This topic and related ones have come up in the forums before and unfortunately, it tends to turn into a battle of the sexes, because usually the topics are about male posters who either can’t get over the past of a specific woman, or express a preference for women without such pasts in general.
I think many women get annoyed about this because of the old “double standard” that a sexual past somehow degrades the value of women on the marriage market, yet a man’s “youthful indiscretions” don’t matter at all, and women are expected to forgive them as a matter of course.
However, once in a while the opposite situation comes up where it is a woman who can’t get over the sexual past of a man, but most of the time the consensus is the same; if they are not married yet, then the OP has to decide whether this issue is a deal-breaker or not. If they already are married, then the advice is to find a way to let it go, because most of the time “having a sexual past” does not make for a decree of nullity.
All this being said, I don’t think it is necessarily “wrong” for a sexual past to be a deal-breaker. However, the idea that marrying a virgin is a sure-fire way to have a happy lasting marriage, or to reduce the risk of divorce, I think is not quite correct. I recall being shocked to read that, supposedly, Ava Gardner was a virgin at the time of her first marriage, to Mickey Rooney. But that was only her FIRST marriage, she went onto marry twice more, and actually garnered quite a sexual reputation along the way.
Or, to bring up a celebrity closer to our times, Jessica Simpson was supposedly a virgin at the time of HER first marriage to Nick Lachey (though this claim may be iffy as the whole marriage seemed to be essentially a big publicity stunt, complete with Reality TV show). Well, obviously that marriage didn’t last either, and it seems Jessica went on to lead a more conventionally sexually active Hollywood dating life afterwards.
And while I believe Princess Diana wasn’t actually a virgin at marriage (though she claimed to be at the time), I don’t think she was sleeping around before marriage either, yet certainly her marriage didn’t work out in terms of longetivity or fidelity, to the point where many people believe that Prince Harry is NOT the son of Prince Charles!
Anyway, I think very few people would disagree with the principle that couples should have similar morals and values about sex. The disagreement is with the assumption that anyone who is not a virgin at marriage, hence does NOT value chastity. (Or that being a virgin at marriage is the same thing as valuing chastity).
All this being said, there are many examples of past sins in a prospective spouse that would be acceptable to some, but not others. I think many people would be reluctant to marry anyone who had ever experimented with homosexual sex, or drugs, or had been a porn addict, or had a gambling problem in the past. Many people would “write off” anyone with a mental health issue, or anyone who had children. I’m not sure if such people are any less judgmental.
I’ve even read articles on “marriage discernment” that suggest people “write off” prospective spouses based on the sins of their parents because supposedly, people from broken homes are at higher risk of divorce. That seems even more harsh and judgmental to me than “writing off” someone because of their personal sexual pasts, but if someone really is invested in divorce prevention, then I suppose they might find it important.
So, I think that if the OP (or anyone else) really have this strong preference then I am not going to shame them or accuse them of being “judgemental”. As far as I can tell, the OP himself has never stated that women with sexual pasts are generally unfit for marriage, though some others may have given that impression. I am curious however as to his answer to the question of whether he’d consider a chaste widow or divorcee who was not a virgin, but had only had sex within marriage.
And certainly, he is not a hypocrite, as opposed to other men who have posted on CAF who admit to having committed sexual sins themselves yet still want to marry a virgin. Certainly, such men did not get a warm reception and understandably so, I recall one egregious case where a man stated he had broken up his GF because she was not a virgin, but she actually HAD been one until the guy himself had sex with her!