Define Born again

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To all,

I think It is safe to say that we have defined born again sufficiently.

Let’s review!

Born again: The instantaneous birth of ones spirit, upon the baptism of the Holy Spirit. Also, the reversal of the damage caused by the first Adam,( i.e.) which was instantaneous spiritual death upon the act of one sin. Essentially becomming spiritually alive.

Our next task should be to discover what this has procured for us.


I am sorry to tell you that you are wrong.
The formula for a Christian Baptism is this,“I Baptise you in the name of the Father, and of the Son , and of the Holy Ghost (Spirit)”.

Baptism IS NOT only in the name of the Holy Spirit.

How would you classify Confirmation? What are it’s fruits?
,12Yet to all who** received** him, to those who** believed** in his name, he gave the right to become children of God– 13children born not of natural descent,a] nor of human decision or a husband’s will, but born (begotten) of God. John 1:12-13
Here is how we are born again, not by water baptism. It is our own faith, no one can believe in Jesus for you. You are now Jesus’ brother or sister, and the Father’s adopted son or daughter. Begotten of the Father. YOU ARE HIS!! YOU BELONG TO HIM!


9You, however, are controlled not by the sinful nature but by the Spirit, if the Spirit of God lives in you. And if anyone does not have the Spirit of Christ, he does not** belong** to Christ. 10But if Christ is in you, your body is dead because of sin, yet your spirit is alive because of righteousness. 11And if the Spirit of him who raised Jesus from the dead is living in you, he who raised Christ from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies through his Spirit, who lives in you.Romans 8:9-11

Here we see that you do not belong to Christ ( or are born again ) unless we are temples of the Holy Spirit. He makes our spirit alive instantaneously, which was previously dead.


43All the prophets testify about him that everyone who believes in him receives forgiveness of sins through his name.”
44While Peter was still speaking these words, the Holy Spirit came on all who heard the message. 45The circumcised believers who had come with Peter were astonished that the gift of the Holy Spirit had been poured out even on the Gentiles. 46For they heard them speaking in tongues**(“ 10&version=31;#fen-NIV-27294b”)] and praising God. Acts 10:43-46

**Here we have the second birth as justification( the forgiveness of sins) by belief only, not water baptism. **

Then Peter said, 47“Can anyone keep these people from being baptized with water? They have received the Holy Spirit just as we have.Acts 10:47
Here we have more proof that water baptism does not cause spiritual birth.

6Flesh gives birth to flesh, but the Spirit**(“”)]** gives birth to spirit**. 7You should not be surprised at my saying, ‘Youc] must be born again.(John 3:6-7)
Here we see that we are born spiritually dead. Your spirit must become alive before you physically die or you will go to hell.

3Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! In his great mercy he has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, 4and into an inheritance that can never perish, spoil or fade–kept in heaven for you, 5who through faith are shielded by God’s power until the coming of the salvation that is ready to be revealed in the last time.1 Peter 1:3-5
Here we see how the second birth gives us eternal security upon the initial reception of it.

Exporter said:
I am sorry to tell you that you are wrong.
The formula for a Christian Baptism is this,“I Baptise you in the name of the Father, and of the Son , and of the Holy Ghost (Spirit)”.

Baptism IS NOT only in the name of the Holy Spirit.

How would you classify Confirmation? What are it’s fruits?

WOW! What in the world are you talking about???
Please, show me anywhere in the history of Christianity prior to the 16th century that ANYONE held this interpretation of baptism?

You chose to throw a bunch of Scriptural passages at us and expect us to buy into your interpretation. You fail to realize that we are Catholics and do not agree with Scripture alone as the only reliable authority regarding faith and morals.

This issue is not about baptism, its about authority. You expect us to believe the Bible plus YOU, when we adhere to Scripture plus Tradition interpretated through the Magisterium, the heirs of the Apostles.

In order to convince us of anything in regards to faith and morals you have to employ the use of Scripture, Tradition and the Magistarium. Do this and we will consider your interpretation.
My dear Catholic friend, 🙂

I believe in sola scriptura because the bible teaches it, not because some self-proclaimed infallible institution says so. Jesus clearly condemned human tradition:

Mark 7:5-13 states, “These people honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me. They worship me in vain; their teachings are but rules taught by men…You have let go of the commands of God and are holding on to the traditions of men…And he said to them: “You have a fine way of setting aside the commands of God in order to observe your own traditions…Thus you nullify the word of God by your tradition that you have handed down. And you do many things like that.”

Those of us who hold to "sola scriptura" do not say there was never a time when God’s Word was spoken. Quite obviously there was such a time. Yet we also hold that the Scriptures are God’s final and full revelation to humankind. The oral traditions once communicated by the apostles have been committed to writing for all generations to come. All that God intends us to have is found within the Scriptures. Nothing outside the pages of Scripture is needed.

Protestants do not accept tradition as apostolic, or being God’s revelation, or as something that has an authority equal to that of the Scriptures. Most Protestants have a high regard for the teachings of the early fathers, though obviously they do not believe they are infallible. Protestants do not believe that any form of tradition is infallible like Scripture is!

Please show me in the Scriptures where it teaches that we need to employ the use of Scripture, Tradition and the Magistarium rather than Scripture alone!

It is unnecessary for me to show what Christians believed about baptism prior to the 16th century because what people believed is not relevant. The fact that salvation by faith is clearly taught in Scripture is undeniable! The problem is, Catholics reject biblical revelation in favor of the human traditions.

I asked this question of others and would like to ask it of you-- What is your definition of grace? :hmmm:
They forget what it means to become like a little child. Children know how to receive a gift, but adults seem to want to control things with their own flavor of rules. If they only could realize that they are frustrating Gods grace, and ultimately nullifying it. Thanks for reminding me how precious the irrevocable gift is.

Thanks for the encouragment brother!

Peace, blessings, and love


P.S. What is*** your** * story? Unless that is private.
Well my brother, since I recently gave my testimony at church, I have it in written form and will share it with you and those on this thread. Here it goes the Readers Digest version:

I was a member of the Catholic religion for the first 47 years of my life and today I’m here to tell you about my journey to Christ.

I was what you would call a “devout” Catholic. I was educated by priests and nuns for 12 years and received all the Sacraments necessary to be a good Catholic. I married in the Catholic Church and raised my two daughters in the Catholic faith. I attended Mass every Sunday and Holy day of obligation. I went to Confession at least once a year and received Holy Communion each time I went to Mass. I followed all the traditions of the Catholic Church and believed that I had the inside track to heaven. After all, I was better than most people, and as a Catholic, I had the fullness of the faith. I believed that what I was doing was pleasing to God and would earn me a place in heaven. I was proud to be Catholic and it showed!

Then in 1997 God started to work in my life when a co-worker invited my wife and I to attend services at his church. He was a good friend so we decided to accept his invitation and shortly thereafter we attended our first non-Catholic service. The Baptist church was small and unimpressive and lacked statues or candles however, the people were very friendly and the pastor’s teaching was powerful and convicting! I heard things that I had never heard before and decided to continue attending these services each Sunday, but only after first attending Mass. We enjoyed these services so much, that we later joined their bible study. I believed that we had the best of both worlds. By attending this church we were learning things we had never learned in the Catholic Church yet we still had the security of belonging to “the one true Church.”

As some time passed, my friend gave me a little tract entitled “Are Roman Catholics Christians?” He said it might be a little offensive but it would help me to see the differences that existed between Catholicism and the bible. I read it over and over again and I must confess, I was offended. This challenged me to defend my Catholic faith and prove to my friend that what the Catholic Church teaches is true.

I spent hours in front of the computer each day searching websites that supported Catholic teaching but I also found others that opposed it. I studied church history, the papacy and the Reformation. I then decided to do something that is foreign to most Catholics; I decided to examine the Scriptures to find support for my Catholic faith.

I started reading through the New Testament searching for passages supporting the Catholic view of Mary but instead of finding the Queen of Heaven, I found a humble servant of God. I looked for the sacrifice of the Mass and the Sacraments but found instead Christ’s one time offering for sin. I looked for Salvation by works and merit but found what is now my favorite verse in Scripture ***(Eph.2: 8-9) “For it is by grace you have been saved through faith, and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God, not by works, so that no one can boast.” ***

This was not what I expected to find! Before starting my search I believed that everything I was taught as a Catholic could be found in the Bible but now I could see for myself that it wasn’t. I was disturbed and disillusioned. I was taught that the Bible is the Word of God but I found that it conflicted with my Catholic faith. Questions raced through my mind. Is it possible that I could have been deceived all those years? What will this do to my family? What will I tell my children? I didn’t know what I was going to do.

They forget what it means to become like a little child. Children know how to receive a gift, but adults seem to want to control things with their own flavor of rules. If they only could realize that they are frustrating Gods grace, and ultimately nullifying it. Thanks for reminding me how precious the irrevocable gift is.

Thanks for the encouragment brother!

Peace, blessings, and love


P.S. What is*** your** * story? Unless that is private.
Con’t from previous page.

I continued to attend services at the Baptist church for a year while still attending Mass each Sunday. It was becoming increasingly more difficult for me to continue on this way. I no longer believed in the Catholic faith and was turned off by the statues, the Mass and Mary. My wife and I had arguments about the possibility of breaking up the family over this matter. She was concerned that our daughters might not go to church if we left the Catholic Church. But then God stepped in! On Palm Sunday six years ago, my wife and I were at Mass and after the priest read from the Scriptures he looked out at the congregation and said, “Don’t read the bible for yourself, you won’t be able to understand it. We’ll interpret it for you.” Needless to say this really offended us. After all, we had been attending bible studies at the little Baptist church for almost a year and now a priest was telling us that we could not read nor understand the bible apart from the Catholic Church. I decided to call the pastor of the Baptist church and asked to talk to him. After discussing our concerns, it was clear to me that we had to leave the Catholic Church. I realized that we could no longer remain in a system that was teaching what was clearly contrary to Scripture and was trying to keep the truth from its members by discouraging bible reading.

I no longer believed that my good works, the Church and Mary could save me. The Holy Spirit had convicted my heart of the truth that salvation comes through Christ alone. I knew that Jesus paid my sin debt in full and I could add nothing to His finished work on the cross. I left the Catholic Church, repented of my sins and accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior. Shortly thereafter, my wife and daughters left the Church and also accepted Jesus alone for their salvation. God has truly blessed me. I don’t deserve such a gift. I can never thank Jesus enough for saving a poor, lost, deceived sinner like me.

After leaving the Catholic Church we tried to share our new lives in Christ with the other members of our family but our efforts were met with rejection. We tried to show them from Scriptures the truth about salvation but they don’t accept the Bible as the authority. But they continue to put their trust in the traditions of the Catholic Church. Because we left the one true Church, they have little or nothing to do with us. They think that we are out of our mind and involved in some sort of cult. One family member has stated that he’d rather go to hell than follow Biblical Christianity. And my mother has gone so far as to say that my words mean nothing to her!

My heart aches for my family. Instead of trusting in Jesus as their all-sufficient Savior, they cling to their works, the Mass and Mary. Unless they repent and put their trust in Jesus alone, they will face a Christ-less eternity in the fiery torment of hell. I pray that God will send His Spirit to convict their heart and the hearts of all those who continue to trust in anything other than Jesus.

Your brother in Christ,
John 😉
My dear Catholic friend, 🙂

I believe in sola scriptura because the bible teaches it, not because some self-proclaimed infallible institution says so. Jesus clearly condemned human tradition:

Mark 7:5-13 states, “These people honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me. They worship me in vain; their teachings are but rules taught by men…You have let go of the commands of God and are holding on to the traditions of men…And he said to them: “You have a fine way of setting aside the commands of God in order to observe your own traditions…Thus you nullify the word of God by your tradition that you have handed down. And you do many things like that.”

Those of us who hold to "sola scriptura" do not say there was never a time when God’s Word was spoken. Quite obviously there was such a time. Yet we also hold that the Scriptures are God’s final and full revelation to humankind. The oral traditions once communicated by the apostles have been committed to writing for all generations to come. All that God intends us to have is found within the Scriptures. Nothing outside the pages of Scripture is needed.

Protestants do not accept tradition as apostolic, or being God’s revelation, or as something that has an authority equal to that of the Scriptures. Most Protestants have a high regard for the teachings of the early fathers, though obviously they do not believe they are infallible. Protestants do not believe that any form of tradition is infallible like Scripture is!

Please show me in the Scriptures where it teaches that we need to employ the use of Scripture, Tradition and the Magistarium rather than Scripture alone!

It is unnecessary for me to show what Christians believed about baptism prior to the 16th century because what people believed is not relevant. The fact that salvation by faith is clearly taught in Scripture is undeniable! The problem is, Catholics reject biblical revelation in favor of the human traditions.

I asked this question of others and would like to ask it of you-- What is your definition of grace? :hmmm:
I can assert that what you believe are “traditions of men” just as much as you can. But what I have (that you do not) is a continuation of belief that goes back to the Apostles and not a 16th century innovation.

History is indeed valuable–It shows us where we came from. And what history teaches me is your beliefs regarding sola scriptura and sola fide are NEW beliefs because NO ONE held them prior to the 16th century and are therefore “traditions of men.”

And IF what you believe is so “biblical” and sola scriptura so FOUNDATIONAL then someone in the history of Christianity prior to the 16th should have believed it. Right? I mean, if its so obvious to you who is 2000 years removed from the foundation of the Church then it should be even more obvious to those who are even closer. So, I ask you to please show me someone who is closer who held your beliefs on Scripture alone and Faith alone.

Again, this is an issue of Authority and we do not buy into your interpretation of one of our authorities. If you use the other two then maybe we’ll get somewhere.

Dear John1717:

You said:

You are stumbling over your own comparison. The flood a-c-t-u-a-l-l-y wiped away the sinful world. You say that the baptismal waters do not do this.

In faith,
A ritual (baptism) does absolutely nothing! God judges the heart and unless you have a change of heart, even the water of Niagara Falls will not cleanse away your sins! :nope: **Only faith in Christ can save you! **

InJohn 3:16 Jesus said, For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.” John 5:24 states, “I tell you the truth, whoever hears my word and believes in him who sent me has eternal life.” Romans 10:17 states,** “…faith** comes from hearing the message, and the message is heard through the word of Christ”.

**:amen: **
I can assert that what you believe are "traditions of men" just as much as you can. But what I have (that you do not) is a continuation of belief that goes back to the Apostles and not a 16th century innovation.

History is indeed valuable–It shows us where we came from. And what history teaches me is your beliefs regarding sola scriptura and sola fide are NEW beliefs because NO ONE held them prior to the 16th century and are therefore “traditions of men.”

And IF what you believe is so “biblical” and sola scriptura so FOUNDATIONAL then someone in the history of Christianity prior to the 16th should have believed it. Right? I mean, if its so obvious to you who is 2000 years removed from the foundation of the Church then it should be even more obvious to those who are even closer. So, I ask you to please show me someone who is closer who held your beliefs on Scripture alone and Faith alone.

Again, this is an issue of Authority and we do not buy into your interpretation of one of our authorities. If you use the other two then maybe we’ll get somewhere.

No what I believe is the Word of God!

Please enlighten me as to where the following teachings of the Roman Catholic church can be found in the Scriptures?

Where in the Bible do we find Peter assuming and exercising the role of a Catholic pope?

Where does the Bible say the early churches treated Peter in a papal fashion?

Where does the Bible say that one man is the head of all churches?

Where does Bible say God established a special priesthood for the churches that is separate from the priesthood of the believers?

Where does the Bible describe the office of such priests in the early churches?

Where does the Bible say that New Testament priests are ordained after the order of Melchizedek?

Where in the Bible do we find a requirement that pastors be celibate?

Where does the Bible say the apostles passed on their authority through a succession?

Where does the Bible give standards for apostolic succession? There are standards for pastors and deacons, but where are the standards for an ongoing apostleship?

Where does the Bible describe nuns in the early churches?

Where in the Bible do we find anyone praying to Mary or to any other person other than God?

Where does the Bible call Mary the Mother of God?

Where does the Bible say that Mary is the Queen of Heaven?

Where in the Bible do we find the teaching that Mary is sinless?

Where in the Bible do we find the baptism of an infant who is too young to believe in Christ?

Where does the Bible teach us that the church can identify dead people as saints and can then pray to them?

Where does the Bible teach that a dead person can intercede for the living?

Where does the Bible teach about purgatory?

Where does the Bible teach that churches should use the bones of dead men in any type of religious manner?

Where does the Bible teach that the churches used indulgences?

Where in the Bible do we find even one example of a Catholic mass being conducted or even described? If Christ established the mass and if it is central to the Christian faith as Rome claims, why is there not one example of it in the book of Acts and the New Testament epistles?

Where in the Bible do we find Christians taking the Lord’s supper by partaking of the bread alone without the wine or grape juice?

Where in the Bible does Paul or any of the early church leaders teach that there are seven sacraments?

Where in the Bible do we find the churches practicing the sacrament of confirmation?

Where in the Bible do we find the churches practicing any sort of extreme unction or last rites as a sacrament?

Where in the Bible do we find the prayer of the rosary?

Where in the Bible do we find that New Testament churches are to conduct elaborate rituals and ceremonies after the fashion of Rome?

Where in the Bible do we find that the headquarters for the church is to be in Rome?

During the last 1,700 years, the Roman Catholic Church has put to death hundreds of thousands she believed to be heretics – Jews, dissident Catholics, Protestants, anabaptists, Hussites, Lollards, Waldenses, Albigenses and many others in distant lands who refused to convert to the ‘one true church.’ Today, the Roman Catholic Church calls people who hold these very same opinions ‘separated brethren’ and teaches it is wrong to persecute on the basis of religious belief. Which church is right? The church which killed those who dispute her teachings, or the church which treats other Christians – and even other religions – as alternative pathways to heaven?

I’ll ask again, please tell me what your definition of grace is!

The Church has always taught that we are saved by grace. This grace we receive through faith in Jesus and what He taught. He taught we first receive this grace at baptism. Thus, when we are baptized, we receive the grace of salvation free. It does not depend on what we have done before baptism. Thus, for adults, as long as they are repentant and reject sin and satan and intend to follow Jesus and His Church then they are saved by the grace of salvation they receive at baptism. It is not a result of any works, whether good or bad.
Of course, after they have been saved, they must obey God to constantly renew this grace and grow in this grace and keep this grace. Thus **we need both faith and obedience to God to receive and keep the grace of justification. **
Again, if you look at the context St. Paul was writing about, it was concerning the ceremonial works of the law of Moses. Some Jewish christians claimed Christians had to be circumcised again and follow the law of Moses. But since even Jewish Christians were no longer under the law of Moses, then obedience to this law was not required. Thus, those Christians who followed the law of Moses could not be justified by following it. We are justified for obeying the law, if it is the law of Christ, that is the Gospel as taught by the Church. That is why St. Paul also wrote,
------------- Romans 2:5 --------------
5 "But by your hard and impenitent
heart you are storing up wrath for
yourself on the day of wrath when
God’s righteous judgment will be
6 For he will render to every man
according to his works:
7 to those who by patience in
well-doing seek for glory and honor
and immortality, he will give eternal
8 but for those who are factious
and do not obey the truth, but obey
wickedness, there will be wrath and

I think Martin Luther misled many Christians by implying St. Paul was writing about the law of Christ, when he referred to circumcision and other ceremonail “works of the law”, when in actualiy he was writing about the law of Moses.
Again, he is referring to works of the law of Moses, circumcision, Jewish feast days, Sabbath observence, not eating unclean foods, etc., that is works done without faith in Jesus. He is not referring to the law of Christ in these passages. Read the context.
Same response as above. In other words, you have been taught that St. Paul is referring to obedience to God by the terms “the works of the law”. This is incorrect. The very reason he condemns the idea that “works of the law” are necessary is because it was NOT obdiedence to God. But obedience does make us righteous and justifies us. Notice what St.Paul writes:
------------- Romans 6:16 -------------
16 Do you not know that if you
yield yourselves to any one as
obedient slaves, you are slaves of
the one whom you obey, either of sin,
which leads to death, or of
, which leads to
Thus St. Paul agrees with James who writes
Jas 2:24 You see that a man is
justified by works and not by

**faith alone. **
If you notice James was not writing about ceremonial works, but works resulting from obeying God, keeping the commandments.
St. Paul makes that clear again.
1Co 7:19 For neither circumcision
counts for anything nor
uncircumcision, but keeping the
commandments of God.

Sure, grace is the favor of Christ’s life within us.
He taught we first receive this grace at baptism.

as long as they are repentant and reject sin and satan and intend to follow Jesus and His Church then they are saved by the grace of salvation they receive at baptism.

after they have been saved, they must obey God to constantly renew this grace and grow in this grace and keep this grace. Thus **we need both faith and obedience to God to receive and keep the grace of justification. **

Please give me Scripture verses that show these assertions to be true!

Church Militant:
John I think you’re way wrong on this concept of “taking a public stand for Christ through baptism”. You seem to have forgotten that the early church was under nearly contant persecution unto death for about its first 325 years or so. A public Baptism and stand would have been a quick death sentence. the history of those times does not support your interpretation. Many paid that price, but they didn’t bop down to the river and hold a baptismal service. just wasn’t done.

All Catholics are born again since we are validly baptised with water in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, and profess faith in the sacrifice of Christ on Calvary as the redemption form all our sins, both original and actual. We then walk out that salvation by actually doing the things that Jesus commanded us to do in order to attain heaven in Matthew 25:31-46 and other Bible passages as well. all our good works are simply another example of our cooperation with God’s superabundant grace that empowers us to live a life in imitation of Christ as a new creation.
As I stated in another post:

A ritual (baptism) does absolutely nothing
! God judges the heart and unless you have a change of heart, even the water of Niagara Falls will not cleanse away your sins! :nope: **Only faith in Christ can save you! **

In John 3:16 Jesus said, For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.” John 5:24 states, “I tell you the truth, whoever hears my word and believes in him who sent me has eternal life.” Romans 10:17 states,** “…faith** comes from hearing the message, and the message is heard through the word of Christ”.

**:amen: **
John1717 said:
No what I believe is the Word of God!

Please enlighten me as to where the following teachings of the Roman Catholic church can be found in the Scriptures?

Where in the Bible do we find Peter assuming and exercising the role of a Catholic pope?

Where does the Bible say the early churches treated Peter in a papal fashion?

Where does the Bible say that one man is the head of all churches?

Where does Bible say God established a special priesthood for the churches that is separate from the priesthood of the believers?

Where does the Bible describe the office of such priests in the early churches?

Where does the Bible say that New Testament priests are ordained after the order of Melchizedek?

Where in the Bible do we find a requirement that pastors be celibate?

Where does the Bible say the apostles passed on their authority through a succession?

Where does the Bible give standards for apostolic succession? There are standards for pastors and deacons, but where are the standards for an ongoing apostleship?

Where does the Bible describe nuns in the early churches?

Where in the Bible do we find anyone praying to Mary or to any other person other than God?

Where does the Bible call Mary the Mother of God?

Where does the Bible say that Mary is the Queen of Heaven?

Where in the Bible do we find the teaching that Mary is sinless?

Where in the Bible do we find the baptism of an infant who is too young to believe in Christ?

Where does the Bible teach us that the church can identify dead people as saints and can then pray to them?

Where does the Bible teach that a dead person can intercede for the living?

Where does the Bible teach about purgatory?

Where does the Bible teach that churches should use the bones of dead men in any type of religious manner?

Where does the Bible teach that the churches used indulgences?

Where in the Bible do we find even one example of a Catholic mass being conducted or even described? If Christ established the mass and if it is central to the Christian faith as Rome claims, why is there not one example of it in the book of Acts and the New Testament epistles?

Where in the Bible do we find Christians taking the Lord’s supper by partaking of the bread alone without the wine or grape juice?

Where in the Bible does Paul or any of the early church leaders teach that there are seven sacraments?

Where in the Bible do we find the churches practicing the sacrament of confirmation?

Where in the Bible do we find the churches practicing any sort of extreme unction or last rites as a sacrament?

Where in the Bible do we find the prayer of the rosary?

Where in the Bible do we find that New Testament churches are to conduct elaborate rituals and ceremonies after the fashion of Rome?

Where in the Bible do we find that the headquarters for the church is to be in Rome?

During the last 1,700 years, the Roman Catholic Church has put to death hundreds of thousands she believed to be heretics – Jews, dissident Catholics, Protestants, anabaptists, Hussites, Lollards, Waldenses, Albigenses and many others in distant lands who refused to convert to the ‘one true church.’ Today, the Roman Catholic Church calls people who hold these very same opinions ‘separated brethren’ and teaches it is wrong to persecute on the basis of religious belief. Which church is right? The church which killed those who dispute her teachings, or the church which treats other Christians – and even other religions – as alternative pathways to heaven?

I’ll ask again, please tell me what your definition of grace is!


You do not understand. I do not except sola scriptura therefore I need not use only Scripture to justify my beliefs.

Again, show me a Christian in the history of the Church prior to the 16th century that believed in sola scriptura and sola fide and will consider your position. I will not on the other hand consider an innovation and therefore a “tradition of men.”
Inspired by John1717 I too will provide my testimony.

I was raised with no religion or faith what so ever. My first encounter with Christianity came through a life long childhood friend who had become an Evangelical Christian in time I had not seen him.

He told me of God’s love and how God sent His only Son to die for me because he loved me. Well, I was shocked and amazed that someone would do such a thing for me and I longed to know this God. So, on August 28th, 1988 (the feast of St. Augustine, I would latter learn as a Catholic) I went forward at a Christian concert and accepted Christ as my personal Lord and Savior.

For the next 13 years I lived my faith and grew in knowledge of the Scriptures and theology. I was a youth leader in my church and spent many summers as a camp counselor for a Baptist camp. All the while I was hungry to learn about God while never loosing the simplicity of the Gospel. I studied the Reformers and was deeply drawn to the writings of John Calvin.

From 1995 to 2000 I was a strong Reformed Christian and anti-Catholic. I made it my goal to preach the truth whenever possible and if the opportunity arose to help those decieved by the Catholic Church to understand true bibilcal Christianity.

As time went by I started to look around me and to ask some uncomfortable questions. I started to ask myself if what I thought and believed was truly “biblical” Christianity. I have always been interested in history and thought that if Christ’s words were true and He did indeed establish a Church then there should be a paper trail from me to the Church He established.

I started looking into history and the writings of the early Christians in hopes of finding what I believed there. I hope that my Reformed believes, my “biblical” beliefs would be there… They were not! There was no sola scriptura, no sola fide, no soley symbolic baptism and communion, none. There was no paper trail. I was cut off! I was alone on an island of beliefs that apart from that which I held in common with the historical church (Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox) could not be found anywhere but in fairly resent history.

What I found shocked and scared me…I found the Catholic Church. When this hit me I spend many months in prayer and in counsel with many of my closest Evangelical friends. We would discuss what I had found hour after hour, for they were, and are the brightest people I know. In the end however, I had to follow the truth where ever it lead me.

During the Easter Vigil of 2001 I was accepted into full Communion in the Roman Catholic Church. For I had found my paper trail. I had found it in the last place I ever wanted to look. By God’s grace and through the leading of the Holy Spirit and prayer, I had found the true Church that Christ Himself had established and continues to guild–the Catholic Church.

Thanks be to God for showing me the fullness of truth!

Yeah…here’s mine too! I was out for over 34 years before I discovered the truth I’d been born into. I’m reborn!

I would like to offer you my own personal testimony so you can see where I’m comin’ from and WHY I returned to Catholicism.

I am a cradle Catholic and a “revert” to the faith after being gone for about 34 years. I had left the Church at about age 17 because I was on drugs and then “got saved” at a Campus Life Bible study that was run by a very cool minister. I had always gone to church but never really taken it seriously or read the Bible, even though it was in the house and other members of my family read it. The lack was not in the church (I see that now) but within me. I began to read the Bible for the first time in my life…(the epistle of St. James) and it really hit home. I have always believed in God, but I saw that that was not enough. I did alright for a couple of years, got married and we moved here to Florida, where I stayed out of establishment churches because I figured they were all messed up and did my thing as a “Jesus freak”, witnessing on the streets and handing out Christian underground papers and tracts, and talking to anyone who would listen.

Eventually I and my little family joined a Baptist church because the preacher convinced me that we believed the same things and he liked my no fear witnessing. That was fine until I admitted that I figured that the gifts of the Holy Spirit did not end with the death of the last apostle. That ended my path to being a Baptist minister so we joined a local Assembly of God where we stayed for many years in spite of some really unscriptural and uncharitable things they did. I became a deacon there, but finally we left after they pulled some really lame stuff and blew me off when I pointed out that what they were doing was unscriptural. My letter telling them why we were leaving was 10 pages long.

I intended to find another church, but we never did and so we remained out of any church for many years.

About 5 years ago I hit a real crisis and decided to turn back to the Lord. I found that Jesus meant every word of the parable of the prodigal son. I began to read the Bible again and got a New American Bible which is about like the NIV except this one has all the books (which I liked even though at the time I was still a Protestant). This particular edition was fairly big, with a bright green paperback cover that said “The Catholic Bible” in big orange letters. I went diddy-bopping into a meeting one day with that in hand and wasn’t in there a hot minute when some guy jumped my case.

“Are you Catholic?’ he asked me. “Well…yeah”, says I, (since technically I was). “You Catholics worship Mary.” “Say what?” I responded. “You Catholics worship Mary. You pray to her.” “Look, I know I I been outta the church for a long time, and we do pray to her but we DON”T worship her and no Catholic that knows his ear from his elbow would ever even SAY such a crazy thing. We worship God alone. End of story, Dude.”

He persisted so severely that I finally told him that I’d get some books, check it out and get back to him with what I found out, and that if he was right then I would never enter a Catholic Church ever again.
I found a great book by a priest named Father Oscar Lukefahr of Catholic Home Study Service (Catholic Home Study Service) and read it carefully and prayerfully. I was happy to find that not only were the Catholics right and that they do not worship anyone but Almighty God, but that their doctrines about Mary are soundly based upon the Bible and that the early Christians believed the very same things. Even the three pillars of the Reformation ( Luther, Calvin, and Zwingli) believed the same things about Mary that Catholics do today. In the end I went back to church and met another Catholic guy, who like myself was returning to the faith as well. We studied and talked and found ourselves having to dig up real answers for people we knew who didn’t like the Catholic Church.

I continued to study Catholic teaching and discovered that a great deal of what I had been taught about the Bible and Christianity was wrong. I found that non-Catholics ignore and “read around” Bible passages that support Catholic teaching and that they completely ignore the history of Christianity prior to the 1500s. Now I know what I believe and why and I will never change, though I promise every non-Catholic that I dialog with that if they can prove that the Catholics are wrong that I’ll be in their church with them every Sunday from now on. No one even comes close…

Now I participate at Mass as often as I can, pray the Rosary and the Divine Mercy Chaplet almost every day, abstain from meat on most Fridays (just out of devotion to God), and of course read and study my Bible, as well as other Catholic writings. I am Catholic because I know and believe with all my heart and soul that the Catholic Church IS the New Testament church and I believe that the Eucharist is everything that the church teaches it is, the same as the early church did…all the way back to the last supper and the 6th chapter of the Gospel of St. John. I believe it’s really the body and blood of our risen Lord because St. Paul said that if you take communion while living in sin that you become guilty of the body and blood of the Lord, and that wouldn’t be possible if His body and blood weren’t really present in the form of bread and wine…just like the last supper. It is the most powerful miracle in all of Christianity, and I love it.

My Christian life is stronger than ever before, my prayer life is powerful, and I have great answers to my prayers like never before. I have always been a soul winner and that has not changed at all. God has used me to win some people that I sure couldn’t have won on my own. Some were very anti-Catholic and now are very MUCH Catholic very happy and forthright about their faith. It’s really very humbling…I feel like a raggedy (unworthy) Styrofoam cup at a feast, filled with the very finest wine.

So… God Love ya, That’s it. I’m nothing special. There are thousands of people like me who are returning to the faith each week and many more who are finding their way into it as well. It’s been here for over 2,000 years…it won’t die off or go away, and the very gates of hell have not prevailed (and will not prevail) against it. Jesus promised and he has kept that promise in spite of the human failings of individual members of His one true church.

You shouldn’t’ve left. This is the real thing. The fullness of truth, and the most beautiful Christianity you can possibly imagine. Nothing outside the Catholic Church even comes close. I cry tears of humble joy during the consecration at Mass because I am so wrapped up in worship of my risen Lord and Savior. I don’t care who notices or what they might think. I’m more concerned with making sure that Jesus hears me when I say, “My Lord and my God.”
Romans 10:17 states, “…faith comes from hearing the message, and the message is heard through the word of Christ”.
Hearing…that means it was passed on by word of mouth. which clearly means that oral tradition was what the early church preached long before the written NT came into existence.

Chicken or egg question I guess…
Which came first? The Church or the Bible?
Who wrote the NT…it was the first Christians…in other words…the Church wrote the NT.
If what you say is true, then everyone in the O.T. is going to hell. It is as simple as just that. Is that what you are inferring?
Hi Dan! 👋

Nope, that’s not what I’m inferring at all. I think it’s possible that you may misunderstand the Church’s teaching on this matter. Water baptism is the normative means of receiving God’s saving grace, not the only means. Since water baptism was not available to the Jews it wouldn’t be the means by which God imparted his grace to them.
I know you want to believe what the rcc teaches, but realize that they could be sincerely wrong.I have given you enough information to help you make the correct choice. Please listen to the truth, I cannot be much clearer.
I’ve seen no evidence that what you personally consider to be the correct choice is objectively the correct choice. There is a voice in the world today that we are to listen to and not reject lest we be rejecting Christ himself (Luke 10:16). I find no evidence that Luke 10:16 is a reference to you. I find a lot of evidence that it’s a referece to the Catholic Church. I do see evidence, however, that you are sincerely seeking the truth. In that you and I have a lot in common. 🙂

In Christ,
Nancy 🙂
John1717 said:
Amen! We can’t earn our salvation but to claim the need to repent
and accept in one breath and that it’s none of you and all of God in the next is contradictory. If one does not offer the contirbution of repentence and acceptence is one still saved?

In Christ,
Nancy 🙂
I think that you are confused as to what the term repentance means. Repentance is a change of mind. It is a change of mind from any understanding of God and His plan of redemption that does not conform to the truth of the Scriptures. It comes from a fear and love of God that is coupled with sorrow for sins committed against Him. Evidence of genuine faith and repentance is when one turns from a life independent of god to a life dependent upon Him. There is no contradiction!

Hi John! 👋

Whoops! In post #159 you inadvertantly attributed a quote to me that wasn’t mine. Careful! 🙂

I see no evidence from Scripture alone that repentence is “a change of mind from any understanding of God and his plan of redemption that does not conform to the truth of the Scriptures”. Would you mind sharing your extra-biblical source for that definition? Thanks!!

Repentence is more than a change of mind, it’s a change in behavior. God changes our minds but then we are to put those changes into action. To have the ability to do so is a working of God’s grace, but it’s still a choice we make. We are not puppets on a string. Our free will remains intact when we come to the Lord. It’s not enough to simply know God’s will, we have to DO God’s will. That’s why faith without works is dead, “works”, in this context, meaning our behavior.

In Christ,
Nancy 🙂
Dear Exrc:

You said:
,12Yet to all who** received** him, to those who** believed** in his name, he gave the right to become children of God– 13children born not of natural descent,a] nor of human decision or a husband’s will, but born (begotten) of God. John 1:12-13
Here is how we are born again, not by water baptism. It is our own faith, no one can believe in Jesus for you. You are now Jesus’ brother or sister, and the Father’s adopted son or daughter. Begotten of the Father. YOU ARE HIS!! YOU BELONG TO HIM!
The scripture verse you quote specifically says that belief gives us the right “to become” children of God. It does not say it makes us children of God.

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