Since you advocate that Lumen Gentium supports your position maybe you could be so kind as to cite the exact parts please. As for scripture I have seen both sides use it to support their positions. I have even seen someone use the Baltimore Catechism that clearly stated that the Church is builtIt was inspired also by Catholic literature. Like Lumen gentium, and not to mention obviously the Scripture.
Last time I checked the Baltimore Catechism was still a valid teaching tool. Has it been put on any banned books list by the Churhc?baltimore-catechism.com/lesson9.htm[
Q. 448. Why are these signs not continued everywhere at the present
A. These signs are not continued everywhere at the present time, because now that the Church is fully established and its divine character and power proved in other ways, such signs are no longer necessary.
I do understand that it is believed by Catholics that Christ founded ONE visible Church to carry out the Mission given to it by Christ to go and preach to all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. I understand that Catholics hold firm that their Church is the true Church and that the Holy Spirit only works in other non-Catholic Christian communities for the sole purpose of bringing them back into unity with the Catholic Church.You don’t understand how that works. Has everyone in the Catholic Church reached the highest degree of earthly perfection possible, automatically? Nope. Is everyone on earth on board with the Catholic Church? Nope. Until then, the Church needs building up. The Church is made up of members in need of sanctification.
I do understand that it has been stated multiple times that the CCR claims they are using said gifts to build up the Catholic Church and that this was the reason for why they were given to the Catholic Church by the Holy Spirit. This however still begs the question as to why such gifts for building would also be given tot the VISIBLE Protestant Pentecostal Churches since this would give the faithful the false idea that the Protestant Pentecostal Church is just as valid as the Catholic Church since it also possess these same gifts which are apparently only given for one reason: to build Christs Church
If your saying that the gifts are given to build up the Christian body and that the Church is all Christians together then whoe cares if your Catholic or Pentecostal since the Holy Spirit apparently works in all of them and gives them all the same gifts?