Dear HagiaSophia,
“invincibly ignorant” comes up when salvation is discussed. Who is to be saved? It is a brief explanation of how someone can be saved without being a member of Christ’s true church, the Catholic Church. For purposes of better apologetics, and so that I may not turn off others when my purpose is to get them back to the fold, how do i phrase invincibly ignorant in better terms?
When discussing apologetics with people - one has to consider that more than written documents, or static theological definitions are involved. It’s called being pastoral. Every priest and deacon will understand exactly what I mean by that. We speak of our “sister churches”…how would you talk to your “:sister”?
And I thank Fr., Ambrose for St. Paul which came immediately to mind but he saved me the trouble of scouring all over for it - that’s one of the best ones, but here’s another which accents the “pastoral” expression of our feelings toward the Orthodox as written by a very well known Catholic of the Roman Rite…
"…Christ calls all his disciples to unity . My earnest desire is to renew this call today, to propose it once more with determination, repeating what I said at the Roman Colosseum on Good Friday 1994, at the end of the meditation on the Via Cruces prepared by my Venerable Brother Bartholomew, the Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople. There I stated that believers in Christ, united in following in the footsteps of the martyrs, cannot remain divided. If they wish truly and effectively to oppose the world’s tendency to reduce to powerlessness the Mystery of Redemption, they must profess together the same truth about the Cross. 1 The Cross! An anti- Christian outlook seeks to minimize the Cross, to empty it of its meaning, and to deny that in it man has the source of his new life. It claims that the Cross is unable to provide either vision or hope. Man, it says, is nothing but an earthly being, who must live as if God did not exist.
" …No one is unaware of the challenge which all this poses to believers. They cannot fail to meet this challenge. Indeed, how could they refuse to do everything possible, with God’s help, to break down the walls of division and distrust, to overcome obstacles and prejudices which thwart the proclamation of the Gospel of salvation in the Cross of Jesus, the one Redeemer of man, of every individual?
**Nevertheless, besides the doctrinal differences needing to be resolved, Christians cannot underestimate the burden of long-standing misgivings inherited from the past, and of mutual misunderstandings and prejudices. Complacency, indifference and insufficient knowledge of one another often make this situation worse. Consequently, the commitment to ecumenism must be based upon the conversion of hearts and upon prayer, which will also lead to the necessary purification of past memories **. With the grace of the Holy Spirit, the Lord’s disciples, inspired by love, by the power of the truth and by a sincere desire for mutual forgiveness and reconciliation, are called to re-examine together their painful past and the hurt which that past regrettably continues to provoke even today. All together, they are invited by the ever fresh power of the Gospel to acknowledge with sincere and total objectivity the mistakes made and the contingent factors at work at the origins of their deplorable divisions. What is needed is a calm, clear-sighted and truthful vision of things, a vision enlivened by divine mercy and capable of freeing people’s minds and of inspiring in everyone a renewed willingness, precisely with a view to proclaiming the Gospel to the men and women of every people and nation…"
Without one pejorative, speaking great truth, without name calling, without a finger pointing - he said it all. This is what we are called to do.
I suggest to all members of this little group in this little corner of this one forum that the goal has been set, the mission outlined and the instruction given…it then behooves us I think rather than trying to “one up” the other, to “score the point” insert the stiletto, twist the phrase, to keep the words in mind, of one who has written the above reminding us of the wish of God himself, and perhaps we can by the way we treat one another , start that “purification of memory”, help erase those predjudices and LISTEN to one another in the spirit of those words.
As Greeley tells us, our expressions of religion and faith are our stories, they are the stories of our peoples, our nations, our churches and the journey we have made together through time since the Ascension. Each of our peoples, each of our churches will have a different view of those stories but they belong to all of us. We have an opportunity in our living history to right what went so wrong and help implement the greatest healing since Christ and His apostles walked the earth.The choice is ours to make.