l4l.org/ You might want to check this site out, I am not a libertarian but it gives very good reasoned and non-religious reasons why NO human being should be put to death in the case of abortion. It is a very good site for information regardless of one’s political affiliation.
As someone who was once 11 and abused/assaulted I can say no power or removal of pain I experienced could ever come from killing another person.
The violence of abortion also does not create peace or justice, instead it creates destruction and denies justice to its most vulnerable victim the human being in the womb unable to defend itself. It also enacts a new form of violence and forces deep spiritual pain upon the mother, who will have to carry the memory of the death of her child with her for the rest of her life.
Being called names is horrible & having to suffer with the conflicting agony that may result of an unwanted pregnancy via rape/incest is horrible. It is something that should never happen. However, neither compare with being put to death. Spiritual and emotional counseling is available & should be available to help any woman who has been sexually abused/assaulted/raped. This has been shown in all cases to reduce in any concern of PTSD. In fact, studies indicate that victims of violence are more likely to suffer from PTSD after an abortion, even the Guttmacher Institute (pro-abortion rights) in the past few years has come to acknowledge that victims of sexual abuse or violence are more likely to suffer negative psychological outcomes after an abortion. So abortion for the rape victim/survivor could be a cause for PTSD.
There are many options for support out there today than even 15 years ago for teen mothers and for mothers who are dealing with trauma. A pp listed there are really good programs for those who are having to face a pregnancy as a young person, there are also equally good programs for adults who are out of the educational setting. Support should always be given to those who continue with life.
Should it happen as has been suggested could occur that the mother’s life is in direct danger it is morally permissible if the mother needs a procedure to save her life (should a major life threatening medical complication arise) at any point in the pregnancy to give it even if the indirect effect would cause the death of the pre-born child. This is very different than directly ending a life through the means of an abortion & is rare. Given the current advancements in reproductive health care there is never a situation where the direct death (via abortion) of the preborn human is necessary to save the mother’s life. There are times where a medical procedure for a mother could indirectly harm the pre-born child but again this is very rare (
ewtn.com/library/PROLIFE/INDIRECT.TXTewtn.com/library/PROLIFE/INDIRECT.TXT --covers indirect abortion which is very different than direct abortion). The direct ending of an innocent and vulnerable human life is never justified. When you look at it directly ending a human life based on the “what-ifs” is not good medical ethics.
It is a sad & horrific state of our world that any child is sexually abused and/or raped. However, abortion doesn’t solve any problems it only creates new ones. It doesn’t make a girl unpregnant or erase her experience as a victim. Instead it makes her the mother of a child whose life was destroyed, it revictimizes her and has her partake in the death of another.
It just really bothers me that as a society we seem to get rooted in debating abortion for victims of sexual violence instead of really trying to clearly address why these crimes occur. Not saying anyone here is doing that just that our overall society seems to have gotten focused on abortion as a solution (which it’s not) and not focused enough on what causes the real problems of sexual violence. If we don’t deal with why rape/incest occurs in the first place nothing will ever be solved. It also bothers me that pro-abortion rights persons always try to justify the usage of abortion based on rare & tragic cases. I mean how could a person’s heart not ache for an 11 year old place in that position? And that is why the image of “her” is used as a justification for a means that is never OK.
OP by getting you to possibly concide abortion is OK in a rare & tragic case (the rape of an innocent pre-teen) it becomes abortion is OK in the vast majority of cases where the circumstances are very different because you already agreed it was OK to end an innocent human life in the womb, so why not others?
Anyway I hope that the OP is getting some good ways to open discussion and get other posters in that forum to understand more why one would not support direct abortion in any case.
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