It suggests rather that millions of Catholics are absolutely ignorant of the charismatic dimension of their own faith, and thus are not opening themselves up to what they don’t even know exists. And unfortunately, millions of ‘Catholics’ aren’t living anything like a life centered on the Holy Spirit or on God at all. You know that your average Catholic stops going to church after confirmation? They’ve still received the Holy Spirit, certainly. Sacrament was effective in conferring the sacramental graces. But they aren’t doing anything about it. They haven’t really experienced their own Pentecost.Except that we weren’t baptized into John’s baptism.
What bothers me about the charismatic movement is that it seems to suggest that millions of Catholics did not really receive the Holy spirit or as you said somewhere else, they were not taught how to “unwrap” it.
So Guanaphore, we do receive the Holy Spirit, but that doesn’t mean it has to be in the form of speaking in tongues or dancing in the spirit or in any other pentecostal expression.
It doesn’t have to be expressed in tongues or say prophecy, but according to history, at least earlier on that was the norm. And I don’t see why it shouldn’t be a norm, and many reasons why it should be.
Why don’t you want the gift of tongues?