No “DISCLAIMER” under the youtube video feed today because it is a smaller rally today so fewer viewers - same broadcaster…
1.7 miles of people across the street. -( 1 million people)
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Not all ideas are good ideas.
- Steven Wright
ETWN would inflate the crowd attendance, of course. It is not an unbiased source. Many independent verified reports have already estimated that the number in attendance to the 2020 March For Life was in the tens of thousands, up to 100,000. That would be about the same for the "One Million MAGA March". Trump's claim about his 2016 inauguation attended was grossly overstated a well. Actually, not much as an overstatement, but a lie. Press Secretary Sean Spicer claimed that it was the largest inauguration in history.
Regarding the MAGA March. reenshots of both matches are evidence of the 100,000 attendance numbers, tops. Great detective work with the photos, you've proven the estimated crowd numbers at the MAGA March, an even that Trump himself did not even bother to attend. His motorcade did pass some of the marches.........on his way to the airport..........for his weekly golfing excursion..........during a raging and exponentially worsening Coronavirus Pandemic.
EWTN is a Catholic TV network. You are on a Catholic site . . EWTN showed the video of the crowd and put out their own estimates. .Code:ETWN would inflate the crowd attendance, of course. It is not an unbiased source. Many independent verified reports have already estimated that the number in attendance to the 2020 March For Life was in the tens of thousands, up to 100,000. That would be about the same for the "One Million MAGA March". Trump's claim about his 2016 inauguation attended was grossly overstated a well. Actually, not much as an overstatement, but a lie. Press Secretary Sean Spicer claimed that it was the largest inauguration in history. Regarding the MAGA March. reenshots of both matches are evidence of the 100,0
Exactly, EWTN's own estimates. Anf yes, this I'd a Catholic site, but neither EWTN, nor Catholic Answers, bless their hearts, speak for all American Catholics. And the majority of American Catholics are not representative of either. And I am Catholic and Pro-Life, and I'm not even going to dispute the fact that it is terrific that even if 100,000 tops attended the annual march. That's a great thing. But, I do not rely on subjective opinions, any source, even Catholic sources, including EWTN, for example, regarding crowd size.
But we drifted from the overstated number of attendees at the "Million MAGA March", whose organizers would indeed, as well, inflate the crowd size. It's not like that Trump followers would intentionally use alternative facts regarding crowd size specifically, specifically regarding the White House issuing an official statement, as stated by White Housr Press Secretary, Sean Spicer, that Trump's 2017 Inauguration attendance was the "largest in history." Everyone remembers that fiasco and the photos disproving the lie. MAGA's seem to have an unusual preoccupation with the size of things. Just sayin'.
, (Please Note: This uploaded content is no longer available.) (Please Note: This uploaded content is no longer available.)xactly, EWTN’s own estimates. And I am Catholic and Pro-Life, and I’m not even going to dispute the fact that it is terrific that even if 100,000 tops attended the annual march. That’s a great thing. But, I do not rely on subjective opinions, any source, even Catholic sources, including EWTN, for example, regarding crowd size.