Actually no there has been an underwhelming amount of evidence, the existence of a few societies, church fathers talking about charisms and thats about it. Oh and then an argument ‘oh its succesful it must be right’, as for the pope being a traditionalist, no, he’s a ‘neo-conservative’ that much is fairly obvious.There has been COUNTLESS amounts of information posting from several people containing several sources. Everything from the Bible to Vatican II documents. Extensive posting from several people who have given a lot of information. Early Church Fathers for example, have been referenced speaking about the charisms. Personally, I have referenced on a few occasions that there has been an entire Society of Apostolic Life which has this movement as a crucial portion, and if Rome disagreed with this movement so they would not have went a head with it. They would have exercised caution, they would have brought up some red flags.
But they didn’t. The Companions of the Cross, a charismatic Society of Apostolic Life, was given the full blessing to become what they are today.
But those things don’t matter, do they? That whole groups are being formed based around these charisms? That Steubinville continues to be wildly successful? That our very traditionalist Pope endorses the charismatic renewal?
No, it doesn’t matter I guess. Instead it’s easier to accuse others of “ad-homineneseddesswhatever” and say “I’ve given all the proof in the world!” and ignore what others have posted (literally, since you’ve publicly stated that you were ignoring people).
There are no encyclicals on the matter and on the other hand encyclicals condemning the practices out of which the movement was born and which it continues to practice. There has been no reference to saints or doctors of the church and on the other hand no less than 3 condemn the practices of the movement.
Nor has there even been any documents issued by the CDF. So I don’t see any overwhelming evidence
But thats the beauty of eyewitness evidence, you can read what they say and seeing as I don’t paraphrase their words but quoted them directly what people say about what they said has got nothing to do with it.Yet others have said other eye witnesses have said otherwise, so who do we trust?