If you can afford the Catholic school, pull her now. I’m afraid that if this is happening now, it will be worse when she gets older.Yes she does go to public school. My husband and I have talked about pulling her out and putting her in the Catholic school 40 minutes away. He thinks that is extreme and is worried about money. I did enroll her in the youth group at our church to expand her friend circle
If the Catholic school is a good Catholic school (co-ed) then I think putting her in the Catholic school would be the best thing to do.
In her situation, I would NOT put her in an all girl’s Catholic school (if it can be avoided). But I strongly believe you and your husband should do your best to figure out how to pay for Catholic school and pull her from the public school.
I will pray for you. I have a 7 year old daughter currently in public school (because my wife refuses to send my kids to Catholic school) and I am totally afraid of such things. And I tell my wife all the time that as soon as I hear of any craziness, we are sending the kids to Catholic school.
This is a very scary time and I’m sorry you are going though this. Please know we are all here for you.
God Bless
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