Fr Ambrose:
Is the Catholic attitude represented then by the newly canonised Padre Pio:
“The Jews are the enemies of God and therefore of our Holy Religion.”
Does anyone have a reference for these words? Pio, do you know? I see that “katolik” uses these words as his signature line.
Well shoot!!! If Padre Pio really did say that, And I don’t know if he did or not, it’s really pretty tame compared to:
What is your iniquity, O daughter of Jacob, that your chastisement is so severe? You have dishonored the King and the King’s Son, you shameless one, you harlot! ~ St. Ephrem
It has come to pass that the last condition of Israel is worse than the first for, as the Savior’s disciple says (II Peter ii.21-22), it would be better for them not to have known the way of justice than, after they have known it, to turn back from that holy commandment which was delivered to them. For the true Proverb has happened to them: the dog has returned to his vomit, and the sow that had washed has returned to her wallowing in the mire (Proverbs xxvi.11). And from what they afterwards dared to do, it is plain to see that the Jews have swallowed their vomit and turned again to wallow in their ancient mire and relapsed into the errors of Egypt, for the Evil Spirit has again entered into them, and their last state has become worse than their first. ~ St. Cyril of Alexandria
Well should the Jew mourn who, not believing in Christ, has assigned his soul to perdition …The Jews have crucified the Son and rejected the Holy Ghost, and their souls are the abode of the devil. ~ St. John Chrysostom
Nor is it sufficient that we call Him Who is in Heaven “Father.” We must add to the name “Our Father.” This name rebukes and condemns the Jews who not only spurned Christ faithlessly, but also cruelly executed Him Who was announced to them by the prophets, and sent first to their nation. No longer may they call God their Father, because the Lord confounds and refutes them, saying: “Your father is the Devil” (John viii.44). O sinful nation, O people weighed down with guilt, breed of evil-doers, lawless children, you have turned your backs on the Lord and have provoked the Holy One of Israel! We Christians at prayer say “Our Father,” since He has begun to be ours, but ceased to be the Father of the Jews who have forsaken Him. There is no way a sinful nation can be His children; on the contrary, that title is bestowed on those to whom remission of sins has been granted and to whom eternal life has been promised. ~ St. Cyprian
How dare Christians have the slightest intercourse with Jews, those most miserable of all men. They are lustful, rapacious, greedy, perfidious bandits – pests of the universe! Indeed, an entire day would not suffice to tell of all their rapine, their avarice, their deception of the poor, their thievery, and their huckstering. Are they not inveterate murderers, destroyers, men possessed by the devil? Jews are impure and impious, and their synagogue is a house of prostitution, a lair of beasts, a place of shame and ridicule, the domicile of the devil, as is also the soul of the Jew. As a matter of fact, Jews worship the devil: their rites are criminal and unchaste; their religion a disease; their synagogue an assembly of crooks, a den of thieves, a cavern of devils, an abyss of perdition! Why are Jews degenerate? Because of their hateful assassination of Christ. This supreme crime lies at the root of their degradation and woes. The rejection and dispersion of the Jews was the work of God, not of emperors. It was done by the wrath of God and because of His absolute abandonment of the Jews. Thus, the Jew will live under the yoke of slavery without end. God hates the Jews, and on Judgment Day He will say to those who sympathize with them., “Depart from Me, for you have had intercourse with My murderers!” Flee, then, from their assemblies, fly from their houses, and, far from venerating the synagogue, hold it in hatred and aversion. ~ St. John Chrysostom