**Is the Charismatic Movement Catholic? **
Charismatism takes its origins from Protestant Pentecostalism in the United States and it has spread throughout the Catholic Church by the “Baptism in the Spirit”.
This spiritual baptism is an innovation which the Charismatic renewal attempts to justify by claiming that with the sacraments the Catholic Church has not fulfilled all the abundance of the Gospels:
This is interesting to read. I have never encountered this notion in the Renewal. Perhaps I was fortunate to receive very good catechesis from the beginning, and was formed in an orthodox manner. In the Life in the Spirit Seminars, Conferences, Workshops and talks I have heard, it has never been claimed that the Sacramental life of the Church is in any way deficient. On the contrary, the gifts of the Spirit are rooted in the Sacraments, and the work of the Spirit filled life is to take those graces out into the world, where wea are to fulfill all the abundance of the Gospels. We are to become the living bread that is fed to the world. We are to be filled with the joy and peace that is our birthright in the sacraments, and to fulfill the work of the ministry, which lies in the works of mercy.
“The over flowing and abundance of the New Testament should not be hastily assimilated to subsequent sacramental forms” (Fr Laurentin, Charismatic apologist, in his book Pentecôtisme chez les Catholiques, Beauchesne, 1975).
I have heard of this priest, but have not read any of his work. I am not really sure what this statement means. If it means, as you say, that the sacraments are somehow insufficient, then he is certainly wrong. If he means that the grace of God is limited to the sacraments, then it is true. God pours out his grace upon all mankind, to draw them to Himself. He makes his rain to fall on the wicked and the righteous, and His Spirit is hard at work in non - catholic, non-sacramental ecclesial communites to draw them into the fullness of the faith.
Now, the Catholic Church alone is the custodian of the teachings of Our Lord Jesus Christ. It transmits infallibly the blessings of the Gospels in the only true Sacraments. "My God, I firmly believe all the Truths which You have revealed to us and which You have taught us through Your Church, because You can neither deceive nor be deceived." (Act of Faith)
Is this yours, or his? If he can make this act of faith, then how can he possibly also say the sacraments are deficient?
Regarding the emphasis put on charisms:
- The presence of charisms is not sufficient to prove their divine origin:
While this is true, there are also charisms that are of divine origin. Their purpose is to build up the Church.
- The Catholic Church is built on the supernatural virtues of Faith, Hope and Charity and not on charisms which are only lower gifts which must be controlled by the Church.
This is certainly true. Do you think that the Charismatic Renewal teaches otherwise? If you have a source of a teaching that contradicts this, I would like to know about it. Thanks in advance.
“But be zealous of the better gifts. And I show unto you yet a more excellent way.” (I Cor. XII :31) “In comparison with Charity which is perfect, these gifts are of little consequence and those who are at that level can fall while those who have Charity do not fall. I tell you that I have seen men who have received all the charisms and who have become participants in the Spirit and who nonetheless fell because they did not achieve perfect Charity”. (St. Macarius Magnus, IVth c., Spiritual Homilies, II, 27, 14)
I think this zeal is why the Pentecostal gifts fell into disuse. Indeed, love never fails. If the Gifts do not lead a person into deeper walk of love, then they have little value.
Regarding its search of extraordinary signs and wonders:
I am lost on this one. I don’t understand where people get the idea that this is the focus. I do understand that people do this, but this is not the teaching.
What we are taught to seek is the fullness of all that the Holy Spirit wants to do in and through us. Yes, it is true that we believe what is written in scripture that gifts have been given to each person for the service of all. But it is not a “seeking” or “obsession” of gifts. It is more a matter of discerning what gifts have already been imparted in baptism, and how to use them properly.
Regarding its suspicion of the Church’s Hierarchy:
The Hierarchy of the Catholic Church is seen as a stifling human institution:
This is definitely a problematic attitude, but honestly, I see it more in non-charismatics. It is rampant among those who reject the moral teachings of the Church, especially with birth control/abortion/ordination of women, etc.
Regarding its ecumenism:
“Originating from Protestant families, I was baptised a Protestant. Today, I know that God wants me to be a Protestant. I have gradually felt that I must not separate myself from my Protestant Church but to bring myself closer to it.” (Testament of a young girl in the Bethany Community, in Revue Tychique, No. 52, p.10)
I read many statements like this here on CAF. This is not what is encouraged by the Charismatic Renewal, though. I do pray for people like this,though, and I trust that God will meet them where they are, and draw them to HImself in His One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church.