Really JPII Spoke in tongues? Do you have an unbiased source for this? :shrug:
I have not seen one, but I have heard this a lot also.
“Seek eagerly after love. Set your hearts on spiritual gifts.” —1 Corinthians 14:1
Pope John Paul II has taught: "The Holy Spirit, while bestowing diverse ministries in Church communion, enriches it still further with particular gifts or promptings of grace, called charisms…The charisms are received in gratitude both on the part of the one who receives them, and also on the part of the entire Church. They are in fact a singularly rich source of grace for the vitality of the apostolate and for the holiness of the whole Body of Christ (The Lay Members of Christ’s Faithful People, 24).
Pope John Paul II has also taught: "The Spirit of Jesus, received by the humble and docile heart of the believer, brings about the flourishing of Christian moral life and the witness of holiness amid the great variety of vocations, gifts, responsibilities, conditions and life situations. As Novatian once pointed out — here expressing the authentic faith of the Church — it is the Holy Spirit ‘who confirmed the hearts and minds of the disciples, who revealed the mysteries of the Gospel, who shed upon them the light of things divine. Strengthened by his gift, they did not fear either prisons or chains for the name of the Lord; indeed they even trampled upon the powers and torments of the world, armed and strengthened by him, having in themselves the gifts which this same Spirit bestows and directs like jewels to the Church, the Bride of Christ. It is in fact he who raises up prophets in the Church, instructs teachers, guides tongues, works wonders and healings, accomplishes miracles, grants the discernment of spirits, assigns governance, inspires counsels, distributes and harmonizes every other charismatic gift’ " (The Splendor of Truth, 108).
What a Blessed can’t make a mistake when approving a movement within the Church?
She did not ask for the kind of “movement” we see today with so many abuses. But she did strongly see the need for a new Pentecost. It is improper, though to confine her request to the holy Father to tongues. Tongues is the least of all the gifts, and does not serve the Body as the other gifts do. The Apostle enjoins us to “earnestly desire the BEST gifts, especially that you may prophesy”.
Was the approval of the CCR an infallible proclamation? If not then why are Catholic’s being regarded as not loving the Holy Spirit or the Holy Father just because they do not approve of the CCR’s methods?
The gifts of Pentecost are part of the doctrine of the faith - the once for all divine deposit. A proclamation about these doctrines are only made when there is rampant heresy.
I am not aware of any Catholics not being regarded as loving the Holy Spirit just because they do not approve of some of the practices. However, I have heard testimony on these threads that this occurs. It is improper, narrow minded, and judgmental.
Sometimes, though, people do not separate the authentic gifts and the Teaching of the Church from the “movement” and the abuses that have happened. When a Catholic is unable to affirm a doctrine of the faith, it causes disunity.
Is it possible that a movement could take something the Holy Father approved of and completely twist it into something it was never meant to be?
Of course! People can do this with just about anything. We only need to look at the “spirit of Vatican II” and what happened to the Liturgy to see that this can, and does, happen. However, abuses do the not invalidate the true Liturgy.
Also Denise1957 asked some really good questions and made some good points that were accidently passed over.
I will go back and look for them.