I will quote the Doctors and Father’s of the Church, the Catechism, documents of the Church, and the Popes. For the hundreth time, in this thread alone.
“If you want proof that the Spirit of God, who was with your people and left you to come to us, come into our assemblies and there you will see Him cast out demons, heal the sick, and hear Him speak in tongues and prophesy.” - Justin Martyr
“For the prophetical gifts remain with us [Christians], even to the present time. And hence you [Jews] ought to understand that [the gifts] formerly among your nation have been transferred to us” (Justin Martyr Dialogue with Trypho the Jew 82 [A.D. 155]).
Homily by St. John Chrysostom He has homilies on the whole letter, all available at New Advent.
. . . for which cause also his [Christ’s] true disciples having received grace
from him use it in his name for the benefit of the rest of men, even as
each has received the gift from him. For some drive out demons with
certainty and truth, so that often those who have themselves been
cleansed from the evil spirits believe and are in the church, and some
have foreknowledge of things to be, and visions and prophetic speech,
and others cure the sick by the laying on of hands and make them whole
and even as we have said, the dead have been raised and remained with
us for many years. And why should I say more? It is not possible to tell
the number of the gifts which the church throughout the whole world,
having received them from God in the name of Jesus Christ, who was
crucified under Pontius Pilate, uses each day for the benefit of the
heathen, deceiving none and making profit from none. For as it received
freely from God, it ministers also freely.
Just as also we hear many brethren in the church who have gifts of
prophecy, and who speak through the Spirit with all manner of tongues,
and who bring the hidden things of men into the clearness for the
common good and expound the mysteries of God.
For by your word you have both provided those things about which we
have been taught the least and strengthened us to bear up under the
sufferings which we are experiencing, being certain of the heavenly
reward, the martyrs’ crown, and the kingdom of God as a result of the
prophecy which you, being full of the Holy Spirit pledged to us in your
letter - Cyprian (250)
The prophetic charisms must exist in the church until the final coming. - Eusebius (father of Church history, 350 AD).
See Lumen Gentium 12. Be aware that there is a mistranslation there on the Vatican website. The English on the website says “Extraordinary gifts are not to be sought” (a statement contrary to Scripture). But they drop an important adverb from the Latin. It would be better translated “Extraordinary gifts are not to be rashly demanded/exacted”. But seeing as you probably don’t accept Vatican II, I don’t see that as helping matters.
“through receiving these gifts of grace [ex horum charismatum] …everyone of the faithful has the right and duty to exercise them in the church and in the world for the good of humanity and the building up of the Church.” Apostolicam actuositatem, #3
“so that all may more clearly recognize the talents with which God has enriched their souls, and then exercise the charismatic gifts which the Holy Spirit has conferred on them for the good of their sisters and brothers. Apostolicam actuositatem, # 30
They are to test the spirits to see whether they are of God, discern with a sense of faith the manifold gifts, [charismata multiformia] both exalted and ordinary, that the laity have, acknowledge them gladly and foster them with care.” Presbyterorum ordinis, #9
“Accordingly, by means of the Holy Spirit, Who distributes His gifts [charismata] as He wishes for the good of all, the Lord Christ stirs up a missionary vocation in the hearts of individuals…." Ad gentes, #23
The epistles of St. Paul, among other sources, tell us of charisms in the early Church. Vatican II recalls this teaching of the Apostle and applies it to the Church’s daily life. In the people of God, both the hierarchy and the laity share in charismatic gifts that enable them to perform ‘different works and offices’ for the good of mankind and of all Christians. Wojtla, Karol. Sources of Renewal The Implementation of Vatican II. 342-343.
See CCC paragraphs 799 to 801
See what I linked you to the Popes saying. See also which is useful.
St. Thomas Aquinas has a long chunk on charisms in his ST.
Useful, from the preacher to the papal household: a leader in the charismatic movement. The only one allowed to preach the Pope. He was handpicked by Bl. Pope John Paul II.
From JP 2…
And not to mention THE SACRED SCRIPTURE. 1 Corinthinas 12-14. St. Paul says “to each given the manifestation of the Spirit for the common good” (meaning those charisms he just mentioned in the last sentence). This is at the heart of Paul’s theology, his idea of the Mystical Body of Christ. In the Body, we all have our own roles and our own gifts from the Holy Spirit. These supplement each other and build up the Body of Christ.
So… if you don’t accept that the charismatic gifts are a normal part of the Church’s life, and you disagree with the Pope’s here, then you might try going off and founding your own Church. But that’s not how we do things here in the Catholic Church. If you don’t like it, you can leave.