This. I tried making a similar point on another thread. If we regard every sinner in the world as our enemy, rather than friends we want to bring with us to Heaven, we will fail in our mission as Catholics. It is imperative that we remember that all of these sinners around us are people, created and loved by God just as much as ourselves, and that we are called to love them. Even if they do things we may find appalling. All the more reason to help. Giving up is the only effective way to fail. I was under the impression Catholics, as well as US citizens in general, were better than that. I certainly hope none of the people claiming that they’re just going to give up on the world are members of my generation. I’m 21. Perhaps I should just give up on my elders?
It kind of scares me when I read here on the forum or in the comboxes of various articles where people talk about just kicking back and watching the world burn. I saw one guy comment that he would focus on his salvation and that of his family and the rest of the world could go to hell in a hand basket for all he cared.
I get that people are angry and upset. So am I. But tossing up our hands and/or clamoring for God to start smiting people left and right is not the appropriate response. We are all of us sinners in need of God’s mercy. And, this side of death, there is hope for repentance and conversion for anyone. Imagine if in January 1973, God just unleashed a lightning bolt to strike down “Roe” from Roe v. Wade. I get the feeling some people would have cheered and smugly said “Serves her right!” And yet, she is now a pro-life Catholic. If she was struck dead on the spot, she would not have had that opportunity for conversion.
Let’s not underestimate God, here. And let’s not relish at the thought of others getting their comeuppance. We want them to be converted, not spend eternity in hell.
In all honesty, I understand that a lot of this is just hyperbole and venting. It’s an effective coping mechanism. But seriously, if any of you actually intend to just give up on the US over this, I’m glad I’m eventually going to replace you in this society.