Daughter thinks she is Bi

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Claiming that you are gay or bi is trendy among teens and preteens.
This is also true. Every third video these days is promoting bisexuality. It’s trendy.
AT LAST SOMEONE SAID IT !!! Thank you Tis_Bear.
By saying that you are bi, you can get all the social points that comes with being gay while still getting to date the sex you are really interested in if you are actually straight.
Right. You can also cuddle with your girlfriend when there are no boys available and go, “oh look we’re bi”.

When 90 percent of the time, all it is, is cuddling.

And maybe some writing of romantic notes.
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This is also true. Every third video these days is promoting bisexuality. It’s trendy.
When I was 12, it was 1968. Homosexuality wasn’t cool, but cigarette ads were constant on TV, drug use and hippies were glorified. So we picked different ways to rebel.
Right. You can also cuddle with your girlfriend when there are no boys available and go, “oh look we’re bi”.

When 90 percent of the time, all it is, is cuddling.

And maybe some writing of romantic notes.
I gotta say, if this had just been socially acceptable among boys when I was that age, I think my whole childhood would have been so much more chill. I honestly think that those sorts of relationships are healthy precursors to heterosexual marriage, in that they help us emotionally negotiate “special” relationships.
It seems to have been quite the fad among young schoolboys in the Robert Graves pre-WWI era, judging from “Good-bye to All That”. Presumably most of the boys grew up and fell in love with women and got married, like Robert did.
Love her ferociously. Be there for her in every way you can. Provide her safe harbor when she faces prejudice in the world. Remind her that she is, and always will be, a child of God.
Here’s something from the Urban Dictionary:

A guy or girl who pretends to be bisexual.

Often because they think it is cool and also to gain attention from others (normally those of the opposite sex.)

Bi-trendy people will often kiss but will go no further sexually unlike people who are really bisexual, this is mostly done around others as proof of how bisexual they are.

Bi-trendy people also have an obsession with talking about how bisexual they are and want everyone to know it.
As Joe Jackson said, “It’s different for girls.”

Almost every girl I know had a crush on another girl or on a female teacher when they were about 12 or 13, whether they described themselves as “bi” or not.
Yeah, our culture is uniquely homophobic about this stuff, and frankly, our homophobia among school children helps ENCOURAGE homosexual activity later. Nothing like the forbidden as an advertisement…

But if you look at history, kids 10-12 have close, romance-like relationships with the same sex. It’s good and normal and healthy. It hasn’t been called “gay” historically, nor should it.
Please don’t make the assumption this is somehow a “fad” as some here are suggesting. Coming out takes an immense act of courage, and having it dismissed by someone you love as a “fad” might well be devastating.
I’ll wager most of them forgot about it or think of it as inconsequential.

The minute boys enter the picture and start acting sort of mature and wanting to date the girls, about 80-90 percent of them go off with a boy and never look back.
There are catholic parents here that have plenty of expertise on the matter should it be necessary.
Are there lots of Catholic parents here in CAF that have expertise in what to do if a child really does turn out to be gay, lesbian or bisexual? The last time someone started a thread about his 12 year old son saying he’s gay, there was quite a lot of different kinds of advice. But I think the best advice I saw is that parents shouldn’t minimize their children’s feelings and should always love their children unconditionally even if they do turn out to be gay or lesbian or bisexual and even if they don’t ultimately follow Church teachings on this issue.
It may be more common among girls than boys, but I don’t think it’s THAT common overall. I never experienced that as a young girl. But, then again, on don’t really understand members of my own sex most of the time.
In this day and age, coming out is hardly courageous. The kid is more likely to get a lot of approval from adults and be paraded about as a hero than receive any major negative social consequences from peers, especially if the kid is a girl.
I don’t know if you were replying to me. But I never implied it wasn’t real. I said I wasn’t sure because she has never expressed any type of sexual desires, and thinks kissing is gross. My husband even asked her if she had kissed her girlfriend, and she said she doesn’t want to do that or kiss anybody yet. So I wonder how she can be sure. As I said in another reply, I have no desire to change her if she is but want to guide her with church teachings so she does not fall on a sinful life. However I am unsure how to do that and not push her to rebel
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