Dear vardaquinn,The Baltimore Catechism, although generally an amazing resource for information, does not have the same level of authority as papal encyclicals, dogmatic constitutions, and the official catechism. It is not wholly wrong in that statement, in showing that the reason the sign gifts became less common was that the Church became more widespread. However, the teachings of encylicals, constitutions and the Catechism contradict that it, saying that whether or not the extraordinary gifts ceased, they are for today and are in use today. You simply contradict the reality: the extraordinary gifts are in use today.
Cordial greetings and hope all is well, dear friend. Thankyou for the above.
Can you kindly answer the following two questions please:
Can you point us to any official pronouncement since VII that authoritatively declares that the faithful must eargerly embrace and accept the CCR as a genuine movement of God’s Holy Spirit in our times?
Are there any documents even on the level of the ordinary magisterium that the faithful are under an obligation to submit their will and be obedient to?
You have brought to our notice that there have been papal endorsements of the Renewal, but clearly papal endorsements do not amount to official approbation. It is customary for contemporary Catholics to ascribe “creeping infallibility” to unofficial pronouncements on a whole plethora of contentious issues to support their progressive world-view or/and the laxity that now sadly prevails in the Western Catholic Church.
Please demonstrate where those of us who reject the CCR and its erroneous claims are going against official and authoritative Church teaching. Is a man who sincerely believes that the extraordinary charismata (e.g. tongues) has long ago ceased and that the CCR is a bogus movement, guilty of uttering heresy?
This will be my final post this side of the weekend and probably for some while as we are relocating to anothe area next week. Therefore may I take this opportunity to wish you, and all contributors to this current thread, a jolly splendid weekend.
Blessings be upon you and may the peace of God be yours.
Warmest good wishes,