I am a 22 year old guy and I just joined catholic forums because ive had something on my mind for the past few months, and have not really found anyone that i can talk to about this situation. First of all, I was born and raised catholic. I was heavily involve din the catholic church while in college. However, I would not consider myself catholic now (but thats not the important part). Ive lived a very umm… pure life. Never done drugs. I have never had alcohol. Never had sex or anything close. Never had a girlfriend either.
What is bothering me most of all is that most of the girls out there (my age) are all sexually active. VERY VERY VERY few are not. This is a huge problem for me becuase i would rather a girl be a virgin for me to date her. (I have no intention of having sex till after i get married). I feel bad however for having this preference in girls. Most of the friends I have talked to have said that I should not let someone’s sexual history have an effect on how i view the person. And I understand their point. But I am abstaining for sex because i want to only be with ONE person my whole life. I dont want to have more that one sexual partners after i get married, becuase I dont want to have had an intimate connection with anyone else but my wife. And I want the same thing reciprocated…
I have been where you are and without going into specifics of my life, I would like to give some advice.
Women who are virginal may feel the same way and may have difficulty meeting people like you. There are many wonderful women out there.
Don’t feel bad about your own preferences. In fact, my advice is to accept that you have this preference and try not to make it the centerpiece of your life. It is just one preference and it is who you are right now. If you meet a person, remind yourself to get to know them as an entire person.
You made choices in life and you should feel proud of them. Own the choices youve made. Whether or not others made the same choice, your virginity still has value and it doesnt diminish if others made different choices. The right person will appreciate and value your choice even if she made different ones.
Do not let it push you away from the Church. I was away for many years and I regret it. Whether or not you find a virginal spouse, God loves you. God is not Santa Claus. He does not give us everything we want. We pray that His will be done, not ours. If you feel a spiritual emptiness, if you feel angry at God, this is what you need to work on now, before you can be a good spouse.
I would recommend forcing yourself to be social and meeting people for coffee, lunch, maybe a social group, etc. Consciously make an effort to look for the good in each person and identify what you like about them. Listen to them. You will be learning how to be in a relationship little by little.
I hope this helps. Again, your thoughts may be different from mine but I wanted to share as someone who has felt the same way. I wish you the best. I learned that in marriage, there are much bigger things. The person who will hold your hand when you are in the hospital is the person you want.