Church Militant:
The same old lame non-sequitur. The fact is that they simply haven’t the guts to really study what the real Catholics say…they’d rather get their ideas from some second hand bigot who doesn’t know what he’s talkin’ about and then boost their ego by attacking Catholics with lies and ludicrous allegations. Then of course they consider themselves some sort of expert on Catholicism and come into OUR forum and unload on us. To be 100% honest…it makes me wanna puke.
The principle of toleration was unknown, or at best only here and there a voice was raised against the death penalty … . The opinion came to prevail, that what disease is to the body that heresy is to the Church, and the most merciful procedure was to cut off the heretic. No distinction was made between the man and the error.
The popes were chiefly responsible for the policy which acted upon this view… § 79
¶ … From the latter part of the twelfth century, councils advocated the death penalty, popes insisted upon it, and Thomas Aquinas elaborately defended it. Heresy … was a crime the Church could not tolerate…§ 86
History of the Christian Church, by Philip Schaff, Volume V,
Chapter 10, §§ 79, 86
It wasn’t long after the papacy authorized the Inquisition that it authorized
torture as a method of carrying it out.
‘Pope’ Innocent IV, in his bull ad extirpanda (1252) ordered the civil magistrates to extort from all heretics by torture a confession of their own guilt and a betrayal of all their accomplices.
… The use of torture to obtain confessions and the names of other heretics was at first rejected but was authorized in 1252 by Innocent IV…
Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc., Inquisition, Copyright © 1994-2000
… Soon after the Inquisition was instituted, Pope Innocent IV, influenced by the revival of Roman law, issued a decree (in 1252) that called on civil magistrates to have persons accused of heresy tortured to elicit confessions against themselves and others; this was probably the earliest instance of ecclesiastical sanction of this mode of examination.
Microsoft Encarta 98 Encyclopedia, torture, Copyright © 1993-1997 Microsoft Corporation
Ad Extirpanda effectively established a police state in Italy and is noteworthy for having introduced the use of torture into inquisitorial procedure, and for
explicitly condoning burning alive at the stake for relapsed heretics. Resistance amongst secular lords was overcome by a brilliant diplomatic manoeuvre: Innocent incorporated the Sicilian Constitutions of 1239 into a subsidiary Bull, Cum adversus haereticam, thus turning Frederick’s legislation against the heretics and Ghibellines that the Emperor had previously protected…
¶ Later Bulls served to refine this legislation, and it is interesting to see amendments being made constantly in response to specific demands or problems that arose in the work of inquisitors: personal letters written by the Pope carry the force of Bulls. But Innocent IV had, with this single stroke, instituted a system of repression that was then honed by Alexander IV (1254-1261), Urban IV (1261-1265), and Clement IV (1265-1268),
himself an ex-inquisitor, and finally codified by Boniface VIII in the Liber Sextus of 1298. The provisions of the Bull were accorded theological respectability by St Thomas Aquinas in his Summa Theologica.
The Inquisition - Hammer of Heresy, pp. 41-42, by Edward Burman, Copyright © 1984 … torture … . was first authorized by Innocent IV in his Bull Ad exstirpanda of 15 May, 1252, which was confirmed by Alexander IV on 30 November, 1259, and by Clement IV on 3 November, 1265. The limit placed upon torture was
citra membri diminutionem et mortis periculum—i.e, it was not to cause the loss of life or limb or imperil life…
New Advent (Roman) Catholic Encyclopedia,
You can continue to believe the whitewashed history presented by the Roman Church or you can believe that these supposed infalible men did nothing wrong!
Now let’s get off this rabbit trail and get back to the subject of this thread-Define Born Again!
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