lenten Ashes
Funnel Web spiders
Funnel cakes
Hamster habitat
Moon rocks

On, second thoughts, I don’t like this coffee, and I don’t ‘like’ this post.


Funnel web spiders may be dangerous, and very unpleasant, but we don’t send them to America to end up in people’s coffee.


In other news, my Lenten reading plan is getting off to a very good start! 😊😇 (St Augustine’s Confessions)
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Sounds like everyone is going well 🙂
Yesterday I drove my parents to our local church that isn’t used for mass anymore,unless for baptisms,Christmas carols etc.
We met up with some neighbours and did the Stations of the Cross together .Just beautiful,and very moving 🙂
Today is a very quiet day .Growing up we never killed anything on Good Friday,not something for the freezer on our farm, and not even a mosquito if we could help it.
Funnel web spiders make me think of popcorn. Don’t ask me why.

It’s been a terrible lent. Don’t ask me why. And now I have to dump this guy I’ve been seeing. He’s starting to get creepy. I don’t know how to dump a man gracefully. 🍿
Ohh…:confused: I don’t envy you .
Perhaps just act kind of mad…give a scream every now and then or something ,or a twitch of the head 🤔
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That’s ok.Ive never tested it myself…
but I have thought it would be a good idea if I was going to be robbed or something I’d just act like a crazy loon .That it could very well act as a deterrent .
Or ,you could find one of those spray cans they sell in a joke shop that has the awful smell of turkey droppings (sorry every one ) My younger brother took some to school one day -I will say no more.
(And spray it on yourself regularly)
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Ooohh. I’ll save the turkey droppings for the next batch of coffee, since my funnel Web spider supplier won’t send em over here anymore. :cry:
In other news, my Lenten reading plan is getting off to a very good start! 😊😇 (St Augustine’s Confessions)
Are you reading the one with 'thees" and “thous” or the one with more modern English? I didn’t get very far with the older form, but loved the one with modern usage.
As far as behavior to deter someone, I’ve heard that picking one’s nose and acting as though vomiting will occur momentarily can be effective. Fortunately I’ve never had to check it out.
The $#&% excessive rain resulted in a connection in the exit pipe to our sump pump breaking. 😡 Hubster put a bucket over it, so if it rains any more he says we won’t get a flooded basement. I don’t see how that would work, but am not going to ask too many questions here.:roll_eyes: He’s a retired engineer and our son the construction manager is going to come over after Easter to fix it. It’s best to tiptoe away quietly and let them go to it. 😋
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