Everybody sing!
“It seems to me I’ve heard that song before…”
Here’s a question I’ve never gotten an answer to, from those who accuse Catholics of worshipping this, that and the other. If we really worship something other than God (say Mary, for instance), then why would we deny it?! I mean, Catholics don’t ever deny that we worship God, so why would we constantly, loudly and without duress deny that we worship Mary if we really did? If we really thought Mary was deserving of worship, and we worshipped her and then turned around and denied to the world that we worshipped her, wouldn’t that just guarantee that our goose would be cooked? What person anywhere truly worships a person or thing, and at the very same time freely and loudly denies that they worship the person or thing? It makes no sense, because it’s not true.
So next time you hear this accusation, ask them back if they would deny they worship God. When they say “of course not, never, under no circumstances!”, then ask them why, in that case, they think Catholics always deny they worship .